Too bad DrPinkCake has removed the ability for non-patrons to leave comments on the sites his patrons use to report bugs and such, even constructive comments (which is ALL I would ever do). Of course, if it's as bad as he says it is in his explanation for the restrictions, then I understand completely.
My suggestion (WITH THE SOLUTION) is as follows (maybe this will make it's way to
DrPinkCake... maybe it won't, but ANYONE CAN CHANGE THEIR OWN FILES):
The English test as it currently exists requires the mouse to select letters from a list of choices. Yuck!
I suggest allowing the keyboard be used for typing during the English test, as is likely expected/desired by everyone. All it takes is adding "keysym='A', " (or whatever the letter) to the appropriate places in the *.rpy files.
This is what I've done to ALL the english_test*.rpy files in my game directory and it makes taking the English test soooo much easier.
Wherever a line looks something like this:
$ ui.imagebutton("letter_a", "letter_a_hover", clicked=ui.returns("A"), xpos=english_position_list[1], ypos=514)
I add the keysym="A" argument (or whatever the letter is) to the function call, like:
$ ui.imagebutton("letter_a", "letter_a_hover", keysym="A", clicked=ui.returns("A"), xpos=english_position_list[1], ypos=514)
Note the keysym="A", inserted before clicked= and nothing else changed.
Also... changing:
$ ui.imagebutton("math_cheat", "math_cheat_hover", clicked=ui.returns("OK"), xpos=1165, ypos=605)
$ ui.imagebutton("math_cheat", "math_cheat_hover", keysym="K_RETURN", clicked=ui.returns("OK"), xpos=1165, ypos=605)
allows Enter to be pressed instead of Clicking OK (Note keysym="K_RETURN").
Of course............... Back your files up first.