maybe depends on how you play the game... but I think Josy is really, really cruel and had too much flaws. Think about it... she uses the owners son to do her work, and give you the marker to draw on his picture..., she laugh that you have a byke, not a motorcycle, she tells you that she is in a relationship, but she gives you alcohol and she offers you to stay the night with her..., she is from the rejects... do you remember what's the DIKs description of the rejects and who was the rejects and after rejects in previous years... girls like Quinn, Riona, and now Lily & Josy. After that... Lily tells her that she looks good to be a pole dancer... Josy isn't angry or reply her, actually I think that she is considering the proposition..., the night that Maya's father came to the dorm - Josy goes to the mansion in your room, after you go back you found the 8ball in the box, the same 8ball Quinn gets from Rox's place, the first time that she calls you in the dorm while you are with Troy, if you choose to ask her Why do you call me, What about your boyfriend... she will tell you that she was looking at self-defense ad and she was thinking about you.. how did she know that you have problems with the Jocks and you need self-defense? After that she takes Jill tour not Maya tour... goes to economics class with Jill, befriended Lucas, and if you don't take sides, she considering partying with Becky, or the HOTs and not stay with her girlfriend..., what about the msgs from the HOTs mansion.. when she is obviously trying to make you reply that you was naked in the campus (you can't be those are the rules of B&R), if you choose to not pursue Jill or Josy & Maya there is another time that Jill tells her she will go to toilet, and Josy says I'll go with you, and Jill behaves exactly the same way when you goes with her to the showers after the tenis (if you pursue Jill path). What about the HOTs party when she goes to talk to Sage behind your back and tells her stories... that maybe you don't want to talk about... Do you remember the memories of Maya about how Josy became her girlfriend - after alcohol night, again... and she is everywhere, where is the sound of money... Steve does her work, I'm not sure but I think his father pays for her to be in B&R, because she has a fight with hers about Monica, not about you (because you can choose to leave after a beer, and not stay until her parents goes back), after that Jill, Lucas, Sage and in the D&G game why do you think Isabella kills her in almost all of the scenarios... I think that you can't understand her character... for me it's clear as a day
. Did you ask yourself why she sends you nude pictures, without face on them, pictures with miniskirts without face on them... and asks you exactly what you want to drink? Why she wants you to go to the gym in the exact same moment that Chad & Troy are there, before the last party of Sage, and after the renovation of the DIKs mansion.
About Quinn... yeah she can be changed and yeah she will probably become good girlfriend material... but at what cost...?
The night of the cumpetition when Tommy flips his coin she takes drugs through her veins...and when you see the Rox's place and put 2and2 together there is a fat chance she fucks junkies and uses needles that already are used - HIV, other STDs ... drug addiction, name it... no thank you I prefer to eat my own condom without a jizz inside and without her "cleanly shaven p****" that's maybe not the case... but just to be sure you know. Also do you remember the conversation that Rox have with Buddy about the rats that are everywhere, the pushing from the ledge, the killing" and then do you remember the new constructor worker with your father. Quinn can be your best choice of a girlfriend but can be also your doom... too big of a risk. Also look at the ways that she contributes to her sorority prostitution and drugs, really is this your choice of a girlfriend? And what about how she acts towards her friends - Riona & Tommy for example.