OK my $.02 - don't spend it all in one place. I had fun with this episode but, truth in advertising, I don't do mini games and the free-roams i find to be drag - at least the tasks app gives you the must-dos., and the quick jump is a savior - wandering around rooms looking for Derek is dull as shit. I play with the Mod and use it. I try all paths - and course correct if the game leads me away from a path because of some arbitrary decision 4 episodes ago. I adjust affinity and variable as necessary - I don't have the patience to go back and play over an over again. And honestly much of the talky-talk is irrelevant drivel and I just don't care. And the recital at least was skip-able - I watched it about halfway through waiting for anything interesting to happen and finally bailed. The devs are great but they are bit too proud of their mad rendering skills - do I really need to see piano hammers move?
The party was fun and the
was fun even if it didn't make any sense given the characters involved and WTF?
No thanks - not even for a minute.
OK so at the end my episode all LIs are still viable - and Scrappy gives you the opportunity to see all the alternate paths in a single play through. If I have to choose at the beginning of 9 - I'm on either team Sage or team Maya/Josy - Jill is to fairy tale romance and Bella is, well just inconceivable to me. But honestly - I may be done now anyway because I sense the soap opera drama that is to come and am not at all interested in it.
Just an aside for the pregnancy conspirators - don't you think that the only LI that MC left baby seeds in without an option
is likely to be the one with the positive test. Happy to be shown to be wrong - but my MC finishes outside all the time.... because, well pregnancy fetish is not my thing either...
Cheers until next time,