
Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
Those are the same boots worn by the ‘soldier‘ in the MC’s drunken exploration of Bella’s study (as you say). I suspect this is actually a mannequin Bella dresses in her husbands clothes.

I suspect the large picture may also have him in this uniform (possibly hunting gear).

I think the cabinet in Bella’s living room, that is at an angle is probably covering a blood stain. Her husband is possibly in a coma. There is a chance Bella had a child and it’s them in the coma. The only real hint of this the kids books, and the anger when MC joking calls he Mommy.
Everything is possible.
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Jun 12, 2020
who can resist this?

with her beautiful sky-blue fluttering hair that flutters in the wind,
those beautiful breathtaking eyes that sparkle in the moonlight,
and oh,what a beautiful mysterious delightful smile,
a smile that melts every heart of every woman and man earth.

when you look at me like that with your most loving puppy eyes,
my heart races,i sit with the most trembling hands.

for oh my god,
who can resist such a descended beautiful azure love angel?

I'll go through heaven and hell for you
ti amo,ti amo zoey :love: :love:

View attachment 2209189
Dafuq is this


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2018
Elena definitely deserves more attention. One of the smartest girls in HOT's, with a free spirit.
She would be a good candidate for HOT President after Sage's graduation.
Yea to be honest, disregarding physical attractiveness for a second, she'd IRL be the kind of girl I'd go after. Chill, fun, and kind of feels like the mom of the HOTs. It'd definitely make more sense for her to be the next president. That's also why I feel like she's a sophomore like JB and not a junior. It's not much to go on at all but I just don't think it'd make sense for Elena to be passed over for Quinn unless it was just a matter of seniority and just passing it down to next person in a logical fashion. Could also just be that she didn't want the leadership role and is fine just chilling out.
Though I don't really think she looks all that bad either. Just, you know, can't even compete with Josy or Sage.


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
Not at all. As I've grown older I come to appreciate the 'flaws' in artists as much as their talents. Bioware is as addicted to the heroes journey as they are to big booty hoes. Michael Crichton's god the standard god complex they hand out with each and every medical degree. And DPC likes his cheap melodrama. The flaws, in fact, ENHANCE the art, rather than detract from it.

Worst case scenario, I laugh, like I did when the Sage parents reveal happened. Best case scenario, I buy into it, like with a certain fire....(bastard).

There's a speech in Westworld that is absolutely spectacular. It really highlights what I'm talking about. It starts at 1:22, and the most relevant part is at 1:39.

'The guests don't return for the obvious things we do, the garish things. They come back, because of the subtleties. The details. They come back because they discover something they imagine, no one had ever noticed before, something they fall in love with'....

I'm not coming back because Sage fucks my brains out cowgirl style. I can get that in a hundred different games. I'm not even here because I want to count every single freckle in her beautiful face. I'm here, because of the way she presses her lips together when she's angry. I literally stopped the game, made a save and starred at a picture of her pre-rage angry face for minutes the first time I saw it. I wanted to drink in every detail. The game is full of these tiny bits of greatness. We all notice different things, someone pointed out that the candles flickered in a static scene, which actually made it an animation; others hunt through Bella's house trying to decipher her hidden past.

If you're coming back for the big bombastic moments, maybe you will be disappointed, but for me, I think it will more than satisfy.
I appreciate subtlety at least as much as the next man, but subtleties are a garnish. They can't substitute for the underlying story.

IMHO, the story has grown grow too stagnant under the weight of all the subtleties DPC's hung on it. I'll appreciate the nuance and craftsmanship a lot more when they're matched with new scenarios than when they're a mere applique on the same scenarios we had all last season.

Maya's loan is for her tuition. If the dad is withholding (or at least he's threatening to do so) it sounds kinda illegal, almost like straight up theft.
Of course it's illegal, it's fraud and/or theft! The question is whether Maya could prove it to a court and thus avoid the (theoretically) lethal damage to her credit when she goes public. That would depend entirely on how DPC wants this to play out; he controls how contract law works in his universe.

Now Maya's already attending classes, so she's probably already paid for the first semester, so nothing illegal has happened yet.

Once she explains the bullshit her dad is threatening to do to her, if the college contacted Patrick, of course he wouldn't admit that he's a cunt, he'd make it sound like there was some kind of misunderstanding, and that Maya got confused, and of course the money was for her tuition, blah blah.

Patrick hasn't got a leg to stand on in this situation, either he's bluffing, in which case his bluff will be called the second someone of authority questions him, or he's actually done all the things Maya believes he's done, in which case he could possibly be done for fraud since he would have had to lie on any application that could make Maya a co-signer.

I'm still mostly convinced it's a bluff. He's just trying to scare Maya into doing what he wants.
That's possible, but IMHO it would be a mistake. Resolving one of the game's most prominent subplots in such an anticlimactic way is unlikely to satisfy anyone (save perhaps those who already hate Maya and just want her plotline gone from the story). It will make all the characters look moronic and undercut any drama the next time mine DPC tries to hit us with an obviously made-up crisis. Better to make the peril real and allow our heroes to escape it through their own initiative.

Although what he's doing to Maya is obviously causing her a lot of grief, he's probably not an "evil" guy; just misguided and over protective. A lot of parents make ridiculous threats to try to control adult children (or even just young children). A friend of mine's parents threatened to disown her if she married this guy that they didn't approve of. She married him anyway, the marriage failed after 3 years, the parents were right, but they never disowned her.

I doubt Patrick actually intends to destroy her credit rating and have her in debt for life. Why the fuck would he do that to his daughter? He just wants her to be not gay. The whole loan fiasco will eventually fizzle out, because it is a nonsense ploy from a father who is slowly losing control of his adult daughter. Eventually he'll have to stop meddling in her life or else he'll run the risk of not being in it at all.

If it escalates to more than that, like making Patrick out to be some hard line zealot who would rather stone his daughter than let her go muff diving, I will be really fucking surprised. It won't be resolved as well as Josy and her dad, because they already had a good relationship, but I reckon it will end with Patrick realising he can't control her if he wants to still be in her life.
I agree that Patrick deliberately destroying his daughter's life in a fit of religious zealotry would be an odd fit for this game. Nonetheless I can't rule it out because a) DPC has made his concern for my tender sensibilities abundantly clear by now, and b) the game is going to be long enough that Patrick could make good on his threat AND still wind up coming around to realize the error of his ways by the end (after we've already managed to repair the damage to Maya's life).

this storyline of Maya's loan issues needs to go away. beyond bored of that dramatic crap. i think Jade is the perfect one to help her deal with this once she finds out about it, since she doesn't stand bullying in any form. and i am sure she would see this as bullying. love to see her go visit Patrick at his workplace and tear him a new asshole over it. :ROFLMAO:
I wouldn't say it needs to go away completely, but it definitely needs to change. It's been the same note repeated over and over again for 8 straight episodes. We're not going to wring any more drama out of watching Maya sullenly chase after an obviously doomed get-rich-quick-scheme no matter how many tiny animations DPC adds to the latest version. We either need to see Maya's attitude change, or we need to see her respond to a new problem.

Or both. Both would definitely be good.

Add to your list of failures:

- taking a picture of your dick using Tybbie's phone ---> Jill dumping you after Tybbie's deranged college "lesson".

My opinion is that most "poor decisions" are going to have dire consequences in BaDIK's world, sooner or later.

I think some major choices - those which have permanent penalty to your DIK/Chick status - will have an impact on MC. And I think MC using / not using the restaurant will affect the story.

And I honestly think that many players who fucked around a lot during their gameplay will regret it.

We will see.
I'm pretty sure you're mistaken. Photobombing Tybalt's presentation has no effect on Jill's path. If the MC has DIK Affinity, Jill was already going to ditch him regardless of what he did with Tybalt's hpone. If he has CHICK or Neutral Affinity, picnicked with her in Episode 6 and fought for her in Episode 7 then she'll invite him to meet her friends in Episode 8.

I agree there will probably be consequences to our actions eventually, but I'm not going to speculate on how far reaching they'll be until I see how DPC handles the vaunted branching in Episode 9.


Oct 12, 2021
Yeah yeah LI's here and there and a mysteries left and right ... whatever ! My MC has only one goal and that's being a great father and partner/husband for Nicole and her little one ! :BootyTime:
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2018
Why in Jan why not this Month?
People are just making shit up. No announcement has been made, but DPC's posts suggest it will probably be this month. Given he does not have nearly as much legacy testing to do (only one short chapter to double check), and no need to test the transfer saves it shouldn't take nearly as long to beta test.


Jan 16, 2021
Yeah yeah LI's here and there and a mysteries left and right ... whatever ! My MC has only one goal and that's being a great father and partner/husband for Nicole and her little one ! :BootyTime:
its great idea and im gonna love it,anyway dont forget about MC to be husbu material for bella
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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
Add to your list of failures:

- taking a picture of your dick using Tybbie's phone ---> Jill dumping you after Tybbie's deranged college "lesson".

My opinion is that most "poor decisions" are going to have dire consequences in BaDIK's world, sooner or later.

I think some major choices - those which have permanent penalty to your DIK/Chick status - will have an impact on MC. And I think MC using / not using the restaurant will affect the story.

And I honestly think that many players who fucked around a lot during their gameplay will regret it.

We will see.
I wish it would be the case.

We have to wait... there were already some decisions that had consequences later on... some of them were more or less predictable, like the ones that will lead to be rejected by Jill, its obvious... she is a somewhat pure and nice girl, doing asshole things and fucking around? Of course its not working for her.

I for one didnt see it coming that Bella will find cathys panties, but if you think about it... getting naughty with her in bellas car, kinda clear that this will not go unnoticed. BUT i didnt think it would bother her that much... cause at that point, she is aware that the MC is dating others already. But Cathy is a no-no? Well...

To me, some consequences didnt make THAT much sense... others were obvious.

For example, i dont like it that the Jill path is done when you visit Sage at the end of episode 6. Of course i can understand that Jill is upset for refusing do go on a birthday date with her... but why cant the MC explain it to her that he is visiting a sick friend? Considering Jills Character she would be fine with it... to her knowledge he is just rejecting her, but in fact the MC is taking care of a sick friend. If Jill would know about that, there wouldnt be an reason left to break up with MC. Some are still blaming Jill here (and dont like her character cause of that) but in fact i would say, DPC just did a mistake in writing at this point. It would be the most normal thing in the world to tell her "oh iam sorry Jill, but a dear friend of mine has become really sick and i wanted to care a little for her, can we take a rain check for you picknick?" If she still would be upset about that than, yeah screw her, but Jill doesnt know that, and that the MC is not mentioning this to her is really odd.

And on the DIK Path, punching Tybalt and fighting all the time... Jill will still defend the MC til the end, you can even romance her as a dik... well you will not get together in the end with her... but until ep 8 she is still in love with him. Which doesnt make sense to me at all... she is tolerating violance? nuh-nuh. Doesnt fit her personaltiy one bit. After punching tybalt the Jill path should close in an instant for example.

So regarding consequences DPC wasnt always reasonable, but those consequences are counting only for the girls and if you can be together with them or not anyways and thats it.

The DIK/Chick affinity does have an influence on the MC attitude overall, and exclude some choices you can make... i like that, but to me its not going far enough. Cause it should influence more like OTHERS react to him as it does so far... be a dik and really make some questionable decisions doesnt matter at all for your friendships... They will all become friends with the MC, no matter what... you can treat Derek like shit all the time, and still they are "best friends". I think there should have been consequences for this friendship already too if you treat Derek bad all the time... he is not a lost puppy that will glue himself to your leg no matter what. I wonder why there are even relationship points with him in the game so far, and with the DIKs too. will they REALLY matter at some point, and when will it be?

It would be awesome if all you actions combined could lead to an ending for the friendship with Derek and/or the DIKs, but other than the relationship points there are not hints in that direction... gather minus points for derek and the diks all you want, NOTHING changes, not even the dialogues. Thats odd.

Well there are more things like that in the game... like the class-tests too... so far it doesnt matter one bit if you pass the tests or fail every single one of them. Well, besides unlocking renders that is.

And so on... there are decisions made all the time, some of them "seem" to be important and like they were major choices but nothing happens, even in the long run. Other choices which seem to be very minor have consquences, sometimes immediately, sometimes later on.

Overall i would be fine with everything, IF those things would always be kind of reasonable and plausible, but most of the times its not. Overall in think there are just too many choices that SHOULD have consquences, but dont have any. And some choices have consequences where you think after "heh?"

Well most of the times its all about gathering relationship points for the girls and unlock lewds with them of course... those are pretty straight forward.

But than we have Relationship points for Derek, the DIK, even the alphas, preps and nerds and EVEN Neil... what for? Some things dont make much sense to me and i really really hope DPC has a long term plan for those things, with reasonable consquences in the long run... But i dont think so...

For the overall mainplots, being in the frat of the diks, or regarding the rivalry with the other frats, i dont think that any of our decisions will ever make any impact. So far it wasnt the case, and i cant imagine that this will change. I really hope all the relationship point will matter at some point... treating others like shit should have consquences later on. Even if its Neil. But so far the only consquences are, if you can have sex with a girl or not, and a little change in attitude for the MC. Which is nice and more than other AVNs around here are delivering. But i think its by far not enough considering how the MC can act towards others and how they respond... sometimes how they respond or still be friends with the MC doesnt make any sense... and sometimes i doesnt make any sense that the MC still wants to be friends with them.

I think DPC must pay more attention to the overall behavior of the characters and how they act towards each other... the whole Josy&Maya relationship or friendship for example is kinda strange... and the absolute weakspot of the game, especially if you are NOT on their path or playing as DIK, they shouldnt be that close anymore like they are.

I hope DPC can kinda "repair" some of those flaws during season 3 and doesnt make any more errors like the J&M Friendship route. And regarding those relationships points with other characters than the Love-interest, they should count for something and MUST lead to consequences too and i hope those consequences will occur during season 3 at some point... otherwise he could delete them all together.


Active Member
Apr 3, 2020
I wish it would be the case.

We have to wait... there were already some decisions that had consequences later on... some of them were more or less predictable, like the ones that will lead to be rejected by Jill, its obvious... she is a somewhat pure and nice girl, doing asshole things and fucking around? Of course its not working for her.

I for one didnt see it coming that Bella will find cathys panties, but if you think about it... getting naughty with her in bellas car, kinda clear that this will not go unnoticed. BUT i didnt think it would bother her that much... cause at that point, she is aware that the MC is dating others already. But Cathy is a no-no? Well...

To me, some consequences didnt make THAT much sense... others were obvious.

For example, i dont like it that the Jill path is done when you visit Sage at the end of episode 6. Of course i can understand that Jill is upset for refusing do go on a birthday date with her... but why cant the MC explain it to her that he is visiting a sick friend? Considering Jills Character she would be fine with it... to her knowledge he is just rejecting her, but in fact the MC is taking care of a sick friend. If Jill would know about that, there wouldnt be an reason left to break up with MC. Some are still blaming Jill here (and dont like her character cause of that) but in fact i would say, DPC just did a mistake in writing at this point. It would be the most normal thing in the world to tell her "oh iam sorry Jill, but a dear friend of mine has become really sick and i wanted to care a little for her, can we take a rain check for you picknick?" If she still would be upset about that than, yeah screw her, but Jill doesnt know that, and that the MC is not mentioning this to her is really odd.

And on the DIK Path, punching Tybalt and fighting all the time... Jill will still defend the MC til the end, you can even romance her as a dik... well you will not get together in the end with her... but until ep 8 she is still in love with him. Which doesnt make sense to me at all... she is tolerating violance? nuh-nuh. Doesnt fit her personaltiy one bit. After punching tybalt the Jill path should close in an instant for example.

So regarding consequences DPC wasnt always reasonable, but those consequences are counting only for the girls and if you can be together with them or not anyways and thats it.

The DIK/Chick affinity does have an influence on the MC attitude overall, and exclude some choices you can make... i like that, but to me its not going far enough. Cause it should influence more like OTHERS react to him as it does so far... be a dik and really make some questionable decisions doesnt matter at all for your friendships... They will all become friends with the MC, no matter what... you can treat Derek like shit all the time, and still they are "best friends". I think there should have been consequences for this friendship already too if you treat Derek bad all the time... he is not a lost puppy that will glue himself to your leg no matter what. I wonder why there are even relationship points with him in the game so far, and with the DIKs too. will they REALLY matter at some point, and when will it be?

It would be awesome if all you actions combined could lead to an ending for the friendship with Derek and/or the DIKs, but other than the relationship points there are not hints in that direction... gather minus points for derek and the diks all you want, NOTHING changes, not even the dialogues. Thats odd.

Well there are more things like that in the game... like the class-tests too... so far it doesnt matter one bit if you pass the tests or fail every single one of them. Well, besides unlocking renders that is.

And so on... there are decisions made all the time, some of them "seem" to be important and like they were major choices but nothing happens, even in the long run. Other choices which seem to be very minor have consquences, sometimes immediately, sometimes later on.

Overall i would be fine with everything, IF those things would always be kind of reasonable and plausible, but most of the times its not. Overall in think there are just too many choices that SHOULD have consquences, but dont have any. And some choices have consequences where you think after "heh?"

Well most of the times its all about gathering relationship points for the girls and unlock lewds with them of course... those are pretty straight forward.

But than we have Relationship points for Derek, the DIK, even the alphas, preps and nerds and EVEN Neil... what for? Some things dont make much sense to me and i really really hope DPC has a long term plan for those things, with reasonable consquences in the long run... But i dont think so...

For the overall mainplots, being in the frat of the diks, or regarding the rivalry with the other frats, i dont think that any of our decisions will ever make any impact. So far it wasnt the case, and i cant imagine that this will change. I really hope all the relationship point will matter at some point... treating others like shit should have consquences later on. Even if its Neil. But so far the only consquences are, if you can have sex with a girl or not, and a little change in attitude for the MC. Which is nice and more than other AVNs around here are delivering. But i think its by far not enough considering how the MC can act towards others and how they respond... sometimes how they respond or still be friends with the MC doesnt make any sense... and sometimes i doesnt make any sense that the MC still wants to be friends with them.

I think DPC must pay more attention to the overall behavior of the characters and how they act towards each other... the whole Josy&Maya relationship or friendship for example is kinda strange... and the absolute weakspot of the game, especially if you are NOT on their path or playing as DIK, they shouldnt be that close anymore like they are.

I hope DPC can kinda "repair" some of those flaws during season 3 and doesnt make any more errors like the J&M Friendship route. And regarding those relationships points with other characters than the Love-interest, they should count for something and MUST lead to consequences too and i hope those consequences will occur during season 3 at some point... otherwise he could delete them all together.
It made sense to me that Bella rejected Mc after Cathy scene. Bella herself said that was not something she is looking for. She was probably skeptical since Cathy is also a teacher.

Also, I think MC did said that he has to take care of sick friend but it seems Jill get jealous easily. (Tybalt dick presentation if MC is dating both Josy, Maya and Jill)

Also, Jill was dating Dik Mc cause she was giving him a chance to see what type of person he is. She gave Rusty and other guys chances as well. Also, she have soft spot for Mc due to him being bullied.

Well, as for Josy and Maya relationship. Nothing is set in stone. Mc doesn't want to date both of them so he either rejected them or they rejected him because they don't want to take any risks. Josy and Maya relationship will somewhat fail and I don't think we will ever get trouple ending (Fuck you Acting lesson).


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
It made sense to me that Bella rejected Mc after Cathy scene. Bella herself said that was not something she is looking for. She was probably skeptical since Cathy is also a teacher.

Also, I think MC did said that he has to take care of sick friend but it seems Jill get jealous easily. (Tybalt dick presentation if MC is dating both Josy, Maya and Jill)

Also, Jill was dating Dik Mc cause she was giving him a chance to see what type of person he is. She gave Rusty and other guys chances as well. Also, she have soft spot for Mc due to him being bullied.

Well, as for Josy and Maya relationship. Nothing is set in stone. Mc doesn't want to date both of them so he either rejected them or they rejected him because they don't want to take any risks. Josy and Maya relationship will somewhat fail and I don't think we will ever get trouple ending (Fuck you Acting lesson).
For Bella/Cathy... well, it bothers her that its Cathy, but other girls/ladys are ok... that is something i dont really understand. Bella says she doesnt want a guy that doesnt take it seriously, but she ONLY talks like that if you have something going on with Cathy... with others than cathy its ok (and yep, Bella knows AT least for Jill, and some pink rose girls if you go for them too) That doesnt make really sense to me...

For visiting Sage instead going with Jill. Nope the MC NEVER mentioned anything to anyone about visiting sage. The onyl ones who knows that are the HOTs at the house... so no, Jill never was been told that the MC was taking care of a sick friend. And that is a mistake and should be handled in a different way.

And for J&M i think you misunderstood me... the friendship doesnt make sense in some way... if your MC is falling in love with them, but they reject him... would YOU become best friends with them regardless? Especially after the things maya pulled off? I sure dont. If your MC is a manwhore and dik, and thats why J&M rejected him, why do they want to be so close friends with him after that? Doesnt really make sense either... Same goes for many friendships in the game... you can pretty much be a asshole to some (especially Derek), and they still want to be MCs friend. Thats just kinda odd and not consequent enough i think. Sometimes it seems they are spineless ^^


Dec 5, 2020
There are way too many indications that DPC makes something go very wrong at the Halloween party. With the doctor’s office preview, the possibly not fake chalk outline and crime scene tape, his comment about writing a scary scene, and now a power outage?

Prepare for mayhem.
Do you have any ideas on whether the alleged dad of Jill in the pic below (to the right of Amelia)
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can match an appearance of any already introduced character, especially, those guests at the preps party? DPC intentionally doesn't want to reveal appearance of Jill's dad "too early".
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Yet, don't you find the blonde guest (AKA Tremolo's uncle or, formerly, Jill's dad) very resembling that unknown dude at the dorm party who banged the suspicious goth chick AKA Carolyn?
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Nov 10, 2022
I wish it would be the case.

We have to wait... there were already some decisions that had consequences later on... some of them were more or less predictable, like the ones that will lead to be rejected by Jill, its obvious... she is a somewhat pure and nice girl, doing asshole things and fucking around? Of course its not working for her.

I for one didnt see it coming that Bella will find cathys panties, but if you think about it... getting naughty with her in bellas car, kinda clear that this will not go unnoticed. BUT i didnt think it would bother her that much... cause at that point, she is aware that the MC is dating others already. But Cathy is a no-no? Well...

To me, some consequences didnt make THAT much sense... others were obvious.

For example, i dont like it that the Jill path is done when you visit Sage at the end of episode 6. Of course i can understand that Jill is upset for refusing do go on a birthday date with her... but why cant the MC explain it to her that he is visiting a sick friend? Considering Jills Character she would be fine with it... to her knowledge he is just rejecting her, but in fact the MC is taking care of a sick friend. If Jill would know about that, there wouldnt be an reason left to break up with MC. Some are still blaming Jill here (and dont like her character cause of that) but in fact i would say, DPC just did a mistake in writing at this point. It would be the most normal thing in the world to tell her "oh iam sorry Jill, but a dear friend of mine has become really sick and i wanted to care a little for her, can we take a rain check for you picknick?" If she still would be upset about that than, yeah screw her, but Jill doesnt know that, and that the MC is not mentioning this to her is really odd.

And on the DIK Path, punching Tybalt and fighting all the time... Jill will still defend the MC til the end, you can even romance her as a dik... well you will not get together in the end with her... but until ep 8 she is still in love with him. Which doesnt make sense to me at all... she is tolerating violance? nuh-nuh. Doesnt fit her personaltiy one bit. After punching tybalt the Jill path should close in an instant for example.

So regarding consequences DPC wasnt always reasonable, but those consequences are counting only for the girls and if you can be together with them or not anyways and thats it.

The DIK/Chick affinity does have an influence on the MC attitude overall, and exclude some choices you can make... i like that, but to me its not going far enough. Cause it should influence more like OTHERS react to him as it does so far... be a dik and really make some questionable decisions doesnt matter at all for your friendships... They will all become friends with the MC, no matter what... you can treat Derek like shit all the time, and still they are "best friends". I think there should have been consequences for this friendship already too if you treat Derek bad all the time... he is not a lost puppy that will glue himself to your leg no matter what. I wonder why there are even relationship points with him in the game so far, and with the DIKs too. will they REALLY matter at some point, and when will it be?

It would be awesome if all you actions combined could lead to an ending for the friendship with Derek and/or the DIKs, but other than the relationship points there are not hints in that direction... gather minus points for derek and the diks all you want, NOTHING changes, not even the dialogues. Thats odd.

Well there are more things like that in the game... like the class-tests too... so far it doesnt matter one bit if you pass the tests or fail every single one of them. Well, besides unlocking renders that is.

And so on... there are decisions made all the time, some of them "seem" to be important and like they were major choices but nothing happens, even in the long run. Other choices which seem to be very minor have consquences, sometimes immediately, sometimes later on.

Overall i would be fine with everything, IF those things would always be kind of reasonable and plausible, but most of the times its not. Overall in think there are just too many choices that SHOULD have consquences, but dont have any. And some choices have consequences where you think after "heh?"

Well most of the times its all about gathering relationship points for the girls and unlock lewds with them of course... those are pretty straight forward.

But than we have Relationship points for Derek, the DIK, even the alphas, preps and nerds and EVEN Neil... what for? Some things dont make much sense to me and i really really hope DPC has a long term plan for those things, with reasonable consquences in the long run... But i dont think so...

For the overall mainplots, being in the frat of the diks, or regarding the rivalry with the other frats, i dont think that any of our decisions will ever make any impact. So far it wasnt the case, and i cant imagine that this will change. I really hope all the relationship point will matter at some point... treating others like shit should have consquences later on. Even if its Neil. But so far the only consquences are, if you can have sex with a girl or not, and a little change in attitude for the MC. Which is nice and more than other AVNs around here are delivering. But i think its by far not enough considering how the MC can act towards others and how they respond... sometimes how they respond or still be friends with the MC doesnt make any sense... and sometimes i doesnt make any sense that the MC still wants to be friends with them.

I think DPC must pay more attention to the overall behavior of the characters and how they act towards each other... the whole Josy&Maya relationship or friendship for example is kinda strange... and the absolute weakspot of the game, especially if you are NOT on their path or playing as DIK, they shouldnt be that close anymore like they are.

I hope DPC can kinda "repair" some of those flaws during season 3 and doesnt make any more errors like the J&M Friendship route. And regarding those relationships points with other characters than the Love-interest, they should count for something and MUST lead to consequences too and i hope those consequences will occur during season 3 at some point... otherwise he could delete them all together.
I feel like you pointed out most of my concerns.

About DIK's points it matters a little, if you play without minigames. In that case you need a least 5 DIK's points and refusing Vip pass to fully repair mansion on time.

Passing tests gives you Bella points.

But overall marvelous post, I love it.

I still can not get pass it how is it possible to only be in relationship or be friends with Josy and Maya. I mean that MC is very magnanimous to them. When I personally can forgive Josy and Maya that doesn't mean that we should become best friends forever. Something is clearly wrong with this part (as well as with Jill and sick friend and Bella and Cathy etc.).
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Apr 14, 2021
Do you have any ideas on whether the alleged dad of Jill in the pic below (to the right of Amelia)
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can match an appearance of any already introduced character, especially, those guests at the preps party? DPC intentionally doesn't want to reveal appearance of Jill's dad "too early".
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Yet, don't you find the blonde guest (AKA Tremolo's uncle or, formerly, Jill's dad) very resembling that unknown dude at the dorm party who banged the suspicious goth chick AKA Carolyn?
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Pretty sure the dude on the left is Rusty's dad, on the right is Jill's dad.
There is several hints throughout the game that they know each other and in some kind of friendship.

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