For Lily, you have to get on Rooster on your phone, select her pic, then reply that you'll fix her some tequila. Then go down to the first floor and talk to her, mention the tequila during the conversation. Then go to the bar and ask the bartender for tequila. He'll cockblock you. Ask Derek to distract him, then grab the bottle of tequila on the top shelf behind him. Bring the bottle to Lily; she'll ask for lemon and salt. Go back to the bartender and ask for lemon. Bring that to the second floor room where you found the suit. You'll need 2 $$ to get her scene once there.
Camila and Riona both require that you have Quinn's number, which you got back in Ep 1 when she offered it to you for the resteraunt/prostitution service. You don't have to have ordered anything from Quinn; you just need the number. For Riona, you have to have kissed her at the DIK's party and discussed the Cluck about Cathy with her. Give her money, not sure if any amount will trigger the scene but 5 $$$$$ definitely will and you can make it all back during the party anyway. When she asks if she can compensate you, go for it. Scene might be different if you also smoked up in the previous episode, didn't check that, but doing so is not required.
Camila doesn't have any special requirements that I can tell beyond having Quinn's number and knowing about her services. She'll proposition you as long as you have that. There might be a way to get her scene for free on the DIK route, but you'll need 2 $$ otherwise.
Found all of this out on my CHICK path of all places because that playthrough had taken Quinn's number but never used it.