Same with Elena's (granted her is the worst) but either this scene or the one with her bending over in jbs room is off.
Yeah she looked slightly better there...I even almost sported half a chub. It will be work getting hard for Elena, but a promise is a promise. The look of horror on John Boy's face when Elena really starts getting into MC's extra large bologna pony will be worth the price of admission.
Burke (Jade) vs. Burke (Stephen) is going to be an epic showdown. Hopefully Jade has some more dirt on Stephen because right now he has the trump card with that video, if your MC forks it over. I wonder what revenge he will exact on Jade after he reveals the video to her? I'm sure it will be something along the lines of, let me do what and whom I want or I will ruin your career à la Cathy. I guess we can kiss goodbye our Jade sessions because she is going to be livid with MC.
I still maintain that Burke or his spy saw MC with Bella. All of these intersecting MILF relationship dramas are going to be fun to watch once everyone finds out MC, the school's main jizz supplier, has been making special deliveries.
Especially Bella/Jade & Cathy/Jade