In the developers own words (from
this post):
"Work averages to 12-18 hours per day, every day of the week. I have had a few days off here and there, but my last real vacation was back in 2017 "
I quoted the conservative number from his estimate (12 hours), it's not like I said, "The dude works up to 18 hours a day!!!!!". I also suggested he'd been working like that for 3 years (because I didn't include AL in my post), whereas, reading from DPC's own words, he's been working like that since 2017.
I'm just stating facts; even slightly understating them. I understand in this world where facts have been overshadowed by emotions, that's a bit hard for people to understand.
And I understand that people who have never really accomplished anything significant in their lives can't understand how it feels to achieve something great on your own.
I say all this because it's true. I have no investment in BaDIK (I'm not even a subscriber, and I hardly talk to DPC anymore, he's too busy to take my calls
), I just like playing the game.