There's no official update patch. There is an though.
Transferring save files to Season 3
What error message? Are you using IMPORT to pull saves from v0.8.x? Are the v0.8 & Interlude versions from the same Android builder? You might need to ping whoever made the Android build you're using.
Check the
OP: Extras > Save. Read & follow the instructions.
Don't copy your normal saves across from 0.8, they won't work in Interlude/0.9. The transfer saves made in v0.8 are in a different place. On Windows it's:
You'd need to find that file on your Android version, and copy it to where ever it needs to go on Mac. Judging from PBS666's reply I'd guess that's here:
But I don't use Android or Mac for Ren'Py games, so don't know for sure.
The Interlude is a short update, which mostly focuses on your ex-girlfriends time away in San Diego. We'll go back to the 'old' characters in the next 0.9 update (along with at least one of the 'new' characters).