I appreciate an essay post more than anyone but I think you read my post you're replying to without reading the one I made before it because I answer most of these questions with the benefit of it

I'll link it
here. I'll very shortly answer a couple of the big mistakes you make about my own views though because these are common to most of the people who quote-unquote "defend" Quinn and her actions.
1. No one is trying to justify Quinn's behavior, and no one could, she's a huge mega-bitch who makes huge mega-mistakes

What most of us are trying to do, and I'll speak and repeat for myself, is offer an alternative subjective view to Quinn's actions in light of what we know about her background and motivations. You can take that or leave that as an analysis but you seem to be under a lot of false assumptions that people who like Quinn ignore everything about her and take some orthodox and counter-factual view of her that's just not true.
2. We undoubtedly have enough evidence to support a legitimate alternate take on Quinn from how she's commonly portrayed as a villain, which would be the rain scene, the hangout scene and the ending scene of episode 7 where if you're on her path she looks up at the drugs as though she's reconsidering what she's doing because of the MC's actions. To say that her personality is very clearly established already, when we can literally see her personality shifting in the game depending on the choices you as a player take with her, is ridiculous. The Quinn that you will see as the game progresses when not on her path, will be and already is wildly different from the Quinn I will see as someone who is on her path.
If you read my former post I linked and want an actual back and forth on this I'd be happy to keep going and answer everything you posted, it'll probably annoy everyone with the length of our posts but that hasn't stopped me before