I wouldn't have a problem if she wasn't a virgin, but this is a girl who's clearly never got past first base with a guy and she's also not a casual sex girl, so how exactly can someone like that not be a virgin? I honestly find it difficult to believe that anybody can think this is someone who's definitely had sex and is experienced with sex when the game is quite clearly pointing to the contrary. I think, once again, you're reading into things that aren't there, this time with regards to Jill's so-called "experience".
She's knows how to tongue kiss. So what? Maybe she's done that before but it doesn't mean she's had sex.
She moved her pelvis when she sleep humped the MC's hand. So what? It's just her body intuitively moving in her sleep.
Just because we had one "virgin girl" does not mean there can't be another. The only people who seem to have a problem are those who seem to be against her being a virgin despite the game hinting very heavily that this is the case.
To be fair Bacchus, the game never addresses the topic directly. Jill discusses her dates briefly, but she never says anything about her sexual experience and the MC never asks. Even in their inner monologues, neither the MC nor Jill broach the topic. We're the only ones who seem to care.
Based on the available evidence, I agree it seems overwhelmingly likely that Jill is a virgin. But as we all know, DPC follows the rule of drama not rational probabilities. So it's entirely plausible that he intends to blindside us with the news that Jill has had an unpleasant sexual experience in the past. If that were to be the case - if Jill had 'put out' on an early date and hated the experience - she would probably be very reluctant to reveal that to anyone (especially a guy she might be into). Under that circumstance, her coy understatement would be pretty logical. It wouldn't really contradict anything she's said so far, either: the experience definitely wouldn't have been enjoyable, and it probably would lead her to be nervous about when a new guy would 'expect' sex with her.
So again, I think it's likely Jill is a virgin. But I see no reason to flat out dismiss the possibility that she isn't. Then again, unless the game makes a big deal out the reveal (in either direction) I also don't think matters much: it doesn't really affect my view of Jill.
Tying in to your discussions with
Holy Bacchus, part of me wonders if she's been raped (not by anyone significant, just someone in her past).
The stupid MC never actually looked at the support group campaign pamphlet in her room that time, and Jill is campaigning for something (although the fact that Tybalt wants to help her with it kinda diminishes that idea a bit), so it could be she's campaigning to help women who have been sexually assaulted (this game said it might upset some people, and really it hasn't hit any nerves at all yet - unless we're talking about those who coped badly with the M&J rejection...).
But it might explain why Bella is so protective of her (but then Bella is psycho so she doesn't need a rational reason to be overly protective).
I've considered that every now and then, but my conclusion is that it's very unlikely. Unless Jill is remarkably untraumatized by the event, I can't believe she would be so quick to let the MC share her bed. She may feel sorry for him, but he's still a virtual stranger at that point.
Beyond that, I think it would be a really dark place to take Jill's story. That doesn't make it bad per se, but it would almost certainly require a long,
long time to properly address. Jill's path is already maligned for being a slow one; if it turns out she was raped in the past, we really should devote at least a season to helping her get over that before we even think about fucking her ourselves.
I don't care how much DPC loves drama, that just doesn't seem like a workable timetable to me.
I really hope this next episode puts Jill's sister, the MC's mom and all that shit to bed once and for all.
Your lips to DPC's ears. I'm not holding my breath, though.