
New Member
Jun 24, 2018
The series will only end in disaster if you take the Jill romance path but still nail other L.I.s.

Jill finds out, and:

pissed off to the max, armed with several guns, goes on a shooting rampage:

1. kills most of the L.I.s;
2. most of the DIKs.
3. Tybalt; Rusty
4. Sally (for that smart-ass "Posh Spice" remark).
5. And ends up in the clock tower snipping anyone else of interest.
6. Finally, commits suicide.
7. MC, shot up pretty bad. Many injuries including nerve damage with a difficulty talking; and an unfortunate near permanent smile on his face, ends up in a wheel chair. Including where Jill shot him, no magic dick.

Series ends with an MC monologue regretting cheating on Jill. Camera zooms out showing him parked in the far corner of the Pink Rose, getting a lap/wheelchair dance by Josy, while staring off into the distance. The lap/wheel chair dance is interrupted by two big guys who, after some haggling, take Josy into one of the private rooms. MC is still staring off into the distance.

Roll credits.

Talk no bad luck, he would be able to put an end to us like this so don't be bad luck lol


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2019
Quinn is in real trouble, and all things considered, being caught by Bella would be one of the lesser dangers.

She needs to get back all the money that was taken from her (which we don't know what she needs it for, but she needs it anyway).
she's got Sage on her back for now just because of Maya (but in the end the issue between Maya and Quinn is "just" bullying), but sooner or later also because of Mona and what's behind her goodbye
she completely burned her relationship with Tommy and therefore with the DIKs (the relationship with MC is optional)
Burke however I don't think he's happy with his last order, a situation that forced him to act directly anyway, it remains to be seen if Burke is a super customer, or the real owner of the restaurant
Riona is full of doubt and probably has a stalker on her.
Lily may prove to be an ally, but for now she's a pretty uncomfortable presence.

Quinn's status quo is really hanging by a thread, it takes very little to make everything irrecoverable
Yes, Quinn was definitely in the ass. In general, the title of the chapter Crossroads, it seems to me, refers primarily not to love interests, but to the choice between chick or dik. The сhoice system will not allow you to remain neutral by the end of the season. What I believe.
Quinn's going to end up badly anyway. She may be caught selling drugs or robbed again. Anyway, I guess the main plot of the third season will be to get HOT out of prostitution and drug sales. This is being smoothly led to. Quinn has lost everything and only the main character can help her.

Oliver Wendell Homely

Active Member
May 9, 2020
Yes, Quinn was definitely in the ass. In general, the title of the chapter Crossroads, it seems to me, refers primarily not to love interests, but to the choice between chick or dik. The сhoice system will not allow you to remain neutral by the end of the season. What I believe.
Quinn's going to end up badly anyway. She may be caught selling drugs or robbed again. Anyway, I guess the main plot of the third season will be to get HOT out of prostitution and drug sales. This is being smoothly led to. Quinn has lost everything and only the main character can help her.
I think DPC has crafted BaDIK so that your MC can navigate a neutral path. I have three major playthroughs: one DIK, one CHICK, and one neutral. DPC references being neutral, even, so I'd find it a bit surprising to see neutral cut off. As EfontMan says, I think it likelier that eventually your MC would be permanently neutral, which would also be problematic, as anything requiring CHICK or DIK affinity would be off-limits.


Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
Yes, Quinn was definitely in the ass. In general, the title of the chapter Crossroads, it seems to me, refers primarily not to love interests, but to the choice between chick or dik. The сhoice system will not allow you to remain neutral by the end of the season. What I believe.
Quinn's going to end up badly anyway. She may be caught selling drugs or robbed again. Anyway, I guess the main plot of the third season will be to get HOT out of prostitution and drug sales. This is being smoothly led to. Quinn has lost everything and only the main character can help her.
It will be all about the LI's in EP8. In EP5 the selection of LI's started and will end in EP8. If the MC rejects Sage for good in EP7, there probably won't be a romantic relationship. The same is true for Josy. Reject her, whatever, 3 times in EP7 and it will be final. Maya's decision will be made in EP8. The only two, if you don't decide before, could be Bella and Jill, who are then still available for a romantic relationship. :unsure:

DPC is BaD with EP8 probably in the middle of the game and still has plenty of problems that the MC must solve. :unsure:


Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
I think DPC has crafted BaDIK so that your MC can navigate a neutral path. I have three major playthroughs: one DIK, one CHICK, and one neutral. DPC references being neutral, even, so I'd find it a bit surprising to see neutral cut off. As EfontMan says, I think it likelier that eventually your MC would be permanently neutral, which would also be problematic, as anything requiring CHICK or DIK affinity would be off-limits.
I agree that the MC must choose an affinity, and Neutral is available for that. But neutral is dangerous. It is a difference if the MC makes neutral decisions (DIK scale) or is neutral from his basic attitude (AFFINITY).:unsure:

AFFINITY stands for attraction, inclination, lust, tendency, demand.(y)

These words imply for me that the MC meets his preference for a sex. Imagine the drama that the people who play totally on AFFINITY DIK end up having a gay MC.:eek:


We have a gay (DIK) or bisexual (NEUTRAL) Chad and maybe Troy. The MC can even play guitar in Troy's room in EP1 and Troy liked it.:rolleyes:

Josy and Maya are bisexual (NEUTRAL). Then why not the MC.:unsure:

Even Isabella and Jill have their experiences with the same sex.:sneaky:

Didn't Sage also once mention a suggestion that the MC might be gay? Yes she did.(y)
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