I would put money on end of April update being way too optimistic. Last time round, the expectation was "end of Nov" and it came out in Feb, so..uh
I still think DPC shot himself in the foot by going with the 3-doors branch too early and now he is stuck with making mutually exclusive content for different paths. e.g. I love Bella to death and she's my main but I would have been perfectly happy if, instead of spending gawd knows how long coming up with that "watering the plants" mini game
and used his time on something else. The game is getting broader at the expense length (no that was not a dick pun - I meant timeline progression wise, MC's actually only been at B&R 2 weeks after 4 chapters.)
Fingers crossed that DPC doesn't get into a GRR Martin situation where (a) complexity slows content to a crawl (book path), or (b) throws up his hands and just bum rushes a mess out at the end (HBO show path).