I'll tell you about Josy and Maya.
EP4: Friendship or Throuple
- If the MC remains just a friend, it could happen so that the MC can fuck Josy or Maya, but Josy and Maya will not part ways on this path. The player made his own decision.
- With Throuple and CHICK MC, the player later has the choice whether the MC should sleep with Josy or Maya or on the floor. If you want to have single paths with a later relationship, you should choose between Josy or Maya. The floor is the decision for the throuple. Josy and Maya get the MC into their beds pushed together.
Then the MC's player only needs to prefer Josy or Maya, with whom the MC slept.
This leads to an imbalance in EP9 when it comes to interactions with Josy and Maya. Whoever wants the throuple should sleep on the floor in EP4 and keep Josy and Maya balanced for the MC to say in EP9 so there is no competition between them. If Josy says this after sex in EP9 "It sounds like we're about even.", then Josy and Maya get +3RP each. The throuple wins.
If Josy doesn't say this, then there will be an imbalance in the allocation of RPs and the fight between Josy and Maya will not end. So if you want solo paths, you first have to agree to the throuple in EP4 and then you should decide in EP4 which bed the MC should sleep in and prefer this girl as the game progresses. The MC only gets proper interactions with Josy and/or Maya when he is in the throuple.
As simple as that.