lol Yeah that's why I mentioned Bella would be the MC's most likely go to for helping to deal with Tybalt. But as for Jill being a fan favorite and pissing people off with some kind of plot decision. That's going to happen no matter what he chooses. Sadly you can't please everyone. Once her "flaw" is revealed I'd not be surprised to see some unhappy people and a drop in her numbers.

That's just the nature of the beast unfortunately. We already saw that with Maya;some jumped ship after the ending of Ep.3 .
Personally I like to think of myself as a reasonable Jill fan. I'd rather see him tell a good story the way he wants to tell it, and make a great game regardless of the fact that I'm a part of that larger current fanbase. Sometimes fan favorites take a big hit in stories, sometimes they don't. We'll have to see how this plays out.