I think I finished all the main routes (I'm still missing the famous 100% threesome scene... I could join it with the "everybody hates Derek" route)
and I repeat that the judgement on the seventh chapter is positive, the best of the second season, but it is one of those cases where the sum is greater than the single elements, because in fact many of the main scenes I found quite "strange".
I try to make a summary for each LI
Josy: unquestionably the protagonist of the chapter, the separation from Maya even if temporary has given an important shake to her story (even if personally I don't like 100% this role of eternal traitor), the strangeness is that apparently she distances herself more from Maya if they are in the troupe... even the choice of terms the first night between "comfort" and "seduce" seems inverted...
Jill: I'm not even sure she has less space than Josy ever, but still we're talking about less important scenes. if we exclude the blackmail premise, I liked her scenes, plus the addition of the competition mechanism seems interesting. incredibly she had her first 100% sexual scene, it's never too late.
Sage: important chapter for her too, more than for her relationship with MC for her role as president, finally she's doing what she should have done 3-4 chapters ago, and I hope that after Maya she'll take Mona's affairs to heart too. i really didn't like the sentimental part with MC, the issue of the rebounding boy, even if it came out of nowhere, could have been interesting but it was burnt immediately and without any significant change, a twist for its own sake. from this point of view, more interesting is the fact of being able to get in touch with Sage again, will this lead to two different endings/stories with her? we'll see
Bella: I have to admit that finally her story is taking a direction, and I have to say I like it, of course it would need some clarity on her marital history and related mysteries. but I really liked her scene, and her "ending" of the chapter moved me a lot
Maya: probably the one with the least space, but of good quality, practically from the fourth chapter on my liking for her keeps growing. for me her scene is the best of the chapter, it has a nice aftertaste of the first chapters of the game and a great sweetness, finally she has sex with MC because she wants to and because she likes to.
Quinn, the sixth Li..., in my opinion in this chapter she takes a step backwards, she goes back to being Maya's nemesis, even though both Sage's attention on the matter, and the possible relationship with Mc, should push her to a less reckless attitude. after a sixth chapter in which she was probably the big surprise, it seems to me that we're going back to routine, we'll see
demerit to Lynette's diary: by far the most boring segments of the game, better another game of D&G, and I've said it all