This game has a path you are set to go down, and so, you get railroaded down that path, even if all along the way, you're given choices for actions and dialog that go 100% against that path. You can hate the fraternity system entirely, you can hold a serious grudge against the DIKs, you can even tell them at the initiation party that you think the whole thing is stupid... and then one minute later, "Woo! This is fun! I love it!"
Look, if you're going to make the options available, make the story fit the options. If there was some build-up to coming around and sort of liking these guys, and then, ok, you like them! Or, if they weren't awful fucking assholes to you to begin with, and you just like them already, that'd be fine. But the game is like, "You can totally hate these guys!... Until we say that you can't anymore. So your character does a complete 180 and now you're happy to be where you are." Makes no damn sense.