
Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2020
Only mod I need (and will probably use from 3rd run or so onwards) is URM, and only to see which choices give TC (I want to stack them especially on my neutral Jill path).

Chalk boss

Aug 31, 2024
It also won't make much sense as to why everybody is so happy throughout almost the entire episode. You would expect at least the HOTs to be more anxious as to why Riona isn't around for such a long time (unless Quinn tells a believable lie and can keep it up the entire episode). Even if Vinny let's Riona call/notify them to make sure they don't go looking for her, you would think at least 1 (probably Sage, Camilla or MC) still would.
It's very simple. It's not a Christmas party, it's Riona's funeral.
DPC wants to give us a major plot twist. In fact, all DIKs are members of a rare pagan organization and it's customary for them to feast and engage in orgies at people's funerals, because that's how they escort Riona to the world of the dead.
It's called Death and Sex.


Apr 5, 2017

Gentlemen (& Ladies) it's almost time!

My final guesses are the following.

All MG (-Bella Sry Better Cock Spock) will attend the Panty Party, but since they are all close now, they will make a private party after the main party at Bella's since the girls wouldn't want Bella to feel left out.

It will escalate to a Panty Party after Beer Pong is brought back as seen in the final preview.

Also, I believe only Jill/Bella/Bianca will be at the winter retreat event, the previews we got from Josy/Maya with snow clothing are from near Campus.

Sally & Elena are both getting lewd scenes considering all the previews and previous EPs setup.

I doubt Quinn & Riona are getting lewd scenes this EP due to the kidnapping drama, also Rio should be released quickly by Vinny.

I expect a Sage/Cammie 3some at or after the Panty party as well.

Lets see how much I get right.

Godspeed to Ray_D who will count them all after a while.

The only mod I'd be waiting for is one that removes/disables the Discord rich presence!
You gotta be proud of displaying BAK lol

personally i think it will be solved literally in the opening scene, a lot of things wouldn't make sense otherwise, like why would Camilla be all smiley in the preview if her best friend is missing, or the HOTs partying away
Agreed, the kidnapping is most likely Vinny sending a message to Quinn.
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Jun 17, 2020
I agree it has been far too long and there's too much going on... But at the moment, no one really knows she's gone, yeah she dropped her phone, that may now be buried under the snow. For all intent and purposes, people may think she's gone home for the holidays. Next episode when she doesn't come back they would worry.

There's a lot going on this episode already, the party, the ski trip, Christmas. I daring Riona rescue mission might be pushing it.
Remember how we see Zoey Running at the beginning of episode 10? and it turned out to be from the scene at the end?
I think that, we wont deal with the kidnapping itself during Episode 11, but that it actually happens at the end of Episode 11.
You know, everyone is still happy, we decorate for xmas, all da parties and scenes. and then at the end we see what actually is gonna happen at Bella's trashed appartment, the return of her husband, we see Vinny close in on Riona, and kidnap her. and that we deal with the fallout of both scene's during episode 12. propably with a choise, do we save Bella or Riona?
and then after episode 12 we get a new interlude: Shadows of the Past. Explaining the point of view of both our Granddad and the events from the point of view from Bella's Husband.

And then somewhere between the start of episode 12 and the end of episode 13 we get to the bottom of the hidden camera.
Vinny will remain an antonagist during season 4, Quinn will lose more of her territory to Vinny during season 4, with a big finale on Episode 16, and with the return of our granddad we get a whole new situation, will he make our life more difficult, is he actually proud of us and makes amends with us and our dad. we solve the situation of Maya's loan, the situation of all the drugs being sold in and around campus, we deal with the situation of Quinn's selling the girls.
And then we get 1 final interlude, or exterludeas i'd like to name it, skipping the remaining 4 years of school, we graduate, and have 1 more party with all the houses in 1 building, talking about the past. DPC getting 1 more period of getting money, before starting a new project.

Well thats my prediction of 5 years following the story so far. (Yes i know, i started playing BaD in 2020 :p) I could be right or wrong offcourse about several things.
But well if it turns out to be like that, we got enough lovemaking, action, a hate for Vinny building up and putting us in more difficult situations where we gotta defend ourself once more against several people.

offcourse there are some idea's i still got left, but i dont wanna get ahead of myself by making this post to long or to get some sort of PM from DPC asking me to tell more plotlines i thought up, or that he already has these idea's and has to change all of them to counteract what i just told you all :D. wich as a result makes BaD final episode a 2035 release :p

But GL ya'll with Episode 11 this weekend :D
Greetings Riggnarock.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2020
Also, I believe only Jill/Bella/Bianca will be at the winter retreat event, the previews we got from Josy/Maya with snow clothing are from near Campus.
I agree and if both events/vacations happen at the same time (very likely), the previews also show that MC can choose who he wants to join (part of the "becoming wider" that DPC mentioned). I do hope (and somewhat expect) that we will also see at least some important plotpoints that happen at the event MC doesn't join.

We've also seen that some (important?) part of episode 11 will take place at the HOTs (like at their pool with Sarah). I do wonder what this scene (can't recognize where it is, pbut probably at the HOTS instead of the panty party at the DIKs) will lead to (if anything):
This can be nothing except some talk (very likely), but it might also turn in something so much more, including a foursome (if on the M/J route and part of their Dare game), considering MC is probably still on Arieth's "want to fuck" list.
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