
New Member
Jul 12, 2017
Here are the scenes when Riona showed interest in anything other than drugs, money, sex and the restaurant business (which is basically all about drugs, money and sex anyway):
  • Ep4. On the rooftop she casually asks how the MC is coming along with his Hell Week challenges.
  • Ep4. When MC is staying at the HOTs she asks if MC's roommate troubles are Troy again.
  • Ep4. When MC is roaming at the HOTs she chats with him about why he's staying with Sage, music and dating.
  • Ep5. Talking with Heather about the necessity of the prep's party.
  • Ep6. She jokes at the lunch table with the HOTS and the MC.
  • Ep6. When MC is looking after Sage she comments that he's being sweet and chats about the new HOTs and complains about sharing her dorm room, and yes, her final comment is "Take care of Sage for me".
  • Ep6. When Camila becomes a HOT Riona is genuinely happy for her and asks if she'll share her dorm room.
That final scene with Cammy is like the only time Riona shows any seemingly genuine interest in anyone.

When Riona cuts off Heather regarding questioning the need for the Prep Party:

Riona: "Hey, don't look at me. This was Sage's idea."
Heather: "I don't agree with it."
Riona: "We...shouldn't talk like that."

The hesitance in her last sentence indicates shes not comfortable. She's not comfortable because Heather is right, and it's all because of Quinn's corruption of the HOTs. Riona knows that. She's protecting Quinn (and herself), not Sage.

Mostly throughout the game she's just stressing about the restaurant business and the risks associated with it. It's clear though, throughout the entire story, her loyalties are 100% to Quinn even if they don't see eye-to-eye on how Quinn runs things.

Was Swyper bloat? Was Rooster bloat? Was Nora bloat? Was D&G bloat (OK don't answer that last one). The game is the sum of all its parts. Not every component of the game drives the story, but they are all part of the story. We all know the MC got a new phone, there are comments on this board wondering when he'll get to use it. Each component of the game is liked by numerous people, unfortunately, not everyone will like everything.

Given DPC started this game, I'd like him to continue doing it his way since it's works for me. If he started doing the things that everyone in this forum wants, it wouldn't be the game he set out to make in the first place.

Josy told the MC she was in a relationship but made it sound like it was ending. Maya told the mc she had a boyfriend then told him later that it was a thing she said to stop guys asking her out. The mc was pretty transparent with his relationships (although you can play it differently, he does tell each girl that he's with that he's also seeing other girls). So when it turns out that Maya is in a relationship with Josy, he feels they both deceived him. Plus their relationship with each other was a lot more serious than the MC's relationships with anyone at this point, so he felt they were wrong to string him along (while he totally wanted it at the time, both girls were all over him at stages - totally leading him on).

In the girls' defense, their relationship with each other really was rocky, Maya's dad was making it difficult, long distance was making it difficult, and the MC's cock was making it difficult too.

But really, the MC was just being a little bitch and should have not stormed out all butt-hurt. Who knows how things may have progressed if he stayed that night when Josy showed up. But it all got sorted eventually anyway.

No matter how you play it, Maya will still make out with the MC after the Cumpetition, and she'll always kiss the MC on the picnic blanket where Derek intervenes. Other than that, the mc can just treat her as a friend.

The entire playlist is on Youtube (if the tally is correct there are 161 tracks!):

There's a good possibility (many here are speculating it) that Maya and Josy may not be a couple for the rest of the story, in which case the MC could swoop in and pick up the broken pieces...
Thank you for taking the time to answer it.
I agree that he could have felt that they led him on. It's just that "betrayed" is a pretty serious word for me. I don't think Maya and Josy's relationships with the MC were serious enough at that point for that word to be thrown around
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Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
And what about a neutral build? Which I haf for my first play through.

What scenes am I missing out on by taking the middle road?

Or rather, what scenes are exclusive to the extremes?
With Neutral affinity, you miss out on the following scenes:
  • Ep 4 Jill (CHICK)
  • Ep 6 Sarah (DIK)
  • Ep 6 Quinn (DIK)
  • Ep 6 Quinn [DnG] (DIK)
  • Ep 6 Riona [DnG] (DIK)
  • Ep 6 Camila [DnG] (DIK)
  • Ep 6 Jade [DnG] (DIK)
  • Ep 6 Cathy [DnG] (DIK)
  • Ep 6 Melanie and Sarah [DnG] (DIK)
Any other scenes you miss are based on relationship choices.
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New Member
Jul 12, 2017
Seems interesting. It indeed looks like a actual smarthphone now. I just hope this doesn't mean another extra month for the update... :unsure:

To make open the possibility of the protagonist going on a polyamour route with Maya&Josy, leave on unfriendly terms or leave as friends and likely opening route for a single relationship with one of the two.

It felt jarring because there was no development on why the Protagonist should feel betrayed ingame. He knows Josy for a few months and Maya not even that. Plus he wasn't in a relationship with neither of them. He just needed to "feel angry" to set up those situations above.
I agree. His relationship with them was not serious enough to allow the word "betrayed" to be used


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
Just to clarify, Heavy Five has over 200 paths plotted, not endings. Paths diverge and converge. There's no marketing ploy, it just has to be understood for what it is. The number of significantly different endings will of course be a lot smaller.
Fair enough, but my point still stands: how different are the paths? BaDIK has a huge amount of minor variations: you can skip various scenes, a lot of choices will get dialog references later in the game , the MC's speech changes if he has DIK or CHICK status, etc. Do those qualify as paths? They are obviously less significant than LI romances, or the Episode 4 branches, but they still give the game a surprising amount of variety in my experience.

In H5, I respect the number of options available, but I find I just didn't care about any of them. The MC theoretically has a mission, but it progresses at a snail's pace even if I focus on it. There are a bunch of characters you can interact with, but a lot of the interactions feel extremely trite.

To me the "minor" variation in BaDIK feel like they build into distinctly different gaming experiences, whereas the variations in H5 just feel like a laundry list of different things that happened individually. Obviously we'll all have different preferences, but I think we need some sort of objective guidelines to try to compare choice between the games. That will probably have to wait until both games are complete, so it could be a while.

It's not a flaw. The first three chapters are mostly introductory. They do the worldbuilding - introducing the setting, the plot, the characters, etc. There's huge emphasis on logic and details. I'd argue it's actually many other games' flaws that they ignore this aspect and don't do it properly, ending up with a bland, generic, uninteresting universe. They don't give you enough opportunity to get comfortable in the MC's shoes, to get bearings and to get to care about things, before going full on with the main plot.
I think the world is interesting, but the presentation is bland and the backstory is too disconnected from the events we experience.

Plus I find the "logic" rather dubious much of the time. The ship's computer is smart enough to handle distributing orders on the death of a soldier, but still sends those orders to civilians outside the chain of command? Soldiers need to take birth control pills, rather than having dedicated implants?

IMHO, H5's emphasis is entirely on the details, to the detriment of everything else.

So, I can only compare both games after three episodes, but as far as choices and consequences go, and in extension potential for meaningful endings reflecting player's actions, my money is on Heavy Five. Still, as you say, it's early to say, and we're comparing two games with vastly different settings, so the more quality story-focused adult games there are to cover different genres, the better for the player.
No argument there. I'm all for more games that the developer(s) actually care about!


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
Thanks of that!

So do I really only need like 3-4 saves? It seems I can add multiple girls together just by doing the Major Dik snd Chick paths.

Also, does Reina fit into the DIK path? I assume she would since she's always with Quinn.

And wouldn't Josy be apart of the DIK alignment? In my playthrough, she always seemed receptive to DIK choices.
You can see most of content with ~3 saves at the moment, though it is likely you will need to branch into more saves as time goes on and relationships with the LIs get more exclusive.

If you want to see everything, you'd need to meticulously plan out everything to make sure you cover all the right variables on each of the saves. Probably better to either have more saves, or play through a bunch of variations on each one. Or just skip some of the minor variations.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
I mean he had no choice:
- Derek helped him to get a place to sleep when Dik's didn't let him sleep in their house,
- he stopped MC from going back to home,
-MC was basically forced to work with him to join Dik's

Plus don't say that you don't have this one weird "friend" who can be compared to Derek atleast in his easy going character
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all consequences of the stupidest and least realistic choice of the game: MC decides to leave HIS room, the one his father PAID for, when they paid the registration, because Troy is unpleasant ..

now, i'm a relatively peaceful and non-violent type, but i would never leave my room, rather poop under Troy's pillow every day.

about Derek: I have known several people like him, but none of these have ever considered him a friend of mine, too unreliable and dangerous, he was just naked I could even bear it
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Jun 8, 2020

If you haven't played episode 6, there may be minor spoilers for you in this post.
This post contains minor spoilers for an updated feature in episode 7, but it's nothing that's story related.
Read at your own discretion.

This week's status update is a bit different than usual.

I wanted to present parts of an updated/new feature that will appear, starting episode 7.

Many of you have guessed it already, and for others, it might come as a minor surprise.

I have worked hard on updating the in-game phone to accommodate the future needs of the game.

The phone is updated starting episode 7, so it's not a retroactive change. The MC just got a new phone, and it's going to be an improved version of the old variant.

So, what I've done is a rewrite of the phone code. I've left functionality that works well, added new functionality that's needed, updated the GUIs, and more.

I could probably talk about the phone features for hours, but I have to limit myself and let you discover most on your own.

So, I'm not going to go overtly into details, as it's also a work in progress feature, but I will show you a few of the implemented features and my thoughts for them below.

The main GUI is completely new, but it should still feel familiar.

Note that the phone in the picture is from a playthrough without mini-games.

During free-roam events, there's a music bar displaying the name of the song that's currently playing. You can toggle this bar on or off if you'd rather see more of the wallpaper behind it.

In this picture you can see three new apps, and also notice the absence of some. Some apps may have been removed, some apps may have been merged.

The two new apps in this picture are 2D art and Pack Quest. You've come into contact with both of them in episode 6.

They will be handled directly from your phone starting episode 7.

With the exception of a few apps, most apps have been (or will be) revamped.

Two apps I'm particularly excited about are the Music and Bios apps.

In the Music app, you can now filter songs by genre, and I have included a genre for licensed music that many of you wanted to be able to play.

You can also set songs as favorites and have a playlist with just your favorite tunes.

This means that you can choose to have a customized playlist that you can play during free roam events.

I can't show you too much of the Bios app, but it's going to be a tilted version of the phone where each character will have their own screen with past choices and events.

Without getting into detail, a subset of other features that you can expect from the new phone are:

  • Customizable/favorite/randomized wallpaper functionality.
  • Simple emoticons in text messages.
  • Animated transitions and screens.
The phone feels very modern and it's an enjoyable experience using it.

I hope that you will come to love it as much as I already do.

Have a nice weekend!

Dr PinkCake
Here's to hoping this isnt the DnG of episode 7...


Dec 29, 2017
all consequences of the stupidest and least realistic choice of the game: MC decides to leave HIS room, the one his father PAID for, when they paid the registration, because Troy is unpleasant ..
I think MC joining the DIKs as a maggot only because they brutally kidnapped him, sexually abused him and... said so, even if he showed no interest in them until then is a quite dumb series of events

RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
Here's to hoping this isnt the DnG of episode 7...
I sure hope not. :oops:

I think MC joining the DIKs as a maggot only because they brutally kidnapped him, sexually abused him and... said so, even if he showed no interest in them until then is a quite dumb series of events
If we stop to analyze we will see the story is full of events that make little sense and exist just to progress the plot no matter how absurd they look.
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Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
I sure hope not. :oops:

If we stop to analize we will see the story is full of events that make little sense and exist just to progress the plot no matter how absurd they look.

I agree that there is no point in applying excessive realism to a game's story

but the other "stupid" decisions are at least related to sentimental issues, and there one is easier to accept an illogical choice, but to give up the room (and then consequently risk giving up college) because you have found a roommate not pleasant (when either MC has shown him to be stronger than him, or has basically decided to forgive him) I really have a hard time swallowing it

and in the end it is fundamental, much more than Maya and Josy, in the plot
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Dec 29, 2017
to give up the room (and then consequently risk giving up college) because you have found a roommate not pleasant
IIRC he goes to the secretary demanding to change room, and she answers that it's possible but it takes time

so i don't think that finding a temporary place to stay with the idea of applying for a new room later is necessarily a bad idea
i mean, living with an asshole like troy must be the worst case scenario at that point
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Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
Yes I can .. because the bond was enour mosly strong in the 1st episode and Josy made Mc melt and be all giddy!
He and his old man felt she was the one, it was his date, he was going in thinking of the beauty of his ma!
Remember he fantasized about her?
He showered thinking of her!
His old man talked about his ma like this gurl he was going on a date with was the one?

Remember that?
Let us see the wonderful 1st episode awesomeness BADIK is!!!!
View attachment 978062

Say wha ?!?!?!?!?!

View attachment 978063

Should this be not romantic, sweet, lovable, all bubbly inside kind of babe flowery power statement of attatchment,
I dunno what is !
Can anyone explain to me why MC feels betrayed when he found out Maya dated Josy? I've played this game several times but never got that
He is a Drama Queen
sucks that we can't change his response based on how dik/chick he is
Hey guys! Is it possible to avoid romancing Maya from the start and focusing only on Josy?
Uh, that is a little bit sad. So basically I can do whatever I want and I will still end up in the same situation where I have to choose between starting a threesome or going for the "friends" route.
... Oops. I think my brain just went '[any kind of relationship]=romance with Maya because of course you romance Maya' and called it a day, my bad.
A little bit immersion killer.
The game does have some forced plot elements to it, for sure, but personally I think one just needs to accept that products like these need to have a central plot with its own drama with or without player intervention, otherwise starting from your very first choice you would basically need to start baking an entire branch of a game next to the first one. Like, there is always a central line as the plot (because unless it's a completely free-form sandbox game like, say, Kenshi, there simply needs to be one) and all your choices are just little branches and loops that quickly return to the main route.

And if it's any consolation, lots of people that are more invested in this scene than I seem to be convinced that you'll eventually have the option to pick either Maya or Josy, so that may or may not be a thing.
lol, we are on the same boat phuto


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
IIRC he goes to the secretary demanding to change room, and she answers that it's possible but it takes time

so i don't think that finding a temporary place with the idea of applying for a new room later is necessarily a bad idea
i mean, living with an asshole like troy must be the worst case scenario at that point

let's not waste time defending this choice, it is at the beginning and we have overcome it.

MC gives up something for which his father, very poor, has paid, and he does it because he cannot reason with a much less annoying and dangerous boy than Tommy (and Derek)

furthermore MC either beats him, and at that point Troy should be looking for another room, or he forgives him for which it is no longer clear why he has to leave ...

everything makes even less sense when thinking about a new assignment, because Mc does not look for this temporary solution, which can no longer even be Maya, but finds a definitive one with the DIKs (those who at the first meeting send him around naked for college) and then rather than confront Troy again he thinks about dropping out of college.

this is for the plot, and that's it
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Jan 3, 2018
all consequences of the stupidest and least realistic choice of the game: MC decides to leave HIS room, the one his father PAID for, when they paid the registration, because Troy is unpleasant ..
I agree that it propably was the stupidest thing that MC did (atleast for now), but it was driven by emotions in that moment.
MC lost something very precious to him that someone close gave him as a present,
MC just got into fight with his roommate - what will he do? Propably wont stay in the room and look at Troy laying on the ground,
The reasonable move he did was to ask for other place to stay - but it wasn't avaible

The problem with analyzing the game characters and their decisions is that we judge them without feeling emotions that they do (actually they don't cause they don't exist but shh).
I can say "yes it was stupid that MC cared about guitar that his father was saving money for, but didn't care about room that was paid for", but in the heat of moment most people don't make logical decisions. Of course i also agree that it was forced to move Maya's story forward.

But Derek helped MC to calm down and is basically used to prevent MC doing stupid thing.
However because Derek seems helpfull, MC is going to do another stupid thing which is fully trust a naked man who he even don't know. Like, ok he can be good friend and can be trusted but cmon.

If we are starting to analize some things, the game seems logical or illogical (or sometimes both) depending on how you look at it.
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