Getting good, shame about these road locking this said, while it is possible to go through using the cheat function Given the girls that the two are getting close to Jill, who herself is oriented toward Sage. Meaning all the main girls are getting close to one another, as it is, Sage might know of the reasons and changes he made (to Maya and Josy relation), What's more, the two will be in the one sorority, damn.
Another thing, age and study status, Sage and Jill are older, first close to ending her study, Jill two years still ?
Only a few will be around all time, the two of course, Lili. Not sure where Quin is, probably one year before Jill ?
Wonder how it will go, especially for the two, as even if all is possible, society as a whole isn't that easy on difference. Still, it's more about one acceptance, as if one marry, the others is hosted and live along, which sort of mean an imbalance, still, there close to no options, even if, some locations allow for harem based on one situation, it's far from standard.
Not sure about the handling of secondary relations, letting go of the teacher that way, damn. It is better face to face, still, some images less to make. Duration wise it is an impressive game, very nice !
Then an episode 3, TBS.