In general I tend to agree with everything you are writing in the different posts about Jill. But I want to point out two or three things about the development that may explain more or less the "other" vision.
Today we know, we all buy, that Jill's is the story of fantasy and fairies, but where does that start? how does Jill go from sleeping in bed in just her underwear next to a stranger to being the perfect Disney princess?
How does she go from "I know you date others" to "you didn't go with me to the picnic".
That evolution (the Jill of fate, the jealous Jill, the overly naive Jill) sounds like the answer to the clamor rather than a premeditated development.
Now, this gives one more archetype to the BaDIK ecosystem, and also a very interesting twist... lots of DIK here and there falling over and over again before the traps of DPC.
I feel that Jill hasn't evolved that much since we first met her. The biggest step she's taken is to finally stand up to Tybalt, and that was a long time coming. And then of course she overcame her fear of sex, and got down and dirty with the mc.
But looking at her progression:
As far as sleeping next to the mc, she brought him in to her room as someone who was injured and in need of help. He wouldn't go to the hospital, so she wouldn't let him go off on his own, unsupervised.
This is the same protective instinct she's shown throughout the whole story. And ironically (based on previous comments) it showcases her
unselfish attitude towards others.
This is the same Jill that was fine with the mc showering in the stall right next to her at the tennis club. The same Jill who had made out with the mc a number of times in the story, often including some heavy petting that she didn't object to.
In some ways Jill is quite mature, she isn't your typical giddy teenager, obsessed with the opposite sex and all things sexual. Of course, if the mc grabbed her tits during the shower scene, it caught her off guard, and so did seeing his slightly larger than average cock at the time, but notice she controlled herself and even felt she had breached the mc's trust (meanwhile the mc is looking through keyholes and salivating over Jill's and Bella's asses!)
Also at the time of the tennis game, when the mc told her he was seeing other girls, she accepted it maturely and moved on. It's one thing to know what to say at the concept of jealousy, but when it is rubbed in your face, feelings come in and complicate things, hence Jill having an overwhelming sense of jealousy when confronted with the fact that numerous girls could recognise the mc's cock on the big screen. It became real for her at that point and she became quite upset.
She confused a lot of readers when she told the mc she wanted her first time to be perfect, but she immediately clarified that in her internal monologue that she was just too scared that she'd embarrass herself because (in true Jill style), she lacked confidence in herself (being that she'd never had sex before).
She had the same performance anxiety about playing music in front of a crowd for the first time. It's not that she wanted everything to be perfect, she just didn't want to embarrass herself.
And I don't think we can suggest Jill is any more jealous than any of the other girls (or a typical girl in real life):
- Bella dumps the mc when she finds out about Cathy.
- Maya and Josy feel hurt when they find out the mc is still dating Jill.
- Quinn feels awkward when she walks in on the mc fucking Sage (note she only feels awkward when she likes the mc, otherwise she thinks it's hilarious).
- Jill feels upset when she finds out first hand that a bunch of girls know what Fuckface's erect cock looks like.
- And it's only Sage that so far hasn't given a fuck, but I'm gonna take a wild stab and say she's not gonna be happy if she finds out our hero has been fucking her mom. Probably less about jealousy though...
And once again, she didn't dump the mc because he didn't go on the picnic, but after missing out on that event together, it snowballed until at some point Jill decided she didn't want to take her relationship with him any further.
So I'd say Jill isn't to be put up on a pedestal as the Disney princess, she just happens to be a virgin with performance anxiety. She's not some jealous freak, she just has feelings, like any other person. And her naivety has been showcased from the very beginning and probably isn't going away any time soon (unless she was still dating the mc when she caught him fucking the Bella. Catching your boyfriend fucking your best friend is a sure fire way to dispel a naïve girl's illusions...)
I'm certain if Jill and MC hooked up in Bella's car, she's be bothered.
Hell we don't know her reaction to Jill and MC confirming their love for each other, and whether or not it'll differ depending on if Bella/MC never started, Bella dumped MC because Cathy or MC dumped Bella after his breakfast conversation.
I wonder most about option 2, does Bella tell Jill about that, and then does Jill find out about Jade. Lots of fun times ahead.
We've still got a few more relationships to sever at the beginning of episode 9 (namely M&J and Jill) if these weren't the chosen LI. After which, with all relationships ended, I wonder if past transgressions will mean anything to any of the LIs.
They all seemed kinda understanding that they weren't in a serious relationship with the mc. So at the point where he's decided who he wants to be with, everything should be roses.
Of course until Zoey shows up.