
Sep 22, 2018
when I try to unzip the file like the instructiones for Mac tells you to. The step where I have to write "cd ./BeingADIK_Season3" into the terminal it tells me "cd: no such file or directory: ./BeingADIK_Season3"

Anyone got a clue?


do torrent. go fast.
Dec 17, 2020
I've seen a few people say similar but tbh, I was a bit disappointed with this update. Maybe it was the wait and the hype building up, I dunno.

Still a fantastic game compared to everything else, but for "BeingADIK" it didn't measure up to it's own extremely high standards. I feel like people might look back on this kind of how people feel about the interlude.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2017
So… episode surprised me in a few good ways but mostly bad/meh ways.

First off, biggest surprise… I don’t totally hate Zoey. Interlude did nothing for me but shes something the story kinda needed. No drama. I looked forward to her scenes throughout the party. The fact she doesn’t stay the night (as far as I can tell) and how slow it’s going is nice. She seems to respect the MC. If you’re mad at her, she takes it well. With humility. If you’re not she’s still a genuine friend.

She also gets on well with people. amusing, cuter than I remember. I’m kinda seeing it as a bad thing she wasn’t an option from day one. Maybe because she’s new and not bogged down with drama it lets her just be a fun addition.

Other route held its own. It was in its element as the episode was one big free roam. Maybe this is how he plans to integrate all the routes and people. Just open world it and let you just chat with people here and there… easier to do. Just dump all the characters in a room and let you pick who you wanna see. Lazy but Effective. But Rio was cute as fuck all episode.The others kinda got equal billing… not because they got more because the LI‘s got diluted. The LI’s were on the Others turf and just side attractions at the free roam.

Quinn was in the episode. That’s about all I can say. Nothing happened really.

Now the Bad. Sage is getting flanderized in my opinion… or maybe defaulting to Ep1 “DIK” Sage. I was fond of sweet Sage. It feels like DPC got her script the wrong way around. Fuck buddy sage was cuddles under blankets and heart to hearts. Then she pulls “it means nothing” in the middle and now it’s a relationship she’s our fuck slut, avoiding conversations and pulling back only to get dicked down left and right. Her little speech at the end to the DIKs put me off the route a little.

Episode felt short. Bella’s arc was a waste of time. Blew past big issues in ropey flashbacks and felt tacked on (let’s be honest she clearly was). It’s insane she integrated better for me as a background character than a route focused LI. Her flashbacks to dancing with her husband might go somewhere but meh. She was never gonna integrate with a college rager. I don’t hold it against DPC he just made the mistake of resolving Jill finding out this episode.

Student finance arc needs to die in a ditch, that aside the relationship with Maya/Josy was strong. They felt the most like a partner this episode.

Jill’s was good… vanilla. Is what it is. I like it, she felt she changed the party with her presence unlike any other LI. I know it isn’t for everyone. “Virgin sex 2 - Electric Boogaloo” was mehhh bordering on awkward. I know she can’t jump straight to pornstar but he should have done more romance with that animation time than rehashing her insecurities and animating more awkward sex.

Speaking of animations. Not on board. This episode was pure my least favourite parts of the game. We don’t need pure free roam. Yes it’s more of a “game” but I didn’t buy a point and click adventure game. I bought a visual novel. It takes forever to make. Is finished easily and I suspect party planning mini game means we’re getting this more often. Rename it Being a Party-Planner.

not my least favourite episode ever. Don’t like the direction it’s taking even if I do understand why. He’s discovered what every sandbox VN writer has and that’s letting you just free roam into story elements makes writing easier.

Meh… it was just Meh.

Edit: WTF was that Christmas stuff at the start? Did I have a fucking stroke? Did that have anything to do with the game? Was that Bella’s house? Was that a flashback like the game usually has?

Also, why was this episodes called The Vixens? They’re in it for like 30 seconds. You get next to no interaction with them and they make zero impact on the plot.
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