Does anyone here think (hope) Maya and Josy aren't actually lesbians/bi? They seem like two lonely people with tough family lives that found comfort with each other rather than being truly attracted to one another (note that they both cheated). Both have issues with their fathers, which likely repulsed them from men until they found one who treated them better (the MC). I think this is more believable than "Surprise! We were both lesbians/bi the whole time!" From what we know of the characters they both really do seem straighter than their relationship. But maybe this is all just head canon. Thoughts?
they are most likely bisexuals, Maya likes women more, but she does not have experience with guys, she dated them however. and if you are full gay you don't start to feel attraction to the opposite sex, what she does toward you

She enjoy lots of thing you do to her, end she is actually starting to enjoy the grinding on you part, in the first chapter. Your Dick is just sadly to BIG and scary for her, but its not like she would not want to try it again
and Josy, well Josy enjoyed your big cock very clearly, and she was definitely skilled
but your analysis was a very well thought
and here i am answering vulgarly