I won't claim to know DPC's vision, but i think its important for a character driven game to have characters with arcs and layers.
The issue is the game is built along a linear scale, and people and characters don't work like that. You referenced Star Wars and its the same problem. Anakin Skywalker and Darth Sidious are both 'Sith' but they have vastly different MO's and desires and even tactics. Sidious is a sociopathic, schemer, who is defined by ambition and hatred. Anakin is a psychotic, self hating powerhouse, defined by his repeated mistake of giving into his anger when he shouldn't have, each time ruining his life more and more. They're both Sith, but they're nothing alike. They don't follow the same philosophy. Vader wants connection and redemption. Sidious just wants more power. Vader is ruthless, but cold. Sidious is almost capricious. He delights in torture and revels in sadism. While Vader would kill an underling for failure, Sidious would make him think he was being spared and then slowly destroy him for days after to amuse himself. Its not that these aren't 'bad' guys, its that a linear scale of dark side vs light, doesn't do them justice. People are complicated.
Similarly, Sage is more layered than just, she likes Diks. From her first scenes with the MC, its clear she wants emotional connection (chick), she was someone who wants her. She expresses it in a dikish way, she wants a partner in crime to fuck in public places with, she wants someone who challenges her, but she isn't running around fucking everything that moves, without remorse, or getting back at Chad out of pure spite (like Tommy would). Sage is probably more neutral in her outlook, with Dikish ways of expressing it.
Contrast with Quinn, who spends most of the first few chapters manipulating or tormenting the MC. She's a loner, afraid to let anyone close, lest they hurt her. But at the same time she has moments when her vulnerability shines through. She's more dikish outlook, BUT she also has very Chickish expressions herself. She sees the MC as a way to make money (or so she tells herself), so she texts him, takes care of him when he's on drugs, breaks the rules for him, lets him under her skin.
Then take someone like Arieth. Arieth is stupid. But shes also straight Dik. Bump her IQ up 10- just kidding 30 points so shes above room temperature. Arieth is a fucking monster. She not only fucks everything that moves, but she is actively trying to sleep with guys with girlfriends, even friends of hers like Elena's boyfriend. Arieth is what pure Dik looks like. She has selfish, Dikish goals and entices and pressures people into sleeping with her, all but harrasing Caleb and any new guys she decides she wants, stalking them at times. The problem with a character like that is two fold, first they are a monster. Its pretty hard to sympathize or desire a selfish person who doesn't care about anyone, and does whatever they want all the time. So DPC used a classic trick of making a monstrous character absolutely retarded, and by doing so they become sympathic instead of terrifying. The other problem is such one dimensional characters are BORING. Who wants a person that you know everything about them in the first five minutes? Villains are interesting when they do the unexpected, not when they revel in more villainy. Heroes are interesting when they have flaws, not when they are untested shining paragons. Jill, ironically has the same problem for me, shes a mary sue of a character, who has recently been given a 'flaw' of being borderline mentally challenged stupid. But other than that shes basically perfect. Thats not very interesting.
All the characters have a range of goals and methods that exist in a range from massive chick to massive Dik. And within themselves, they have layers and growth that allow them to swim in the different areas of their ranges. Josy may like a bad boy who fingers her in class, but she wouldn't want the MC to sell drugs. Sage may want to be more than fuck buddies with you, but that doesn't mean she won't stop calling you 3 out of 5, just to wind you up (probably so you'll fuck her hard against a wall next time). Quinn may let you spend the night, one night, but hurt you're friends the next day, because she has layers. Bella may be all about protecting Jill from boys who use girls JUST LIKE YOU, but she lets you inside her, because she hasn't felt intimate with someone in YEARS, again, layers.
Characters in good writing are more than RP giving for Dik or chick actions. DPC is a good writer who can mostly balance the needs of the story and the functionality of the game.