VN - Ren'Py - Being a DIK [v0.10.1] [DrPinkCake]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my first ever review so bare with me if it isnt as professional or good as some of these dudes..

    But the game is great and it'll take a lot of hours away from you. If you're looking for fap, this isn't it though. It's a lot deeper and has a really good story, the scenes when you get them are great though. I really enjoyed this game for the more serious aspect and the choices matter. If you play this game you're going to need multiple saves to see everything you'll need to say the right things to girls and gotta choose from being a DIK (being tough) or a chik (Literally a pussy) I would personally morph about both because sometimes the DIK choices are way to douchey, but CHIK choices are also a way to pussy. AVs are my guilty pleasure I'm a married guy who enjoys this sort of escapism but I will say this game changed my views on anything AV and now I won't look at anything that isn't as deep as these. or has choices like this one does (example acting lessons) I like how this game makes you work for the females, and no one is just thrown onto you.


    If you want something with lasting consequences great music, great animations, and a great story you should give this a try.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Good story, interesting characters, fleshed out well.
    Great renders the girls are beautiful and you want to go out with all of them.
    It's a sizeable download but well worth it. Updates are regular and identified issues are regularly rectified, obviously a project dear to the heart of the developer so likely to be continued unlike so many projects.
    Well worth the financial support if you can afford it, but certainly take the time to review.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    In terms of quality easily the best adult visual novel still, and though the update cycle is long, it's well worth the wait with the quality you get. I do prefer quality > quantity. From the animations, art, writing, and story. It's truly a masterpiece and I'm always left wanting more at the end of each episode.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is very good make me cum a lot i love redheads and sage is one so i love sage and dream about having sex with sage but i dont want to cheat on the sweet girl i forgot her name she is busty white girl
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    DPC is the GOAT! Genuinely, I don't think I've ever played an AVN that I would compare to a AAA game, but this might be a contender! Beautiful renders and animations, various girls to choose from, and minigames, sandbox exploration, great music, and more! Say what you want but Maya and Josy are my favorites. Throuple or nothing!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Hands down the best AVN ive played and the best game on this site.
    Legitimatly good writing. Renders, models and animations are all high quality and i don't even mind the minigames. Many of them are actually quite enjoyable IMO.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is just ... wow. The biggest problem is, it raises the bar so high that other VNs are just less enjoyable to play, honestly. The depth of the characters is amazing, they are likable, unique, not stereotypical and have personality. The music is fantastic. You can really see how much of a great storyteller DrPunkCake is when looking at small details such as a change of facial expression of a character which gives you the message without needing any additional words. What I especially appreciate is that choices do matter - a lot. Your actions determine which girl you get. So this makes you stop and think about which path to take, as opposed to other VNs where you can essentially proceed by just thoughtless binge clicking. H scenes could be more natural, but are definitely enjoyable. Did I mention the game is also funny, sometimes quite subtly so. Just play the game ... but be prepared to take a long time to find another game afterwards that can compete.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The best game in the AVN genre.

    Every game will be compared to this game, and come up short.

    The game just does everything well, the story, the sex scenes, the free roams, the minigames, the branching, the dialog, the characters, the visuals.

    And the quality is only going up as new episodes are being released, DPC is already at the top and continuing to innovate.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The game that made me fall in love with the genre, amazing renders, minigames, and an intriguing, well written and presented story. Fell in love with so many of the characters, and not just the "main girls". Easily my favorite AVN, I just wish the development cycle wasn't a year long, but if the quality continues its bearable.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games you can find in this website ( If not the best ).

    I started the game expecting some dumb plot and some sex scenes but, little did I know, the story actually hits deep.

    A must play game from the GOAT DrPinkCake.

    Recommend 10/10.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Unbiased BADIK Review


    - Having been out for years its got a shitload of content and lots of replay value. It really does feel very complete and polished as a game compared to 99% of the VN's out here.

    -So many characters to go for and a story that balances the corny porn tropes and genuine writing.

    - DPC is generally somewhat consistent and pretty truthful on his words, although each update takes longer this dude isn't skimping out on work. Rare quality in the VN genre.

    -Lewd animations have gotten alot better.

    -Jade & pretty much all the milfs :BootyTime:

    -Insanely long waiting times per update. Each episode has gotten bigger and bigger and well for good reasons but if you don't want to wait for a year then this may be a turn off for you.

    -Renders have improved but that is only comparing it to episode 1 to the most recent setting. Generally these days plenty of other VN's are seriously stepping their game up and Badik has stagnated with the quality of renders and animations. Its hit a ceiling.

    -While writing is DPC's forte, its also his bane. Lots of odd plot points that are each other's echo chambers, over dramatization and new characters can be also off putting especially the community that would write paragraphs doing a breakdown on why 'Jill is best girl' etc.

    -DPC and his ridiculous need for more minigames.

    -DPC and his anti mod stance. Imagine solving dumb 2005 internet IQ tests because you want to do a different route.

    -Riona has over 40 bonus renders and Madame Rose has 3 lewd scenes in the latest update. Tell me this isn't the weirdest fanbase.

    -Annual updates for not that much once you realize how much time was wasted on non story content.

    Overall I would have rated this 4/5 back then but its plot is super-bloated like a bad sitcom and that the actual value of a twist or reveal is dwindling down really fast.

    Puzzles and minigames as well as freeroams which were a nice touch early in BADIKs days are just a complete annoyance, DPC really bought into his own hype thinking this was the right direction. Its made this game exhausting, the only people who won't complain are newcomers of course because the novelty hasn't worn off yet.

    People arguing over each other's theories all the time and how badik is equivocally the best VN yada yada. Its a solid 2 now. But still a must play for VNs.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    best one out there. Can’t wait for the future updates. hope we get to see more of my favourite characters . wish you all the very best on your work. keep on doing all the good work and keep making games that everyone enjoys
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Been playing BaD since the first couple of episodes in season 1. The game has improved in every single way since, and even back then it was almost flawless. I don't need to say much since everyone who has played this know that it's one of the best, if not the best game in this genre.

    If for some reason you are reading this and have never played this game, do so. It really is the epitome of AVN's and from my POV there are few, if any contestors to this game. Wish I could keep playing, but masterpieces take time to create. I'll be patient.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Review version Interlude Season 3
    Arguably the best adult novel ever made, which is saying something. Everything is right about this game and it is hard to find any criticism.

    Surely the best thing about Being a Dik is the choice in the two personalities in the game. This is because you can play the game in different ways with the main difference being between Dik and Chick. All choices affect your personality and your personality determines which girls are compatible. This system is simply great and I haven't found it as elaborate as this in other AVN.

    The graphics are probably the best graphics to be found on this website. The girls look great and what a varied selection too. Really I think there is an LI for everyone in this game, which is another strong point about this game. The girls additionally have personalities depending on the way you play. If you play as a Dik you will find that the girls are more superficial and easygoing, which makes sense. If you play as a Chick, the relationships with the girls are deeper and a bit slower. Genius to set this up that way.

    Besides what has already been mentioned, the animations are top-notch and the story that takes place is also fun. There are several moments where I was really enjoying myself and have even laughed. The rivalries between sororities and more college-related stuff.

    I don't know what else I can/should add. It is simply a masterpiece and five stars is the least I can give.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Thoroughly enjoyed it so far. Even months later I am keep to see how it all plays out. Definitely keen to do another run through sometime and make some different choices.

    I really need to work out how to back this on patreon in an untraceable way.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been playing to this for a long time...listen up, everyone reading this: This is a flawless diamond. There is nothing else to say. Everything is flawless in every way. I genuinely thought I had previously reviewed this, but clearly I was mistaken. Just play this game for your own good.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, this is amazing ! Artwork, story, animations, everything is on point ! I hope you make more content in the future, I'd love to support your Patreon for any future content! Also, choices matter games just feel different, and each replay is unique. Great job !
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    The r/botchedsurgeries nature of the women in this game is my only major gripe. The proportions are all completely wrong and border on inhuman or even alien. However, many of the faces are quite beautiful.

    Everything else is awesome. The story has enough weight to allow for some surprising, jaw-dropping twists. There's also plenty of humor ranging from juvenile to extremely cunning and has kept me smiling and laughing through most of this huge game.

    It's everything I would have wished for going through college - a hilarious best friend and a third leg.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    What more really needs to be said. This is the pièce de résistance of adult visual novels. Easiest 5/5 on the site. Anyone who says otherwise is likely just doing so to be a contrarian. I assume most people have, but in case anyone reading this hasn't, DrPinkCake's other game "acting lessons" is also good.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I played most of popular game in this site, but this is masterpiece. Every character have their own personality and story. Many important choices you make have some consequences in the continuation of the story, even if not at that moment. A game with a very detailed and beautifully constructed story and beautifully designed characters. I'm looking forward to the sequel...