So far, Neutral hasn't locked out any of the HOTs as the only thing you can't get on that affinity is the scene with Quinn in Ep 4 when staying with Sage. You can still get every other HOT scene, even the ones with Camila/Mona in Ep 3 and Sarah/Melanie/Heather in Ep 5, if you have the required DIK status but a Neutral affinity.
Yeah, I suppose it depends on what a person views as the "right" choices. For me, it's been fairly easy to stay Neutral as these have been my decisions with each Major Choice:
- Didn't fight Troy - The guy just got beat up by his former frat brothers so no need to pour salt on the wounds
- Took Quinn's number - For obvious reasons

- Talked to Steve - The guy was a prick in Ep 1, but turned out he wasn't all bad and felt good to set aside their differences
- Didn't fight the Jocks - They were just standing there not doing anything, so didn't feel right for the MC to be the aggressor
- Accepted Jade's advances - Obviously

- Partied without limits - Again, obviously
- Smoked weed with Quinn - Seems a few of these are for obvious reasons

- Didn't fight Caleb - Couldn't because of the decision to not fight the Jocks earlier
- Didn't punch Tybalt - As much as he deserves it, it takes a bigger man to not resort to violence and that's what I want my MC to be.
Hoping that Ep 6 will include at least 1 DIK choice to keep me in Neutral as I'm 1 CHICK choice from going in to that affinity