Edit: That's about as good as I can get the formatting.
Some more AI stuff from me. I don't want to spam these to much so i'll do a couple of characters today and then tomorrow. Once they are posted there won't be more. The Kling AI was somewhat limited in what it would allow and even some of the prompts I used on Sunday are already blocked. The real challange is for someone to create a system that will allow adult content but block it being used on real people. Lot's of potential for something like that.
So i'll start with Bella. These both came out reasonably, but I prefer this one.
View attachment Bella Bikini 01.mp4
Next up Bella gives a twirl. I probably would of selected two but both have minor issues and i'm more distracted by the one in option 2.
View attachment Bella 01.mp4
Bella Dances. Neither are perfect and both loose her face a bit to much.
View attachment Bella Dance 01.mp4
Next Bella kiss. These are both okay, however the original scene lighting makes Bella's skin colour to dark.
View attachment Bella Kiss 01.mp4
I have a couple of other Bella's which i'll post in a differnt post talking about where the model failed more than succeded.