So, here's a question: Who edited Tybalt's Power Point for his speech?
Because most people are going to take dozens, if not hundreds of pictures for something like that, and then go through and select and crop shots to support ones point as best as possible. So, if he edited it, how the hell did the DIK pic end up in there? And if he, as is his want as a spoiled brat, he paid someone to do his homework for him, who? And why did they put the DIK pic in the presentation? It seems to me, we already know of two groups who sell homework assistance; Derek, who sells cheats for classes, and the Tri Betas, who would probably write the presentation for money.
I could see Derek putting in the DIK pic as a practical joke, but I don't see Tybalt coming to him. I think this is just one more incident (like the trashing of the DIK mansion and the blackmailing of Chad and Dawe, in my opinion), where they are just stirring up shit to try and get someone expelled, and get their own house.