Thing is, without this relationship drama, the "main plot" of Quinn and all that stuff is still chugging along and isn't really affected by that. If there was no JM relationship, Josy would be the easiest girl in the whole but Maya would still have the abusive, controlling Dad and teminally ill Mom at home. The controlling aspect over her orientation wouldn't be there, sure, but it would be under the surface, and she'd still have a more things going than Josy.
Well yes and no, and Im making some assumptions here based on theories alone. mainly because as yet, we don't know the state of Quinns restaurant, but, without Maya (who Quinn totally misread and thought she was a dead cert to join the restaurant) would she have slowed down her massive expansion idea given its one less guaranteed income coming in? Doubtful as it seems those plans were already in motion so yes the drugs plot probably goes on. But by the time we get to the Priscilla we need to talk followed by Quinn storming out of the office, without Maya going to Burke that scene doesn't happen, and again I'm assuming the restaurant is closing cause of that, but with it staying open Quinn still has access to some of her funds to keep treading the water... the journey may be the same, overall, but the destination and outcome is very different.
As I said, Josy is needed to be in a relationship with Maya, so that Maya's Dad gives her the ultimatum, which makes Maya want to join the hots, which potentially causes Quinn to get bigger ideas, which all falls through, which causes her to go to burke, which potentially identifies that the restaurant is too big, which causes them to steal the contract. without the JM relationship, yeah there may be still some drama there in the back but it certainly doesn't get driven along in the same pace or direction as before.
More like obsessed than in love, imo.
Hmmm I only said practically in love. I can get behind obsessed though.
Oh, Josy's definitely the key component to Maya's drama because if not in this relationship, Maya doesn't have the ultimatum. It's Maya's and Josy's wish to want to find a way out of the predicament they're in that then becomes both of their stories.
BIngo, and hence that for all intents and purposes is Josy role in the story. Once she arrives at B&R she gets practically no story at all and is just used to push the need for maya to get out of her prediciment.
How? Like you say, we know next to nothing about their relationship before the MC or what they can be like alone in private, but I think it's stretch to say they're no right for each other. From what I've seen, when they're together in those good moments, there's a clear bond between them and they bounce off and compliment each other well. Their connection, to me, does seem strong, they just often have problems communicating how they're feeling and since they're still only 19, I'd say that comes with their age.
Right it might be a stretch to say they were never right for each other, because yes you are right there, other than the flashback we don't really know anything. Was it just a summer fling two girls took too far? Who knows? But what we do know is that a boy, the same boy no less, came between them very easily and yes the relationship can go without them. But even still, Josy is still pining after the MC, putting her selfish wants above that of the couple
Josy is a very selfish, self-centred, childish, immature person. Maya on the other hand she doesn't know how to handle these traits, she gets very defensive, some would say toxic, but thanks to dealing with her mother has somewhat maturity to her so can self-reflect and can admit when she is wrong and her character gets stronger as the game goes on....
SO yes you may be right to call it a stretch, maybe it would be better to say they don't work together, They may have, but once MC enters their life... its a different ball game.