I'm not sure BADIK and Mc need a nemesis.
Well, I dont think BADIK and MC need a nemesis/villain NOW, because none of the characters would fit that persona because there was no setup or little setup. However, I think that BADIK and the MC needed a nemesis/villain from the beginning to avoid awkward/stupid situations like the one that happened in the ending of ep6
To justify that, I will ask a question: What is Sage fans and Bella fans goal/objective for ep7? Whats new for them to do in ep7?
............................................. (OK, I think I waited enough for you to answer these questions yourselves and I will continue my point below)
Maya Fans: With Maya, its never a question of if she has something new, its always a question of how many new problems she has to solve in every new episode and what those problems are. It really looks like Maya IS the Canon LI of this story and
ALL the MCs have to always solve her problems. Hell, even the reaction to her daddy issues of the MC thats in the relationship with her is the same as the reaction of the MC that doesnt want anything to do with her!!!
When it comes to Jaya fans, they... Wait, thats not right, let me try again. When it comes to Mosy fans... Thats not right either... Now its right, when it comes to Josy fans there isnt anything for them as well, because their fans have to worry about Mayas problems as well
Jill Fans: They have to worry about Tybalts blackmail... Well, its something at least, but did
ALL MCs see/know about the blackmail? NO. And dont forget they also have to worry about Mayas drama
That leaves Sage and Bella fans... I guess Sage fans have to wait until Sage gets over Chad (nothing new and that wasnt happening in ep6) and Bella fans i guess they have to wait for her husband to show up (nothing that wasnt already happening since the Ice Age). Mmmm, I cant remember anything else... Am I forgetting something?
MAYAS STUPID DADDY ISSUES AGAIN. Well, probably it wasnt anything important
I hope with this I achieved in demonstrating the so called "equality" between LIs and how stupid that episode ending was...
This happens because the MC himself doesnt have his own problems, the problems he has on the story are LI problems and DIK problems and those only affect him by association... Maybe this would be different if there was a clear nemesis/villain