WAIT NOOOO?! HE SEEMED CHIILL but it makes sense, he was acting pretty sus during the whole cathy thing.
Its either him or nick since nick cant seem to shut up and has an obsession of bringing vinny back.
He is always at the right place, always saying the right things, I don't trust people like that. He uses his DIK power to swear the video to secrecy only for the video to get to Burker anyway, almost like he did it just so he has plausible deniability out of everyone.
He sees you with Sage at the party, with Quinn on the roof, with Derek in your bed

and its always played like a joke: "Oh, hell nah!" Just so you don't think too much he is always around when stuff happens.
Also, at the BBQ is the one that plants the seed into everyone's head that MC, the new guy, might be the traitor. MC being outed from the DIKs before then end game where he clears his name, seems like too juicy of a drama plot for DPC to skip
As for motivation, he never forgave the DIKs for the humiliation of getting arrested naked in hell week, you can see how uncomfortable he becomes at the strip club when JB mentions it.
...or they could all be red herrings, or pure happenstance, bottom line I don't trust him and he isn't getting my Zoey ever