This game is something else... twisted me inside on some occasions, other times I LOLed (for real, Derek is hilarious, a very well done comic relief), characters arcs, so far, are very well written, of course the girls are damn beautiful (seems I may be in the minority, but Maya is the one I prefer, Jill a close second... very close)...
And damn, worst part is, everything could go down the drain, with all of them. Josy is cute as hell, but I see her as a wrecking ball, craving attention, and not only from Maya or MC, she'll cause a lot of chaos... Maya, damn, insecure, secretive, those are her downfalls, major ones, could really see her being suicidal at some point... Jill, sweet, rich, elegant, but also from a seemingly powerful family, really seems to like MC, but pretty sure her family will cause mayhem, why would they accept someone from a poor background in their family... Bella, Bella, Bella, tortured soul, can't wait to see what happens with her story, but could also go the suicidal route, even though MC managed to crack her shell a bit... Sage, that girl is something else, Jocks will be after her and MC because of Chad, HOTs will be after her because Quinn will do something (written in the sky), she will suffer from all sides at the same time... Quinn, hope she becomes one of the 'main girls', even though we could say she's a 'major villain', she's wicked, damn wicked, but pretty sure at some point we'll know why, her background will be in cause... and all those minor characters, some will be more fleshed out I hope, can see Riona, Camila, Jade and Cathy being even more prominent... oh, and Envy !
Seriously, for that 'kind of game', it's a rare occurence I don't really feel the urge to 'you know what', story was just that good.