If you sell the cd then you no longer have it and, should you wish to reaquire it, would have to shell out again. The South Park episode presented a flawed argument as it presumes that everyone selling music makes so many sales that one illegal download makes no significent difference where, certainly today, most musicians barely make enough to go by (in a pre-Covid world).
Second point, DPC doesn't want people advertising F95zone on his paid channels which is perfectly reasonable, I too would prevent people from doing that as they're fucking cunts. The Steam behaviour is also something I have no problem with as, once he allows comments about eps 5 and 6 on that channel (where only 1 through 4 are available) it'd only be a matter of time before people were posting spoilers so he shuts that down immediately.
There are all things I would happily do and would be open and honest about it. I also know that people are willfully ignorant, as demonstrated by the number of people who ask when the next release is, why they can't update from the unpacked 5.2 they got from F95zone and the Jill aunt hypothesis