
Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
I don’t see why drugs would be a more recent element. Both could have been in tandem or more likely she had some involvement in drugs from the very get go (due to her background). We don’t really have a proper financial scale(ie what is the threesome in real money), how much Burke is charged per session with an escort. How many sessions the girls have provided last year. My guess is all things combined secured the tuition fees last year either purely by money or money and creative accounting from Burke.
there are just speculation, but getting started with prostitution would have been relatively easy, while drugs need start-up capital and contacts, which makes it likely it was a next step in Quinn's business

and since you have to invest money in drugs, economic problems are very likely to come from there


Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
there are just speculation, but getting started with prostitution would have been relatively easy, while drugs need start-up capital and contacts, which makes it likely it was a next step in Quinn's business

and since you have to invest money in drugs, economic problems are very likely to come from there
Well, she do drugs, so she started with a supplier. That's a first connection. Then things can escalate quickly for those who are interested enough, prostitution being a secondary step in order to make some more money. Both ways are possible


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Well, she do drugs, so she started with a supplier. That's a first connection. Then things can escalate quickly for those who are interested enough, prostitution being a secondary step in order to make some more money. Both ways are possible
It is certainly possible but I see it less likely anyway.
in the context of HOTs, organizing some "appointments" is really simple

however, I don't see it as such an important aspect as it was the chicken or the egg
are 2 businesses that collectively produce a debt for Quinn

Deleted member 2739658

your reasoning is missing the fundamental aspect: Maya is not alone, this always makes the difference
if she were isolated for me too it is likely that Quinn would be able to use her as a puppet, but she is not.
and college is such a small environment that nothing happens "covertly"

Well, on this it is likely that Quinn might have had another chance to continue the conversation with May

but at that point Maya, as she always has, would have asked MC or Josy or both for help

so I don't think it happened, but it's not implausible that it could have happened

I don't understand why I should not follow a girl from the game (even separately)

today I don't know what the most interesting and exciting route will be
Maya is not alone at the college, that's true. But we've already seen her make stupid choices (the wake up) even though she already had Derek and the MC.

Maya is also not exactly the most open person, she keeps things from people. And she seems at times to be obsessed with the easy out of a magical scholarship that will solve all of her problems.

Would you follow a girl from the game that you are not attracted to, just because she's in the game? I don't find Bella attractive, quite the opposite I think she's kinda repulsive. I like the character of Jill, I just don't find her sexually attractive. As for Maya, our character has known Maya for what(?) two weeks now? And already Maya has had to ask for forgiveness twice, and this is after demanding 100% honesty to even be allowed into her exalted presence. Then there was that passive/aggressive hissy fit she threw in Gender Studies class. I found that really repulsive. Maya is a walking minefield who's poor choices are going to hurt anyone close to her, so I've just to stay out of the blast radius.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2017
there are just speculation, but getting started with prostitution would have been relatively easy, while drugs need start-up capital and contacts, which makes it likely it was a next step in Quinn's business

and since you have to invest money in drugs, economic problems are very likely to come from there
Getting started in drugs if she's from a background with drugs connections would be easier and wouldn't require any recruitment. I doubt you'd need start up capital but rather be given a small amount of product to prove you can move it. Both businesses tend to make money(barring getting caught) which is why i don't think that's the economic problems. There's some new drain on cashflow.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
Who says it's not going to happen? Say her father finds out she's staying with Josy, blows up at her, including cutting her off financially, and Quinn witnesses it? Quinn would have to be a pretty lousy pimp to not try to leverage an emotionally desperate Maya at that point. And it could very well work - it certainly has worked on a lot of women in real life. It sets up just the kind of conflict you would expect from the guy who did AL.
Her Dad has already cut her off financially, so there's not much more he can do in that regard and it's the whole reason why she wants to join the HOTs in the first place. He's also shown up once already and basically asked Derek to spy on Maya for him so I don't think we'll be seeing him on campus again any time soon.

Whose heart do you guys think is gonna be the worst to break? My money's on Sage, she seems on paper like the person who would take it the best, but with Chad breaking up with her soon I don't think telling her you can't be together will go to well wit her. For me at least in theory and I don't know if I will change my mind, but I've pretty much narrowed down my choices to Maya or Jill, for reason that I won't ramble on at the moment.

But I was really really just starting to like Sage, in 2028 when this game eventually finishes I'll do a play through with her, but I think I'm on that shitty road of breaking her heart.
I think that, for those players who are pursuing them but ultimately choose someone else, Sage and Jill will be the most heartbroken. Jill is definitely falling hard for the MC and while she knows he's dating others, that's not going to be any kind of comfort to her if he chooses to end things because, right now, he's the best guy she's known and dated so it won't be easy to get over that.

Sage is also getting there too in terms of her feelings, and it depends where there relationship goes from here because if they're still FWB by the time a decision needs to be made, she can certainly be disappointed and even heartbroken, but she would only have herself to blame because she didn't try to lock it down when she had the chance.

But I think the 2 of them will get over it. Jill may end up with Rusty since the game seems to hint that this may happen, and Sage in particular will hopefully have been shown what type of guy she deserves and won't go for guys like Chad anymore.

Also, this game will not take 8 more years to finish. There is, at most, going to be 16 episode and each episode takes around 4 months each, so after ep 6 we'll still have potentially 10 episodes left which is 40 months, meaning it'll probably be around 3 and a half years before it's done, maybe even 4, but certainly not 8.

I agree... to a point.

Maya obviously wouldn't WANT to turn tricks for Quinn, so if the question is ever put to her straight up she will clearly say no. But she has shown that she can rationalize her way into terrible decisions by downplaying the cost and overvaluing the upside, then refusing to re-evaluate as the situation devolves. Her pledge to the HOTs started innocently enough, but it keeps getting worse. Even though she thought about calling it off after it escalated to public and/or group sex, she couldn't actually go through with that.

So as much as I don't like it, I do think Maya could wind up feeling trapped into going along with Quinn's schemes under the right circumstances. But those circumstances are tricky. If you don't isolate Maya from her friends (Derek, Josy and the MC), I don't think she'll feel the despair needed to cross that final threshold. On the other hand if you crush her spirit too thoroughly, I think that rather than join Quinn's band, Maya would instead cave to her father and resolve to become the soulless 'good girl' she was supposed to be all along. (Which, in some ways, might be an even worse fate. Isn't this a pleasant topic?)

So while I agree that Maya is vulnerable to coercion and pressure, I think she's currently in a place where those feelings are still manageable. That could easily change (especially in routes where the MC rejects her and still pursues Josy). In that event, it's even money which way Maya would turn when she breaks.

None of this, of course, should be read as my personal desire; I'm firmly in favor of Maya getting some heavy character growth and patching up her life once and for all. But I definitely worry about what could happen to her.
The thing is though that people do have limits and there's a huge difference between grinding on a guy you've been getting to know for the last couple of days and viewing it as a "prank", and blowing some random guy through a glory hole in a bathroom stall. Some people might give in to that need for money and others won't, no matter how much harder and more difficult the alternative route is.

This is why I feel that we have Mona, because she now knows what's required of her for the tuition and we've seen that Quinn will likely try to sweet talk her in to coming back and doing these things which Mona which likely accept. To me, Mona is going to be like the mirror opposite of Maya, an example of what might have happened if Maya was all by herself, but because she's not by herself she'll grow stronger from having supportive people around her and even if certain things don't work out for her, she won't resort to such depraved things because she's stronger for having had these people with her to guide her on a different path.

Anyway, this whole discussion about whether or not Maya will sink into depravity when the chips are down are probably largely moot as it's likely that Quinn's whole drug and prostitution business will be dismantled before anything that could negatively happen to her that might drive her down this road.

unfortunately in the triangle between Maya, Josy and Mc someone will be screwed
Why? At this stage, it's still entirely possible for it to work out, provided that there are no burning buildings and no dramatic moments that cause an unavoidable break-up despite what choices we make. There's honestly a far greater chance of seeing this throuple survive than there is seeing Maya go down the depraved route for her tuition.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Maya is not alone at the college, that's true. But we've already seen her make stupid choices (the wake up) even though she already had Derek and the MC.

Maya is also not exactly the most open person, she keeps things from people. And she seems at times to be obsessed with the easy out of a magical scholarship that will solve all of her problems.

Would you follow a girl from the game that you are not attracted to, just because she's in the game? I don't find Bella attractive, quite the opposite I think she's kinda repulsive. I like the character of Jill, I just don't find her sexually attractive. As for Maya, our character has known Maya for what(?) two weeks now? And already Maya has had to ask for forgiveness twice, and this is after demanding 100% honesty to even be allowed into her exalted presence. Then there was that passive/aggressive hissy fit she threw in Gender Studies class. I found that really repulsive. Maya is a walking minefield who's poor choices are going to hurt anyone close to her, so I've just to stay out of the blast radius.
the grinding was unpleasant and was the low point for Maya
but it was all in all still in the field of student spirit extreme joke (the taser was unknown to her)

right after that episode I doubt he would fall back.

on the other point, that of the different girls in the game: we don't know them, we know Maya and Josy superficially, the others even less.
personally I don't give much weight to the aesthetics which are very variable between renderings. they are all beautiful girls, the journey with them will make the difference. Bella is my favorite aesthetically but it is completely a mystery, if DPC handles her badly I might as well hate her

in Acting Lessons Rena was aesthetically my favorite character, but she was also the least interesting at the end of the day
Why? At this stage, it's still entirely possible for it to work out, provided that there are no burning buildings and no dramatic moments that cause an unavoidable break-up despite what choices we make. There's honestly a far greater chance of seeing this throuple survive than there is seeing Maya go down the depraved route for her tuition.
sorry, I thought it was clear from the speech.

I am referring to the situation in which Mc is initially rejected by the two girls

in the other case I am always convinced that the only one who can be expelled is MC

Deleted member 2739658

the grinding was unpleasant and was the low point for Maya
but it was all in all still in the field of student spirit extreme joke (the taser was unknown to her)

right after that episode I doubt he would fall back.

on the other point, that of the different girls in the game: we don't know them, we know Maya and Josy superficially, the others even less.
personally I don't give much weight to the aesthetics which are very variable between renderings. they are all beautiful girls, the journey with them will make the difference. Bella is my favorite aesthetically but it is completely a mystery, if DPC handles her badly I might as well hate her

in Acting Lessons Rena was aesthetically my favorite character, but she was also the least interesting at the end of the day
I'm roleplaying my character, and using my own aesthetic taste in choosing who ever I'm attracted to. I don't feel like in a game with choices that you are required to make every choice or pursue every opportunity. I have played all the options with saves, but I'm talking about the main story line I intend to follow through out the game.

Deleted member 2739658

Alright then. Since you've ignored my question the first time, I'll ask it again.

How the fuck was that a passive aggressive hissy fit? What in the world made you interpret it like that?
Because Maya is talking about her feelings, and upset with the MC that he doesn't recognize her feelings, when ostensibly she's apoligizing for her transgressions against the MC. It was all 'Oh but I felt this way, and you really really should be guilty for not recognizing how I feel when I was trampling all over your feeling and keeping things from you and leading you on because my girlfriend isn't here and I need someone to support me, until she comes back and then I can just throw you away'

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
Because Maya is talking about her feelings, and upset with the MC that he doesn't recognize her feelings, when ostensibly she's apoligizing for her transgressions against the MC. It was all 'Oh but I felt this way, and you really really should be guilty for not recognizing how I feel when I was trampling all over your feeling and keeping things from you and leading you on because my girlfriend isn't here and I need someone to support me, until she comes back and then I can just throw you away'
That is not being passive aggressive.

" are those that involve acting indirectly aggressive rather than directly aggressive. Passive-aggressive people regularly exhibit resistance to requests or demands from family and other individuals often by procrastinating, expressing sullenness, or acting stubborn."

This more accurately describes the MC's behaviour in that scene than it does Maya's.


Jun 29, 2020
Because Maya is talking about her feelings, and upset with the MC that he doesn't recognize her feelings, when ostensibly she's apoligizing for her transgressions against the MC. It was all 'Oh but I felt this way, and you really really should be guilty for not recognizing how I feel when I was trampling all over your feeling and keeping things from you and leading you on because my girlfriend isn't here and I need someone to support me, until she comes back and then I can just throw you away'
... where is this coming from?

All I remember was her being apologetic and begging MC to give her another chance, with tears in her eyes. And she ends all that with "I will always be here for you, if you'll let me". I'm paraphrasing, but that was the gist of it.

Where's the hissy fit? Where's the passive aggressive thing you keep mentioning in any of that?
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Jun 29, 2020
Really, that's all you remember? That's the whole problem with these arguments. Selective memory and willful blindness. Read the part again where she talks about how she was going to tell the MC but that they were things she never told anyone, and how she felt about that. What was the name of that Episode again? 100% I wonder what that's a reference to? And see if you can answer this one yourself without windbags help.
At least make sure to quote the right person next time, will ya?

Yeah, she kept her secrets and she had her reasons for that. But that doesn't explain how anything she said in the gender studies class, was a passive aggressive hissy fit.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
Trolls, don't make me laugh. You and your little group pounce on everyone on this thread that dares offer an opinion that you don't like. But just for the record, you tell me. What did Quinn mean by 'loose hips, get tips' and how could Maya not interpret that as selling sexual favors? Also how do you interpret Maya's response 'what do I have to do, exactly'? What does that mean?
We know what Quinn meant because we're privy to that information, but Maya doesn't. There is no way anybody could reasonably be expected to interpret that as, "I guess that means I have to whore myself out for money". For someone who doesn't know what Quinn is really up to, that would just seem like a playful, provocative comment that doesn't mean anything more. And Maya's question is simply asking what's required to get the free tuition and that could easily be something like "get a job and pay rent to the HOTs", or "do charity work", or literally anything except "whore yourself out for money" because there's now way she or anybody else would expect that to be what's required.

How exactly can someone who claims to be an investigator be this bad at understanding simple things? :ROFLMAO:


Active Member
Jun 17, 2017
... where is this coming from?

All I remember was her being apologetic and begging MC to give her another chance, with tears in her eyes. And she ends all that with "I will always be here for you, if you'll let me". I'm paraphrasing, but that was the gist of it.

Where's the hissy fit? Where's the passive aggressive thing you keep mentioning in any of that?
As someone who was never into Maya nor hating of her, so have little skin in the game. i really cannot see how her behaviour could ever be described as a hissy fit or passive aggressive.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2017
We know what Quinn meant because we're privy to that information, but Maya doesn't. There is no way anybody could reasonably be expected to interpret that as, "I guess that means I have to whore myself out for money". For someone who doesn't know what Quinn is really up to, that would just seem like a playful, provocative comment that doesn't mean anything more. And Maya's question is simply asking what's required to get the free tuition and that could easily be something like "get a job and pay rent to the HOTs", or "do charity work", or literally anything except "whore yourself out for money" because there's now way she or anybody else would expect that to be what's required.

How exactly can someone who claims to be an investigator be this bad at understanding simple things? :ROFLMAO:
Even if she took it as more than a throway comment she'd probably assume it as promoting promiscuity of the hots party sorority not making a bizarre leap to prostitution.

.Black Panther.

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
The only thing I know and believe is:

Not sure about anything in this game.And do not say that this event or behavior is possible or impossible.
This is not about game characters or character traits or the behavior of game characters.This is about the developer of this game.
The developer of this game has proven in the past that (he/she) is a very unpredictable And nothing is impossible from (her/him)."Acting Lessons"

I will not have any predictions about this game.I just hope the game developer does not repeat what (he/she) did in the previous game with the players and does not bring them to their knees again. . Do not get me wrong , I love that game (Acting Lessons) and I believe it is awesome . And this game developer(DrPinkCake) is awesome.

sorry about my English. English is not my native language
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Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
The only thing I know and believe is:

Not sure about anything in this game.And do not say that this event or behavior is possible or impossible.
This is not about game characters or character traits or the behavior of game characters.This is about the developer of this game.
The developer of this game has proven in the past that (he/she) is a very unpredictable And nothing is impossible from (her/him)."Acting Lessons"

I will not have any predictions about this game.I just hope the game developer does not repeat what (he/she) did in the previous game with the players and bring them to their knees.Do not get me wrong , I love that game (Acting Lessons) and I believe it is a masterpiece . And this game developer(DrPinkCake) is awesome.

sorry about my English. English is not my native language
I think if this game was ultimately as good as Acting Lessons (which has its flaws anyway) we could all be satisfied

that same quality on a larger game would be very positive
and personally for now DPC is doing well
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