
Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
A lot people put up shields and what not to keep people away and hide their true self, what draws people away from Quinn is her lack of attempts in wanting to better herself both as a person and in general. The scene with Tommy in episode 7 is a perfect example of this. Rather then own up to her fuck ups and apologize she just deflects and shifts blame. IRL you can't just expect someone to take you by hand and guide you through life or those difficult potentially life changing moments easy peasy, you have to take those first steps yourself. I can guarantee if Quinn started to to take a those first steps more people would like her (myself included).
In my opinion, that will remain an insurmountable problem until a 'villain' superior to Quinn comes into the picture.

until then DPC needs Quinn to move the story forward (without "super bitch" Quinn, Maya could already be at the HOTs with Josy for example) so she can't afford to have, in the main story, any changes regardless of her relationship with MC (and his magic staff)


Feb 26, 2021
It's interesting that the most complex and human love interest in the game is so divisive. Quinn comes from the most broken home with the least wealth, no family upon whom she can depend, no real friends, and a survival instinct she learned from her surroundings. Growing up in an environment where people have to have their fix at any cost or sell to people who have to have their fix at any cost teaches a person that being like the Jill's or even the Sage's of the world gets you hurt.

Quinn doesn't even know what real love is because she's never experienced it. Her entire life has been about what people can get from her and never about what anyone can do for her without a quid pro quo expectation of something in return. The MC could be her first true love interest in terms of someone who is not using her for anything and who genuinely likes her for the good qualities he knows she has behind the offensive sword and defensive shields she creates to keep people at a distance.

People don't come without baggage. Just because Quinn's baggage is more ostensible doesn't mean she is more flawed. Quinn's story has been told to a greater extent than has the story of other love interests. Perhaps when their stories are told they will be equally flawed in other ways. It might be best to reserve judgment on characters until the story has been told in its entirety.
Well said bro. You can see everything you're saying is true just by looking at the rain scene; at first, Quinn is suspicious and confused as to why the MC would help her, and when he offers her money so she won't get hurt again, she thinks he wants something in return because that's her world. In her world, where you grow up with junkies for parents, where you're abused and called a rat by the people around you, everyone always has an angle, they're always trying to get theirs. So for her, the MC wanting to help was confusing, that's why she gets angry, calls him stupid for wanting nothing in return, and then has sex with him. In my opinion, that sex was her trying to reassert her quid pro quo worldview on the situation, forcing a give and take on the MC with her body so she doesn't have to owe him and become vulnerable. Afterwards, he asks if she's okay, and she hushes him with a finger and tries to leave. But when she does, she turns back one last time and asks him not to tell anyone that she was there or what he saw, and he agrees without hesitation.

She looks away, pauses for a moment, looks back - she knows he's genuine, but she doesn't know how to respond. She leaves.

You can see this happening again in the hangout with Quinn. She's uncomfortable with kissing because it's intimate, but she's more than happy to offer a blowjob to the MC - sex to her is transactional, impersonal, a way to pay someone back or get something you want. That hints at the kind of world and mindset Quinn comes from. I think, just like Sage, when the MC starts saying 'no' to Quinn's advances because he wants something more from her, she won't know what the fuck to do. She really doesn't know how to be normal.


Oct 28, 2018
A lot people put up shields and what not to keep people away and hide their true self, what draws people away from Quinn is her lack of attempts in wanting to better herself both as a person and in general. The scene with Tommy in episode 7 is a perfect example of this. Rather then own up to her fuck ups and apologize she just deflects and shifts blame. IRL you can't just expect someone to take you by hand and guide you through life or those difficult potentially life changing moments easy peasy, you have to take those first steps yourself. I can guarantee if Quinn started to to take a those first steps more people would like her (myself included).
Change comes from experience, from something bad that happened and changed your mind, that and wanting to change. Quin's backstory is from someone who had shit happening and because of that she doesn't trust anyone nor want to rely on them. She built a lot of barriers to protect herself, if she changes, it won't be easy or fast. Even through some things happened, it wasn't nothing major for her and she doesn't want to change (for now) because she still doesn't trust anyone other than herself.
That's why i think an CHICK MC path with her could be better thank a DIK path.


May 14, 2020
Change comes from experience, from something bad that happened and changed your mind, that and wanting to change. Quin's backstory is from someone who had shit happening and because of that she doesn't trust anyone nor want to rely on them. She built a lot of barriers to protect herself, if she changes, it won't be easy or fast. Even through some things happened, it wasn't nothing major for her and she doesn't want to change (for now) because she still doesn't trust anyone other than herself.
That's why i think an CHICK MC path with her could be better thank a DIK path.
I agree, she needs someone to guide her to the other side because she can not see the path herself. DIK MC has been doing decent enough so far, but narratively that job would make much more sense for a CHICK MC. However that's only if DPC has a happy ending planned for her, and that's why I still fear it's all gonna end bad for her.
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Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Change comes from experience, from something bad that happened and changed your mind, that and wanting to change. Quin's backstory is from someone who had shit happening and because of that she doesn't trust anyone nor want to rely on them. She built a lot of barriers to protect herself, if she changes, it won't be easy or fast. Even through some things happened, it wasn't nothing major for her and she doesn't want to change (for now) because she still doesn't trust anyone other than herself.
That's why i think an CHICK MC path with her could be better thank a DIK path.
Quinn with a Chick affinity won't even accept help after the theft, and that closes the door on future developments, so I'd say no.

Having a DIK affinity isn't about being mean, it's about being outgoing, having no filters, and loving risk, all of which Quinn likes.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2020
Quinn with a Chick affinity won't even accept help after the theft, and that closes the door on future developments, so I'd say no.

Having a DIK affinity isn't about being mean, it's about being outgoing, having no filters, and loving risk, all of which Quinn likes.
This. From Quinn's POV, CHICK MC is a white knight pussy trying to protect his barbie girlfriend (regardless of your interactions with Maya), if you try to help her, she'd just think that you see her as weak as Maya and fuck that noise


Oct 28, 2018
Quinn with a Chick affinity won't even accept help after the theft, and that closes the door on future developments, so I'd say no.

Having a DIK affinity isn't about being mean, it's about being outgoing, having no filters, and loving risk, all of which Quinn likes.
I never said DIK affinity is the same about being mean, however, a binary system(evil or good, DIK or CHICK) makes the mean choices go to DIK.
I'm not saying that DIK affinity is the same as evil, i'm just pointing out a problem with binary system.

We all like people who are more like us, but that doesn't mean it's a healthy realtionship.
I think all 3 paths could have a way to do things.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
I never said DIK affinity is the same about being mean, however, a binary system(evil or good, DIK or CHICK) makes the mean choices go to DIK.
I'm not saying that DIK affinity is the same as evil, i'm just pointing out a problem with binary system.

We all like people who are more like us, but that doesn't mean it's a healthy realtionship.
I think all 3 paths could have a way to do things.
I would say that the saying of opposites attracting in BADIK is not considered.:D

but I don't see any contrast in MC's behaviour with the two affinities, the character is always the same, it's just perceived differently, in the same way that extroverted people are perceived differently from introverted ones

MC DIk, of whom Quinn accepts the help, doesn't think a moment to offer her his money, in the same way that CHICK does with Maya, same character
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Oct 28, 2018
I would say that the saying of opposites attracting in BADIK is not considered.:D

but I don't see any contrast in MC's behaviour with the two affinities, the character is always the same, it's just perceived differently, in the same way that extroverted people are perceived differently from introverted ones

MC DIk, of whom Quinn accepts the help, doesn't think a moment to offer her his money, in the same way that CHICK does with Maya, same character
I know, even though this is a binary system, i hope DPC doesn't follow the evil, good line (i don't think he will).
The reason i would prefer a CHICK MC path with Quinn is because of my personal preference (some people like the poor-rich dynamic, i like the crazy-calm where a calm character doesn't let the crazy one go too far).

I think the MC will help her, at least i hope so, and i am ok with not having a CHICK path with her. Like i said, is more of a personal point of view.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
Seems like almost every main character is rich. Even MC is technically rich with his mother's family
2017 america in comparison with the rest of the world even the poorest american is part of the richest 10% of the world since Americans are 4.20% of the world population it would take the rest of the richest people in the world combined to match the Americans! the average person in the richest countries are half as rich as the average american! that includes Canadians Norwegians or swedes!

the wealth distribution is another question! but the poorest working american that only makes 25.000 in Nebraska is still richer then 85% of the world population! so yeah even the MC is wealthy as shit, and all that from tips from fighting and stealing poor young insecure lesbians lunch money...

but the MC maternal family probably went bankrupt! everything in the Lynette diary makes me think they where going for a hail Mary to try and save their wealth and social position! I can only imagine that loosing their daughter as not helped in keeping them focused on the money... unless her life insurance money saved them!
When the MC gives a little motivational speech to the DIKs after their place is trashed Derek mentions that he is "so gonna steal that line" at one point. The line was something like "It might be second hand, but at least it comes with a soul" or similar. I'm guessing that was what Derek sent to Ashley.
it might not be pretty but it comes with a heart! that was a joke about sending dick pictures!

I'm feeling like Quinn could be a full on LI the longer the story goes on. In the same way that Bella is even though her story takes a couple of chapters to begin and is intertwined with Jill's. Nicole and Riona are also feeling like significant sub-plots waiting to happen.

It seems like with my 3 major playthrough saves of:
A Josy/Maya Neutral-to-Chick route.
A Jill/Bella Chick route
A Sage/Quinn Dik route
I can easily see all of the game by making a few different choices at certain savepoints along the desired route. For example I have seen all of the strip club scenes by doing this on the DIK path, but for my main save on this route I skipped most of it. I want to see all game has to offer so if anyone can point me at content I may have missed doing it this way it would be greatly appreciated.
Quinn is marked to die! if you can handle the loss please come right in! but not be mistaken she as been marked for tragedy, now it might go over towards Rhyona but the plan from the beginning is clearly Q will be the emotional punch!

It's interesting that the most complex and human love interest in the game is so divisive. Quinn comes from the most broken home with the least wealth, no family upon whom she can depend, no real friends, and a survival instinct she learned from her surroundings. Growing up in an environment where people have to have their fix at any cost or sell to people who have to have their fix at any cost teaches a person that being like the Jill's or even the Sage's of the world gets you hurt.

Quinn doesn't even know what real love is because she's never experienced it. Her entire life has been about what people can get from her and never about what anyone can do for her without a quid pro quo expectation of something in return. The MC could be her first true love interest in terms of someone who is not using her for anything and who genuinely likes her for the good qualities he knows she has behind the offensive sword and defensive shields she creates to keep people at a distance.

People don't come without baggage. Just because Quinn's baggage is more ostensible doesn't mean she is more flawed. Quinn's story has been told to a greater extent than has the story of other love interests. Perhaps when their stories are told they will be equally flawed in other ways. It might be best to reserve judgment on characters until the story has been told in its entirety.
poor? drug dealers like Rox for which Buddy took over make decent 6 figures a year! her education is different but taught her not to trust idiots that freeze when shit goes down!

As i stated she deslikes a Chick MC because those idiots get you dead when shit goes down and they take more then 3 secs to act!

Also Rox might not be the ideal father but from the flashbacks we can clearly see she was loved by her father that was willing to kill to keep her safe! her mother sucks yes but she had both and one of them loved her! she knows real love because rox stood by her!

as for friends in that life she only lost the useless ones! Rhyona stood up with her!

ofc college kids got it better then her but those college kids got it better then 90% of their peers! so her unstable life might not be ordinary but it does not mean it was worse per se just different! If she learn from it she might end becoming a better person then people who never knew privation or dangers!
Hey I have the same problem.
Can anyone help ?
There is no way out this picture:
View attachment 1186983
there a beer can under the couch!

and a beer bole next to the single couch
Was this latest episode the best entry on a technical level? O
yes from DPC at least! nothing beats a Yuno Gasai rendering but he is a sculptor of perfection not a cartoonist!

This. From Quinn's POV, CHICK MC is a white knight pussy trying to protect his barbie girlfriend (regardless of your interactions with Maya), if you try to help her, she'd just think that you see her as weak as Maya and fuck that noise
you are a special just like Arieth, bellow all the masquera and mask she uses she is a sweet and kind heart that as far more depth then the cupboard where everyone tries to stash her so they can continue to live their empty and miserable lifes without having to worry about others!

No other girl ingame as a bigger heart in B&R then Arieth who swore no man of B&R would ever leave a virgin!

you a ugly incel? you a fat nerd? have no fear Arieth will sort you out as long as you are near!


May 14, 2020
All of this intelligent in depth analysis of Quinn as a character, and you come in with something so mundane, seething unoriginality, so vehemently spewed that it's become exhaustingly redundant trying to sway the minds of you simpletons.
Pretty much. It's not like we don't know who Quinn is. Yes, she is a drug dealer. Yes, she is a pimp. Yes, she's messing with Maya for no (good) reason and yes, she's still my favorite girl in the game.
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