If it was Wendy, My MC would have headbutted her in the damn face. Not because it's rape (We all know men can't be raped by women, cmon now

) but just because she's ugly.
man can and have been raped by women! If you add most of the reliable estimations of Jails and penitentiaries and include young kids men are more likely to be raped then women!
some of the most brutal rapes happen in Hispanic cultures with gangs of fat females not unlike wendy trapping and forcing themselves on men who tend to be on the skinnier side (weird how fat bitches love skinny dudes but then bitch about skinny bitches...), and trust me those cunts know exactly how to perform direct prostate stimulation to get what they want... so men get raped twice when they are raped by ugly bitches!
furthermore if those cunts are heavy enough they can break their pelvis so some weakened boned men get raped thrice!
I wonder how many girls would consider their current husbands and boyfriends 1st actions towards them rape if they where not attracted to them?
somehow considering your name me believes that you might find it amusing on how men are abused by women if they can not get it up...
also the rest of the fraternity would also be getting
I wish I could unread this
and yet he speaks the truth! reverse the genders and the MC would be facing 20 years for rape!
also the rest of the fraternity would also be getting 2 years for being accomplices while the girls would walk scott free after retracting or creating a made up story about being forced to be present!
I'm pretty 'pro-consent' even in these types of games.
For example when your flatmate/sister is passed out on the bed and the game gives you the option of walking away of 'having some fun' - I always choose the 'not be a rapist' path.
But if it's your kink and only limited to VR novels then feel free to be you.
i do the same on my original play through! then i am a completionist so on my 2nd come here sweet sister...
but do not let them get you down! you are right if Q was not hot as fuck they would all be whining or calling each other freaks for not having refused her!
Quinn on the other hand, what do we do with Quinn? Just get high all the time so we don't have to socialize...
or in other words... perfection! As Mel Brooks so wisely stated hell are other people!
thats why i could never get into milfy city, characters are hot as fuck maybe even better than in this game but the mc is such a massive creep ashole rapist that i couldnt get pass even the first storyline with the teacher blackmail
the MC is under the age of 16 so... he can not be imprisoned! that`s how i role played it to be able to not have a guilty conscience!
KRJ is fine, but this game really needs more Sally scenes.
i agree and this is me virtue signaling that this game is unfair to flat chested girls! just like fatties they deserve love too!
but its Sally fault really! Magnar offered to pay for a breast increase surgery but she grabbed the money spent a small portion on glasses for Magnar so her breasts could look bigger and spent the rest in Magic the Gathering cards...
good call for anyone under the age of 21 imho!
in my country we call it Shisha (Chicha is a word for meet that can be used also for female noble body parts...) so yes some of us are highly experienced with such devices and how it is used for flavored tobacco or other more alluring but less legal products! i used to smoke one that instead of water was filled with 18 old pure malt whiskey!
technically that name actually means an hashish smoke...
also for the debate about rape! All modern legal codes (I SAID MODERN GODDAMMIT STICK YOUR 6000 YEAR OLD BRONZE AGE CULTURAL RULES UP YOUR OWN ARSES) clearly include a non discriminatory clause! So if an action perpetrated against a man a minority or whatever is a crime then the reverse is also true and therefore a man that does not give consent can and should present a rape charge!
Biologically speaking in such situations 99% of the cases is not rape... mainly because 70% of men will just push the bitch away and be strong enough to restrain her but still...