It's gonna be interesting regardless. I don't think this is a about Sage having feeling toward Chad , not anymore.
There are some who assuming she still has feelings toward him because the "look" She gave, when Chad leave the party. That was more like a "Suspicious gaze" to me, and the ending conversation between Her and Maya kind of confirming this. Sage comes to the conclusion that it is one of her " Friend " - Sara or Mel - is Chad's "Side Bitch ". and the second part of this, is that She see this as a Failure. In her mind
She is a Failure because she was not good enough to him.
How She will react when she find out the real reason, is unpredictable. Because, Yes Chad was a jerk etc etc. But in the end of the day , Sage was with him at least 2 Year, and during these 2 years She was not able to realize she is dating with a Gay Man. This can feel very mortifying for Her. Girls whispering behind her back, that She is the Hots President who dated the Gay Dude, and they laugh etc
I think something along this line is what this story will be about, and not about oh, okay "Sage not in love with Chad anymore" .
I think she already moved on emotionally, and probably not looking for another Relationship, especially because she is about to leave, it is her final year. so the Drama will be Sage feeling herself as fool and betrayed.
just My two cents