I just played through this game for the first time and it's really dang good. I was addicted to it for about 3 days straight. lol
The story is good and most of the characters are relatable in their own way. My only slight regret is playing this game now instead of when it was completed. Now I have to wait for the other episodes to release, ugh! Ha ha. At least it's nice knowing the next one sounds like it's around the corner.
So far I have two main save files. One being a horn dog, staying with Sage, and banging everyone I can in one play through for as many scenes as possible. The other where I'm staying with Derek (hilarious path) and being loyal to the woman I like most, in case hoeing around has consequences later on. I'm probably going to make a 3rd save file, where I'm staying with Bella, but I will probably wait until the next episode is released to help get me back into the groove of... Being a DIK.
I just hope this game doesn't get quite as dark as Acting Lessons. I played that game a few months back and while it was amazing, the twist towards the end was brutal. I haven't been able to go back and replay that game after finishing it once. That's not a knock on the game, because I think it's really, really good. But man... It's hard to replay it again after you know how it turns (for me, at least). I hope this one doesn't go down as dark of a path, but I have this strange sinking feeling, as I play through it, that it will. Hopefully, if we've done certain things in a play through, we can help it from spiraling too out of control. I guess we'll see. Either way, I expect great things and can't wait for the next episode.