No I'm really aware of that. I didn't say "Why" cus I didn't know, I said why because I *DO* know. I just didn't wanna write it out so I wound up writing it out for someone else. I feel shes fully justified, you don't have to explain it to me XD I get it really, I think you're too used to defending things, which I get. I kinda wanted to side step it myself, but I decided to because like I said, I really get where shes coming from.
Glad to know someone else gets it.
For me it's the difference between purposely trying to fuck someone when you're already in a relationship vs. circumstances lead you to it. I agree Maya isn't that great because she falls for peer pressure, but at the same time I got the impression Maya was doing that because she wants to get away from her dad. I don't actually hate Josy (because she was honest from the start about the boyfriend), but I also don't hate Maya. If you want to blame either one of them you also have to blame the MC himself.
I haven't watched Games of Thrones so I wouldn't know about that. I agree that the story of BaD is indeed foreshadowed and definitely not a Deus Ex Machine. The problem I have with the whole Josy/Maya thing is for the most part my MC's reaction to it. He's been fucking tons of other girls and now he's pissed he doesn't get his way? I think the story would've worked better if it was only about Maya/Josy. Then the MC's reaction would've made much more sense to me. Ultimately it's just a problem of player agency; we have a lot less control of "our MC" then we believe we have and are basically following a predetermined character without having a say in how certain events would influence him.
TL;DR: We need less lesbian drama and more Sage and Bella.
Yeah, it's so funny to see people claim the moral high ground by lamenting about how the MC was so honest and sincere with Maya but she's the one that was so terrible for not doing the same with him, even though the MC is trying and succeeding to get into the pants of several girls at the same time.
Maya keeps things to herself to protect herself which unintentionally hurts the MC, but he can go around doing stuff with Josy, Sage, Riona, Camila, Mona, Quinn, Bella, Jill, Envy, Rose, Sarah, Michelle, Lily, Ashley, and Jade, without telling her about it and somehow that's OK?

So, it's OK to seemingly want a serious relationship with someone whilst you're also plowing every girl in sight, but it's not OK for that person to keep something painful from you to spare themselves potential pain? Really not following that...I would say "logic" but that's not the right word here, so I'll just say, train of thought.