Ah yes, 3 Madame sex scenes, exactly what I've hoped for after a year in developement...
Bitch I don't even know who the fuck Madame is, I don't think I've even met her on any of my playthroughs so why is she getting more attention than the Main LIs?
I've only finished the Bella path and you actually get to learn a bit about her whole situation which is cool I guess and her scene is great but I expected much more. Like bro, I had to decide a while back who to be with and that locks me out of a lot of content and all I get is this? I feel like if you introduce path branching this early, the path needs to somehow make up for the content you lose with all the other LIs.
And of course, the good ol' Maya story.

Words literally can't describe how much I don't give a fuck about her or the fact that she can't pay her tuition or whatever.
I'm on a full DIK path and yet I'm forced to simp for her and comfort her and shit...