
Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
I'm sorry, are you actually thinking that if Maya hooked up with another girl instead of Josy, Daddio would just be like "oh darn, you've found the loophole to my ultimatum. Well gee willikers, Maya, you can have the money. I'll just go on home while you Hell bound abominations scissor fuck tonight." :KEK: :KEK: :KEK:

C'mon, felice. You're better than this.
but I didn't say that....

the father can only control that Maya doesn't stay with Josy, he can't control that Maya doesn't fall in love with another girl, that's why the ultimatum is on Josy. If Maya was in love with any other girl in college the father would have to catch them in the act otherwise he couldn't do anything, instead he just has to catch her with Josy to draw the right consequences.

The tuition will have to be paid at some point, it's not like he can put it off forever...

Deleted member 2528490

Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2020
but I didn't say that....

the father can only control that Maya doesn't stay with Josy, he can't control that Maya doesn't fall in love with another girl, that's why the ultimatum is on Josy. If Maya was in love with any other girl in college the father would have to catch them in the act otherwise he couldn't do anything, instead he just has to catch her with Josy to draw the right consequences.

The tuition will have to be paid at some point, it's not like he can put it off forever...
I think you're forgetting that he has Derek spying on Maya with daily updates and he's making surprise visits. Obviously with the intent to catch her unawares if she's being gay with someone. He literally IS trying to catch her in the act.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
I think you're forgetting that he has Derek spying on Maya with daily updates and he's making surprise visits. Obviously with the intent to catch her unawares if she's being gay with someone.
Derek would be a threat to Maya? Really? should the father consider him trustworthy?
Then of course if he saw her getting intimate with another girl it would be a problem, but it remains unlikely, given Maya's character.

The surprise visit was one, and until proven otherwise to me the father already knows that Josy is Maya's roommate. They've done very little to hide it.

Deleted member 2528490

Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2020
Derek would be a threat to Maya? Really? should the father consider him trustworthy?
Then of course if he saw her getting intimate with another girl it would be a problem, but it remains unlikely, given Maya's character.

The surprise visit was one, and until proven otherwise to me the father already knows that Josy is Maya's roommate. They've done very little to hide it.
You're conflating Derek and Maya's characters with Daddio's intent. It doesn't matter that Derek will lie for Maya, and that Maya won't just go hook up with another girl. What matters is that Daddio clearly thinks she will, that he's using Derek as a spy, that he's making surprise visits to catch her in the act or make her so scared as to not attempt anything with anyone, that he's even now going into her private dorm room while she's not there doing whatever he wants. He doesn't care about Josy. All he cares about is Maya not being gay, and he's doing all he can to enforce that.

I'm just going to drop this here. Because we're just going in circles now.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
I felt that CHICK/DIK affinity reaction to walking away or being nice to Steve was one of the strangest ones.

He was such a cunt the whole time the mc worked there. How many people in real life would have a heart to heart with such a guy just cause they saw him sniveling.

I don't think walking away was really much of a DIK move. Walking up to him, kicking him in the balls, and then walking away, perhaps...
I think this decision is about compassion. Steve was certainly portrayed as being quite the dick to the MC and Josy, but when you see someone in crisis like that, I think it's a very human reaction to want to go and find out what's wrong, even when it's someone you don't like. To not do that I think can be seen as a DIK move because even if they don't want your help, or don't want to tell you what's wrong, or their reason for being like that is one that isn't particularly sympathetic, at least you can say you did the right thing by extending the olive branch.

He chooses to exercise the inner feelings he has, based on the approval of his locus of control on those beliefs and actions.
This makes Maya's father weak, and despicable. He is not owning his prejudice or malice, he is acting on it based on what some baseless frappery is being pushed on him by an ultra conservative, neo Neanderthal organization. This is his kid, and instead of loving and supporting his own flesh and blood, he hides behind the prejudice of an outdated set of rules which have no place in the modern world.....
That is probably the best thing I've seen you write. (y)

As an interesting parallel to this current discussion:

A girl I dated ages ago was dating a guy (prior to me) who her parents seriously didn't approve of. They threatened to disown her if she kept going with him. She ignored them, they got very upset, she left home, and eventually she discovered he was already engaged to another girl and was just messing with her.

She was very hurt, ended up going back to her parents and they took her in, no questions asked. And at no point did they actually disown her.

So they were right, this guy was a piece of garbage, but she wouldn't listen (young girls "in love" can be pretty brainless) and they didn't want her to get hurt so they made big threats (and that's all they were, threats) to try and protect her.

In the end she survived it all, the lousy boyfriend, the controlling parents, and once it was all over she saw their point.

Now were her parents overreacting, I mean she survived it and maybe learned a valuable lesson. But she could have been spared all that heartache if she listened to her parents. But how can a parent watch their child totally fuck up and just sit by the sidelines?

Just to make sure there's no confusion here, I was not the garbage guy...
So, this story can be summed up like this:

Dad: "I don't want you dating him because he's bad news and he'll just break your heart."

Maya's story, on the hand, can be summed up like this:

Dad: "I don't want you dating her because no daughter of mine is going to be gay."

There's a huge difference between disapproving the person your child is dating and disapproving the gender of the person your child is dating. One is more despicable than the other.

those are unfortunately words that many sons and daughters have heard and for different reasons....

However I don't doubt that the father's motives are those, but the ultimatum is about Josy.

If Josy wasn't at BR would Maya have her tution or not?

the father has no possibility to act on Maya's sexuality, the only thing he can do is to remove or hinder his daughter's "wrong" love.

and in fact the father's fault is essentially that, not the disapproval, but the blackmail, the violence he exerts on his daughter.

Making mistakes is the norm for human beings, just as sinning is for Christians.

That is not the problem of Maya's father.

an obese father may urge his son to eat healthily, an alcoholic father may urge his son not to drive after drinking.
but I didn't say that....

the father can only control that Maya doesn't stay with Josy, he can't control that Maya doesn't fall in love with another girl, that's why the ultimatum is on Josy. If Maya was in love with any other girl in college the father would have to catch them in the act otherwise he couldn't do anything, instead he just has to catch her with Josy to draw the right consequences.

The tuition will have to be paid at some point, it's not like he can put it off forever...
But at the centre of all this is Maya's sexuality. The ultimatum is not simply a punishment for specifically dating Josy, it's a punishment for dating a girl. It's an attempt at psychological and emotional manipulation to make Maya feel that there are consequences for being with a girl, so that even if she did dump Josy, she might feel as though she has to repress any potential future feelings for another girl because of what the consequences would be; not just the loss of tuition, but also likely being shunned by her family, or at least by her parents and perhaps some extended relatives too.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
Ah my fav render Josy floating Dead in the Hots pool.
do not go there i need time to prepare!

I guess fappy is right about this. Maya explicitely told us that her father doesn't want a gay daughter and it is pretty obvious from norms of Religious families that being gay is unacceptable. So.... I guess its all about homosexuality of Maya
technically speaking being it is not a sin acting on it is!

several more progressive views however claim that as long as you do "not lay with a man in the same manner as you lay with a woman" its acceptable!

the interpretation is simple if you buttfuck a dude or get a blowjob from a dude you can no longer do it/get it from women or vice versa!
still pretty unfair for women since they would still need to pick the gender of the person hitting the pussy while men can just pick and choose and then stick to the choice... unless they go for a transgender men pre transition... not easy but doable!

also if a man chooses a butt from a woman but gives away his own butt be considered a break in (its a double entente) of the rules? or his dick can get female butt but his own butt gets to decide if its for women or men?

must have a better definition of concepts! i mean if you use your own body to define that means you can separate but if its overall that means what you´re hitting at!

overall concepts would suck for men since they would have to choose a gender to hit on with their dicks instead of the current patriarchal definition of where you hit!

I think this decision is about compassion. Steve was certainly portrayed as being quite the dick to the MC and Josy, but when you see someone in crisis like that, I think it's a very human reaction to want to go and find out what's wrong, even when it's someone you don't like. To not do that I think can be seen as a DIK move because even if they don't want your help, or don't want to tell you what's wrong, or their reason for being like that is one that isn't particularly sympathetic, at least you can say you did the right thing by extending the olive branch.

That is probably the best thing I've seen you write. (y)
anyone who sees another human being in pain and does not provide support is a soulless bastard so no, there was no choice there!

furthermore Steve as been presented as an asshole not as a buffoon or an idiot so crossing him during his "downtime" can get your name on his shitlist and if he goes bezerk... Josy Neil and yourself can become a target of incel fury!

as for Arigon he makes amazing analyses and although i disagree with him many times i appreciate his contribution very much! stop being pedantic! its a bad look on you and makes you look weak and insecure, and you are many things but not that... i hope!

and finally Maya situation will be solved the day she gets a job and pays for her own stuff... when that happens she may even get her father back either openly or under the "lets not go there" agreement! as i stated most situations as these that i know off 80% of them end up having a future! yes the parents must accept their children but do not children also have to accept their parents believes? if its an unresolved situation they make the "lets not go there" agreement!


Sep 24, 2020
Holy Bacchus I am sorry if I am disturbing you, but I need the render which has bella, jill, sage, maya and josy(with josy on top of maya) and they're all topless. please post the full hd render here. Even if anybody else has it post it. Thank you so much, you help is appreciated.


Jan 20, 2018
I felt that CHICK/DIK affinity reaction to walking away or being nice to Steve was one of the strangest ones.

He was such a cunt the whole time the mc worked there. How many people in real life would have a heart to heart with such a guy just cause they saw him sniveling.

I don't think walking away was really much of a DIK move. Walking up to him, kicking him in the balls, and then walking away, perhaps...
This is a completely personal reaction. Depends on what kind of person you are. And as we know, real life doesn't operate on a binary DIK/ CHICK scale.

Depending on my mood on that day, I might go talk to Steve, or ignore him completely. I've a friend who would go talk to Steve even if her entire family was killed that day. And I met quite a lot of people in corpo world that would ignore him 110 times out of 100.
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Engaged Member
Oct 20, 2020
do not go there i need time to prepare!

technically speaking being it is not a sin acting on it is!

several more progressive views however claim that as long as you do "not lay with a man in the same manner as you lay with a woman" its acceptable!

the interpretation is simple if you buttfuck a dude or get a blowjob from a dude you can no longer do it/get it from women or vice versa!
still pretty unfair for women since they would still need to pick the gender of the person hitting the pussy while men can just pick and choose and then stick to the choice... unless they go for a transgender men pre transition... not easy but doable!

also if a man chooses a butt from a woman but gives away his own butt be considered a break in (its a double entente) of the rules? or his dick can get female butt but his own butt gets to decide if its for women or men?

must have a better definition of concepts! i mean if you use your own body to define that means you can separate but if its overall that means what you´re hitting at!

overall concepts would suck for men since they would have to choose a gender to hit on with their dicks instead of the current patriarchal definition of where you hit!

anyone who sees another human being in pain and does not provide support is a soulless bastard so no, there was no choice there!

furthermore Steve as been presented as an asshole not as a buffoon or an idiot so crossing him during his "downtime" can get your name on his shitlist and if he goes bezerk... Josy Neil and yourself can become a target of incel fury!

as for Arigon he makes amazing analyses and although i disagree with him many times i appreciate his contribution very much! stop being pedantic! its a bad look on you and makes you look weak and insecure, and you are many things but not that... i hope!

and finally Maya situation will be solved the day she gets a job and pays for her own stuff... when that happens she may even get her father back either openly or under the "lets not go there" agreement! as i stated most situations as these that i know off 80% of them end up having a future! yes the parents must accept their children but do not children also have to accept their parents believes? if its an unresolved situation they make the "lets not go there" agreement!
Thought experiment
Speaking of Steve, are the people who readily condemn Dad Maya willing to console Steve and essentially forgive him? Or do they reject him? Beyond being a douche to MC, Steve is guilty of sexual assault against Josy, but because he cries on the floor about mama and papa, he is now a person to be forgiven? It seems to me that Steve is just as guilty as Dad Maya, if not more. Dad Maya makes his daughter feel worthless, Steve sexually assaults his co-worker and tries to make MC feel worthless. One would think they are as least equally bad if not Steve more so. The CHICK choice is to console Steve even though he has done nothing to atone for his crime against Josy. Wouldn't the CHICK choice for Dad Maya haters be to forgive him as well at some point? :unsure:

Being a DIK, I have the great pleasure of not having to forgive anyone and thus never having to worry about the hypocrisy. ;)


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
you should always forgive and if that person is still worthless move on! by not forgiving you allow your past to weight you down and therefore limits how far your future can take you!

to hate on people is like drinking poison and expecting the other to die!

with that being said i do not wish ill upon my enemies, if they piss me off enough i give it 24 hours to calm down and then move to the plan their ill part!

Also the best revenge is living a good life and cutting off the negative people out of your life! or better yet if you live long enough there will be nothing as pleasant as sitting by the river drinking your tea as the bodies of your enemies are driven down by the current as they killed each other!

Deleted member 2528490

Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2020
Thought experiment
Speaking of Steve, are the people who readily condemn Dad Maya willing to console Steve and essentially forgive him? Or do they reject him? Beyond being a douche to MC, Steve is guilty of sexual assault against Josy, but because he cries on the floor about mama and papa, he is now a person to be forgiven? It seems to me that Steve is just as guilty as Dad Maya, if not more. Dad Maya makes his daughter feel worthless, Steve sexually assaults his co-worker and tries to make MC feel worthless. One would think they are as least equally bad if not Steve more so. The CHICK choice is to console Steve even though he has done nothing to atone for his crime against Josy. Wouldn't the CHICK choice for Dad Maya haters be to forgive him as well at some point? :unsure:

Being a DIK, I have the great pleasure of not having to forgive anyone and thus never having to worry about the hypocrisy. ;)
The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget. - Thomas Szasz

Assholes won't change unless you extend a hand. If they spurn the hand, thats on them. I'm firmly in the fuck Maya's dad camp, but let's say there's a hypothetical moment in the game where he's at rock bottom having lost Maya with his scheme failed, and there's a sliver he might change with some help... yeah, I'll take the choice on a CHICK MC. Whats better than giving Daddio the middle finger by helping Maya break away from him and become self sufficient? Doing all that, and somehow getting him to make amends.
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