Thank you for taking the time to answer it.Here are the scenes when Riona showed interest in anything other than drugs, money, sex and the restaurant business (which is basically all about drugs, money and sex anyway):
That final scene with Cammy is like the only time Riona shows any seemingly genuine interest in anyone.
- Ep4. On the rooftop she casually asks how the MC is coming along with his Hell Week challenges.
- Ep4. When MC is staying at the HOTs she asks if MC's roommate troubles are Troy again.
- Ep4. When MC is roaming at the HOTs she chats with him about why he's staying with Sage, music and dating.
- Ep5. Talking with Heather about the necessity of the prep's party.
- Ep6. She jokes at the lunch table with the HOTS and the MC.
- Ep6. When MC is looking after Sage she comments that he's being sweet and chats about the new HOTs and complains about sharing her dorm room, and yes, her final comment is "Take care of Sage for me".
- Ep6. When Camila becomes a HOT Riona is genuinely happy for her and asks if she'll share her dorm room.
When Riona cuts off Heather regarding questioning the need for the Prep Party:
Riona: "Hey, don't look at me. This was Sage's idea."Heather: "I don't agree with it."Riona: "We...shouldn't talk like that."
The hesitance in her last sentence indicates shes not comfortable. She's not comfortable because Heather is right, and it's all because of Quinn's corruption of the HOTs. Riona knows that. She's protecting Quinn (and herself), not Sage.
Mostly throughout the game she's just stressing about the restaurant business and the risks associated with it. It's clear though, throughout the entire story, her loyalties are 100% to Quinn even if they don't see eye-to-eye on how Quinn runs things.
Was Swyper bloat? Was Rooster bloat? Was Nora bloat? Was D&G bloat (OK don't answer that last one). The game is the sum of all its parts. Not every component of the game drives the story, but they are all part of the story. We all know the MC got a new phone, there are comments on this board wondering when he'll get to use it. Each component of the game is liked by numerous people, unfortunately, not everyone will like everything.
Given DPC started this game, I'd like him to continue doing it his way since it's works for me. If he started doing the things that everyone in this forum wants, it wouldn't be the game he set out to make in the first place.
Josy told the MC she was in a relationship but made it sound like it was ending. Maya told the mc she had a boyfriend then told him later that it was a thing she said to stop guys asking her out. The mc was pretty transparent with his relationships (although you can play it differently, he does tell each girl that he's with that he's also seeing other girls). So when it turns out that Maya is in a relationship with Josy, he feels they both deceived him. Plus their relationship with each other was a lot more serious than the MC's relationships with anyone at this point, so he felt they were wrong to string him along (while he totally wanted it at the time, both girls were all over him at stages - totally leading him on).
In the girls' defense, their relationship with each other really was rocky, Maya's dad was making it difficult, long distance was making it difficult, and the MC's cock was making it difficult too.
But really, the MC was just being a little bitch and should have not stormed out all butt-hurt. Who knows how things may have progressed if he stayed that night when Josy showed up. But it all got sorted eventually anyway.
No matter how you play it, Maya will still make out with the MC after the Cumpetition, and she'll always kiss the MC on the picnic blanket where Derek intervenes. Other than that, the mc can just treat her as a friend.
The entire playlist is on Youtube (if the tally is correct there are 161 tracks!):
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There's a good possibility (many here are speculating it) that Maya and Josy may not be a couple for the rest of the story, in which case the MC could swoop in and pick up the broken pieces...
I agree that he could have felt that they led him on. It's just that "betrayed" is a pretty serious word for me. I don't think Maya and Josy's relationships with the MC were serious enough at that point for that word to be thrown around