
Mar 22, 2021
What else could go wrong?
For example Jill/Bella. If we followed their paths to the choice of ep8, and we choose Bella, when she realizes that it hurts Jill, it will complicate things.

(I can't remember, do we sleep with Jill before the choice? If so, and we don't choose Jill, Bella won't like it)

On an M+J route, being (or having been) a restaurant customer could start to bother us. They are starting to relate to HOT, and could learn things.

Having told Josy that Chad is gay, if she accidentally lets the info out, it could have consequences. Especially if we didn't tell Sage.

Cheating on exams won't take long to have consequences.

There is certainly some exaggeration on DPC's part, but there are still things that can happen at EP9.


Aug 7, 2018
I'm wondering if one of the big twists is Maya getting pregnant.

The text keeps going out of its way to tell you she isn't on the pill (and is dragging her feet on getting on it) and that option where they have sex in her room and MC blows on top of her pussy lips freaks her out.

Either way I hoping for a nice scene where the MC finally creampies her.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
For Bella/Cathy... well, it bothers her that its Cathy, but other girls/ladys are ok... that is something i dont really understand. Bella says she doesnt want a guy that doesnt take it seriously, but she ONLY talks like that if you have something going on with Cathy... with others than cathy its ok (and yep, Bella knows AT least for Jill, and some pink rose girls if you go for them too) That doesnt make really sense to me...

For visiting Sage instead going with Jill. Nope the MC NEVER mentioned anything to anyone about visiting sage. The onyl ones who knows that are the HOTs at the house... so no, Jill never was been told that the MC was taking care of a sick friend. And that is a mistake and should be handled in a different way.

And for J&M i think you misunderstood me... the friendship doesnt make sense in some way... if your MC is falling in love with them, but they reject him... would YOU become best friends with them regardless? Especially after the things maya pulled off? I sure dont. If your MC is a manwhore and dik, and thats why J&M rejected him, why do they want to be so close friends with him after that? Doesnt really make sense either... Same goes for many friendships in the game... you can pretty much be a asshole to some (especially Derek), and they still want to be MCs friend. Thats just kinda odd and not consequent enough i think. Sometimes it seems they are spineless ^^
MC does not name her Sage, but confesses that he is going to help a female friend. i don't think the name makes that much of a difference

mc "I'm so sorry. You caught me at a bad time."
mc "I made a promise to a friend to come help her."
mc "She's sick and needs someone to take care of her."

the picnic issue is not whether or not Jill's behavior makes sense; as human beings we are great at finding justifications for our actions.
the problem is that it makes Jill an unpleasant character, completely absorbed in her fairy tale reality. it is that, very but very simple.

MC at that moment is in no way committed to her (more than Sage or anyone), to her this is unacceptable? perfect, goodbye!!!
Dec 29, 2018
Once the loan issue is resolved he has no leverage to use.
She has a brother she loves. One who is often getting into trouble and may one day need his father to bail him out. If he can't control Maya directly, there's always a possibility that he could go the old comic book villain route and target the ones she loves instead.

I doubt Patrick actually intends to destroy her credit rating and have her in debt for life. Why the fuck would he do that to his daughter?
Do you believe that all people are inherently good and rational? Because it ain't so. Some parents care far more about themselves than their children, and some are willing to harm their own kids just to keep control over them. A father who threatens to financially ruin his child, and who sneaks into her room to rifle through her belongings to check to make sure she's following his rules, just might be such a person. You have to plan for the worst and hope for the best here, not plan for the best and hope for the best.

Maya's best case scenario is to have Sage ask Jade for help finding alternate funding through whatever grants and scholarships she might know of. But there's no way this ends quietly and quickly. It's a well known fact that victims of domestic abuse are in the most danger when they try to leave. It triggers an enormous amount of anger as the abuser panics at the loss of control. Now, we don't have any indication that he's been physically abusive, so that particular outcome is likely not a worry, but there should still be a similar escalation from him in some regard. I don't know what that might be, but the need to make sure all their ducks are in order here.
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Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
She has a brother she loves. One who is often getting into trouble and may one day need his father to bail him out. If he can't control Maya directly, there's always a possibility that he could go the old comic book villain route and target the ones she loves instead.
we have no reason to believe in such a turn of events, as far as we know toward Derek he has always been a good father.

Then he may go crazy and climb a bell tower and shoot passersby, but we have no reason to fear that


Active Member
Apr 3, 2020
For Bella/Cathy... well, it bothers her that its Cathy, but other girls/ladys are ok... that is something i dont really understand. Bella says she doesnt want a guy that doesnt take it seriously, but she ONLY talks like that if you have something going on with Cathy... with others than cathy its ok (and yep, Bella knows AT least for Jill, and some pink rose girls if you go for them too) That doesnt make really sense to me...

For visiting Sage instead going with Jill. Nope the MC NEVER mentioned anything to anyone about visiting sage. The onyl ones who knows that are the HOTs at the house... so no, Jill never was been told that the MC was taking care of a sick friend. And that is a mistake and should be handled in a different way.

And for J&M i think you misunderstood me... the friendship doesnt make sense in some way... if your MC is falling in love with them, but they reject him... would YOU become best friends with them regardless? Especially after the things maya pulled off? I sure dont. If your MC is a manwhore and dik, and thats why J&M rejected him, why do they want to be so close friends with him after that? Doesnt really make sense either... Same goes for many friendships in the game... you can pretty much be a asshole to some (especially Derek), and they still want to be MCs friend. Thats just kinda odd and not consequent enough i think. Sometimes it seems they are spineless ^^
As you said it bother her cause it Cathy. She could react the same if it Jade. I think Bella doesn't like them that much. Also, Bella probably didn't liked the fact that Cathy panty was in HER car while MC was dating her as well.

Well, maybe you are right about this one.

As for Maya/Josy relationship, Dik Mc want to be friends with them because that who he is as a person.(Some people just like to be friends with their exes). Also, Maya doesn't like MC that much if you are spending more time with Quinn. Josy still have feelings for Mc. As for Derek, well he understands that it part of Mc personality. I know some people who hit eachother and is asshole to their friends. Nonetheless, Derek friends point will block something in the future. Derek is pretty laid-back guy anyway, only thing that bother him was Ashley and MC sauna scene where he pretty much blame Ashley


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2018
I feel like you pointed out most of my concerns.

About DIK's points it matters a little, if you play without minigames. In that case you need a least 5 DIK's points and refusing Vip pass to fully repair mansion on time.

Passing tests gives you Bella points.

But overall marvelous post, I love it.

I still can not get pass it how is it possible to only be in relationship or be friends with Josy and Maya. I mean that MC is very magnanimous to them. When I personally can forgive Josy and Maya that doesn't mean that we should become best friends forever. Something is clearly wrong with this part (as well as with Jill and sick friend and Bella and Cathy etc.).
That's a stretch worthy of dalli.

(I can't remember, do we sleep with Jill before the choice? If so, and we don't choose Jill, Bella won't like it)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2021
MC does not name her Sage, but confesses that he is going to help a female friend. i don't think the name makes that much of a difference

mc "I'm so sorry. You caught me at a bad time."
mc "I made a promise to a friend to come help her."
mc "She's sick and needs someone to take care of her."

the picnic issue is not whether or not Jill's behavior makes sense; as human beings we are great at finding justifications for our actions.
the problem is that it makes Jill an unpleasant character, completely absorbed in her fairy tale reality. it is that, very but very simple.

MC at that moment is in no way committed to her (more than Sage or anyone), to her this is unacceptable? perfect, goodbye!!!
Jill is awesome. Any criticism is irrelevant.


Engaged Member
Aug 19, 2019
I'm wondering if one of the big twists is Maya getting pregnant.

The text keeps going out of its way to tell you she isn't on the pill (and is dragging her feet on getting on it) and that option where they have sex in her room and MC blows on top of her pussy lips freaks her out.

Either way I hoping for a nice scene where the MC finally creampies her.
What this suggests to me is that you didn't have good enough standing with Maya,because my MC gave her a hearty creampie at the dorm party. I absolutely think a pregnancy issue with her would be interesting, at least as regards her father and the tuition angle. He thinks she's some kind of degenerate lesbian, and everyone knows that you don't get babies that way.

She isn't remotely in my top choices for procreation in the game, but I honestly think it would be beneficial due to her zealous father.


Dec 5, 2020
Pretty sure the dude on the left is Rusty's dad, on the right is Jill's dad.
There is several hints throughout the game that they know each other and in some kind of friendship.
If you zoom in on the first image below, you can notice that some man is sitting right next to Amelia (Jill's mom) and most likely it's the real dad of Jill. Both his forehead and eye shape do not match those of the blonde guest AKA the fake Jill dad.

But they match the face of Manbun Dude AKA Joseph Seed from Far Cry 5. Also Manbun Dude wears a very similar ring. Gordon and Kristian - the freshly admitted preps in the third image - tried their best to impress Manbun Dude.
Jill's dad
View attachment 2210167

Manbun Dude with "Rusty's dad" and Jill's fake dad.
View attachment 2210168
Manbun Dude with a ring visible
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Nov 10, 2022
Before ep. 9 will change our perception, what are your top girlfriend candidates and top beauties?


top3girlfriends: Jill, Bella (if her husband is missing for so long that he is considered dead by law), Zoey.

top10beauties: Josy, Bella, Nicole, Camilla, Lily, Maya, Heather, Jade, Sarah, Mona.


Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
I wish it would be the case.

We have to wait... there were already some decisions that had consequences later on... some of them were more or less predictable, like the ones that will lead to be rejected by Jill, its obvious... she is a somewhat pure and nice girl, doing asshole things and fucking around? Of course its not working for her.

I for one didnt see it coming that Bella will find cathys panties, but if you think about it... getting naughty with her in bellas car, kinda clear that this will not go unnoticed. BUT i didnt think it would bother her that much... cause at that point, she is aware that the MC is dating others already. But Cathy is a no-no? Well...

To me, some consequences didnt make THAT much sense... others were obvious.

For example, i dont like it that the Jill path is done when you visit Sage at the end of episode 6. Of course i can understand that Jill is upset for refusing do go on a birthday date with her... but why cant the MC explain it to her that he is visiting a sick friend? Considering Jills Character she would be fine with it... to her knowledge he is just rejecting her, but in fact the MC is taking care of a sick friend. If Jill would know about that, there wouldnt be an reason left to break up with MC. Some are still blaming Jill here (and dont like her character cause of that) but in fact i would say, DPC just did a mistake in writing at this point. It would be the most normal thing in the world to tell her "oh iam sorry Jill, but a dear friend of mine has become really sick and i wanted to care a little for her, can we take a rain check for you picknick?" If she still would be upset about that than, yeah screw her, but Jill doesnt know that, and that the MC is not mentioning this to her is really odd.

And on the DIK Path, punching Tybalt and fighting all the time... Jill will still defend the MC til the end, you can even romance her as a dik... well you will not get together in the end with her... but until ep 8 she is still in love with him. Which doesnt make sense to me at all... she is tolerating violance? nuh-nuh. Doesnt fit her personaltiy one bit. After punching tybalt the Jill path should close in an instant for example.

So regarding consequences DPC wasnt always reasonable, but those consequences are counting only for the girls and if you can be together with them or not anyways and thats it.

The DIK/Chick affinity does have an influence on the MC attitude overall, and exclude some choices you can make... i like that, but to me its not going far enough. Cause it should influence more like OTHERS react to him as it does so far... be a dik and really make some questionable decisions doesnt matter at all for your friendships... They will all become friends with the MC, no matter what... you can treat Derek like shit all the time, and still they are "best friends". I think there should have been consequences for this friendship already too if you treat Derek bad all the time... he is not a lost puppy that will glue himself to your leg no matter what. I wonder why there are even relationship points with him in the game so far, and with the DIKs too. will they REALLY matter at some point, and when will it be?

It would be awesome if all you actions combined could lead to an ending for the friendship with Derek and/or the DIKs, but other than the relationship points there are not hints in that direction... gather minus points for derek and the diks all you want, NOTHING changes, not even the dialogues. Thats odd.

Well there are more things like that in the game... like the class-tests too... so far it doesnt matter one bit if you pass the tests or fail every single one of them. Well, besides unlocking renders that is.

And so on... there are decisions made all the time, some of them "seem" to be important and like they were major choices but nothing happens, even in the long run. Other choices which seem to be very minor have consquences, sometimes immediately, sometimes later on.

Overall i would be fine with everything, IF those things would always be kind of reasonable and plausible, but most of the times its not. Overall in think there are just too many choices that SHOULD have consquences, but dont have any. And some choices have consequences where you think after "heh?"

Well most of the times its all about gathering relationship points for the girls and unlock lewds with them of course... those are pretty straight forward.

But than we have Relationship points for Derek, the DIK, even the alphas, preps and nerds and EVEN Neil... what for? Some things dont make much sense to me and i really really hope DPC has a long term plan for those things, with reasonable consquences in the long run... But i dont think so...

For the overall mainplots, being in the frat of the diks, or regarding the rivalry with the other frats, i dont think that any of our decisions will ever make any impact. So far it wasnt the case, and i cant imagine that this will change. I really hope all the relationship point will matter at some point... treating others like shit should have consquences later on. Even if its Neil. But so far the only consquences are, if you can have sex with a girl or not, and a little change in attitude for the MC. Which is nice and more than other AVNs around here are delivering. But i think its by far not enough considering how the MC can act towards others and how they respond... sometimes how they respond or still be friends with the MC doesnt make any sense... and sometimes i doesnt make any sense that the MC still wants to be friends with them.

I think DPC must pay more attention to the overall behavior of the characters and how they act towards each other... the whole Josy&Maya relationship or friendship for example is kinda strange... and the absolute weakspot of the game, especially if you are NOT on their path or playing as DIK, they shouldnt be that close anymore like they are.

I hope DPC can kinda "repair" some of those flaws during season 3 and doesnt make any more errors like the J&M Friendship route. And regarding those relationships points with other characters than the Love-interest, they should count for something and MUST lead to consequences too and i hope those consequences will occur during season 3 at some point... otherwise he could delete them all together.
There will be really heavy consequences, because I think that DPC has included the decisions from the first EPs in EP9. That's why EP9 took so long to create.

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From these two examples, you can see so DPC had to make two different images and animation stretches for Maya alone. The conversation at the Burkes' is like a node for this, because it will be decided if Maya and how Maya will get help with the tuition. Furthermore, the MC will probably be shown or told about Maya's past. It just depends on the decisions from EP2. How will they be shown to the MC? The black box that the MC tried to get open in EP8. That will be a USB stick in it that he can watch through the TV in his room. And that's probably why DPC kept adding more and more new images and animations.
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May 23, 2017
Before ep. 9 will change our perception, what are your top girlfriend candidates and top beauties?


top3girlfriends: Jill, Bella (if her husband is missing for so long that he is considered dead by law), Zoey.

top10beauties: Josy, Bella, Nicole, Camilla, Lily, Maya, Heather, Jade, Sarah, Mona.
Not having Sage in the top 3 girlfriends, for shame dude...
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