
Forum Fanatic
Mar 13, 2021
Hi everyone! :alien: Hope you all are good!

Came back for a replay because new update, wanted to ask if this version is stable to start new rerun or better wait a little more for an patch update.

P.S: Long Live The Quinn.
It depends on whether you play with mods/edited saves or not. If the answer is no, go for it.
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Active Member
Dec 7, 2022
im also a story first freak and I think another thing worth pointing out is that this game is designed to played though multiple times unless you just have a single girl in mind and are following a guide and even with strategic saving you will be repeating sandbox sections multiple times every update, and then heaven forbid your save gets broken (either by dpc or you) and then you are looking at about a dozen? forced sandbox sections....
True, I used to play this game on all routes, because I wanted to read the whole story content of the game. But with the last updates, more focused on free roams and minigames that keeps getting complex and you now have 10 tutorials to read on every new update, I only focus on the route I like the most. Once I get to know everything that there is to know about this route, I don't play it anymore and I use galery unlocker to unlock the whole rewards/scenes content.


Engaged Member
May 25, 2017
There is actually a lot of us who love the game, and spend time discussing and bantering/shitposting - the thing is what most of us did is we downloaded and now almost everyone is radio silent, people are playing and this thread becomes very very toxic for about week after release, you said it yourself.

Now to answer your question, it depends when was the last time you played ? We have passed halfway point, and story is moving forward at a much faster pace then before (at least in episode 10 - we got answer to some burning question, and certain storylines are resolved).

There is a LOT of branching, and I really mean that - certain scenes have 2/3 even 4 different variations depending on choices we made in the past. Story is different if you choose to be college fuckboy, heartbreaker/casanova or nice guy .

If you start from the very beginning without using skip button, I would say it's going to take you about 30-40 hours to reach the end of episode 10, of course it depends how fast you read, and if you turn minigames on or off.
I understand that, the thing is that people around the forums said the last release was a disapointment, while others said it was good, there's no middle in between.

I've played this for like 3 years ago probably, so maybe if I buy time I give this another chance. Anyway ty for answer.


New Member
Oct 10, 2019
Anyone have issues opening on Mac? I did the steps like I did with the last episode but this one still doesn’t open saying may be damage or incomplete after doing the terminal. Any help, thanks!
I'm having the same problem. Normally I can just open the Mac version and play right away. Never had to use terminal before. Tried it without success.


Mar 25, 2020

My respect for Patrick shot through the roof. Never judge a character without knowing them and their motives. I can't believe that a fictional character made me this emotional. He became a personal inspiration. i hope he gets a happy ending... Please let him have one :HideThePain:. I'm not the biggest maya fan but i'll dedicate a playthrough for her just so that i can follow patricks story.


Aug 27, 2019
Thoughts on Ep 10:
- Overall really enjoyed the focus back on the plot after Ep9's focus on a single party. Pretty clear at this point that the tease at the start of Ep9 is for Ep11 if not Ep12 end of season.
- Really enjoyed the character development, Nicole in particular is still the stand out in many regards in my opinion.
- Feels like it's a big set up for a "house of cards" scenario that comes crashing down, given the sudden focus on Riona and DPCs tendency for soap opera writing I can see her being killed or at least seriously injured as the catalyst for it all coming down with Tommy, Quinn, and Stephen being the main causes of everything that's been built up (drugs, prostitution, the "walk of shame" stuff).
- new minigames... they're solid but I really don't see the point of them quite honestly. The fish one in particular seems to be little more than a way to dump money because there's nothing else to spend it on at this point.
- On the 60fps animations, someone's going to gif the Quinn slow clap as a mocking and I wouldn't disagree with it quite honestly. Makes absolutely no fucking difference to anything.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
So, i threw DPC 10 bucks, but didnt wait any longer to download it... i had the time now, why wait until 11 december? Screw that. He got the money.

I played 3 playthroughs for now, all chick playthroughs, J&M, Jill and "others" on chick with focus on Nicole, Rio and Josy.

Lets start with negatives so i can end it with positives.

The animations. About 80% felt totally unnecessary and pointless, more that 80% will never see the aniumations again in any playthrough cause they will skip it. And i didnt notice any difference between 60 FPS or 30, which is no surprise, cause there is none if its not an entire game in motion. You cant notice it in 1 second loops, its ridiculous. But it takes double the time to render them... ugh... and than, woah, how many unnecessary antimation were there? I cant even start to make a list, it wouldnt end. And no iam not one of the guys who think "hey, only animate lewd content" not at all... but man... make them for content that matters and you will see again and again and that adds really something to the game. A Zoey running through the woods, or some stupid zombies in a arcade game which you ONLY can see if you go with rio... wtf is that? And for those things we had to wait about additional 3 months? Oh my. And is it only me or are the lewd animations kinda short? Looking back some scenes out of episode 7 and 8... they felt longer? But nevermind... point is... 60 fps is a waste of time and resources. Nothing more. And most of the animations in the game were too... but yeah... mainthing... some dude we dont even know makes some kickboxing moves in a minigame, or the fish is moving... argh.

Next, the minigames. Overall, mostly i like minigames in being a dik. many of them were able to create some "depth" to it, and are fun. But not every single one of them... the class minigames were always boring, good there is a walkthrough, so repeating them is just copy and paste. triple tile is shit, always will be, but well... for the 1$ its quick done in easy mode if its gets annoying. The brwaler game is ok for a while, but a rework was in dire need... and i am gald he did, but well... he went a little overboard, i mean... the brawler game would have been that good to without a single animation in it? But it felt like about 50% of all the animations in the game went into brawler... ugh.

So if i like many minigames, whats the negative about it? In this episode we got just way to many new ones. And many complex mingames too. And DPC is not the kind of DEV who introduce minigames and will stick to them for a long while (except shuffle maybe) Most of the minigames during the 10 episodes including interlude are a one time thing or are used in about 3 episode tops. So he is developing something like the fishies, and those will never been seen again after episode 11 or 12 maybe. Feels like a waste of time. Once i thaught that the mansion mini game will have some influence or something like that along the road... we kinda developed the DIKs there so they are able to get some things done, but... yeah... the mansion got repaired, everything regarding the minigame is pointless after, even the more than 60$ i got everytime after is just gone. So whats the point? And that thaught is running through my head for every single minigame in episode 10... whats the point, will we see it ever again? I whish DPC would create minigames which will stick with us until the game as a whole will be complete, but i call it now and here, the only one will be shuffle that will make it until the end. So much effort goes into those minigames... for... yeah not nothing, but not that much either.

Buuuuuuut... thats about it with the negatives.

Which leads me to the positives. He added many nice little features, to the phone, and some other menu in it as well. They dont seem to make such a big impact, but they are really nice.

New music tracks are good too, i didnt really missed the ones that were gone. And like all the episodes before, the music is always spot on and fitting the scenes perfectly... which is maybe the only game around here where this is the case all the time. And there were a lot of sounds here and there too, which added a lot to the scenes... its amazing how sound can add so much more to a scene than a animation, DPC should consider to do more sound than animations in the future... its less time and resource consuming as well.

The renders are again a little better, higher scaled, more details and such. He is improving with every episode in that regard, i like that a lot. Well besides some hair choices here and there i guess, especially mayas longer hair or the stubble for MC... those were... not good, the stubble for MC is gone already, hopefully Mayas hair will go back like it was. For Josys hairstyle, its just nice too see that she gets different styles along a episode... sometimes they look silly,sometimes mature, sometimes hot, but thats josy for you... but no matter waht, she looks always cute. But its clear that DPC will never stick to one hairchoice for her, but iam afraid DPC is searching for something permanent for maya, and the actual choice is... bad. But thats my taste.

Storywise... FINALLY its being a dik again. Plotwise a lot of progress, a lot of NEW things, not so much closure for open questions though. But thats okay... what is not okay is standing still, which episode 9 did. Episode 10 has a lot going on in pretty much every scene. And thats how the best episodes of being a dik are. Especially Hell Week, episode 7 and 8 are in my rankings very high cause there is so much going on. And Episode 10 is in those ranks too.

It was about time to learn more about many characters, of course most about Maya an Derek, i didnt played every route so far, as i mentioned before... so Bella, Sage, Quinn and some others are yet to be discovered. But those things i learned about Jill, Derek and Maya are worth it alone to play Episode 10. And with the different scenes and paths, the episode feels WAY LONGER than episode 9 too. I took me a lot of more time to get one playthrough done and the others too... in ep 9 there werent that many differeneces, every thing was pretty much the same, cause it was just one big free roam. Episodes 10 goes back to the roots like the game was... some free roams, but many many scenes that are related to a perticular branch which is awesome and which makes Being a Dik so special compared to other AVNs around here. It wasnt really worth it to play episode 9 over and over again... with episode 10 its finally worth it again. To me DPC made up for the interlude and dissapointing episode 9 with the new one... well... IF it wouldnt have taken 12 months for the release that is.

Derek is the star of this episode and finally got the much deserved attention he needed. Of course it was always clear that he is a major character with far more to it than to be a goofy idiot. But it was about time to show it as a whole. And iam VERY VERY curious how the plot about mayas contract will go... cause... well... you can fail too. Which was a surprise. Will be interesting to watch how that will go.

And yeah, many many new little plots were opened and questions will be asked.

But we got closure here and there too i would say. Tybalt is pretty much closed i would say. And it was about time... he was one of the main antagonists in season 1 and 2. But enough is enough, and i dont see that much potential in him anymore with Vinny, Stephen and some others stepping in the spotlight. The thing with Jill is done once and for all, so... yeah, time to step back for him. Everything that happend with and too him is now "solved" Jill knows everything and thats it.

If you choose to go for a real relationship with somebody there are some things closed as well, or at least it felt like that. Like the Josy feelings-route for example. I played my Jill playthrough with still having feelings for Josy, and yeah... MC pretty much closed the door in the "pillow fort" its not "sealed" i guess, but if you are NOT on the others path, i get the feeling, there will be no Josy solo or cheating route with her down the road. And i makes sense too. Of course... on the others path, the Josy solo route pretty much started now. ON my others playthrough with feelings for her it was just one step away to destroy that pillow fort with a fuck. It will happen soon, i guess in episode 11 already... well that is, if DPC doesnt decide to make one episode out of one day alone again like he did with ep9. Thanksgiving is not done... which felt kinda strange btw. I was 100% sure that we will have a dinner with Neil and MCs girlfriend/s, but well... Neils onion Ninjas and that he will adopt MCs girlfriend pretty much on the doorstep will have to wait a little until ep 11 is out :) There is no tension or anything in that regard, everybody knows that Neil will just adore the fuck out of every girl MC brings home, so no problem that this is not in ep 10.

And Zoey got a little closure too if you are in a serious relationship. MC told her about his feelings (which is partly a closure too, cause finally we know for sure that he loved her) but pretty much closed the door to if he is in a serious relationship, and Zoey realises that too if she sees him with a girl that she lost him cause she couldnt wait some months until graduation... yep Zoey, you are a stupid girl for that.

That she runs away from the party even on the others route felt kinda off to me, why? Cause she realised that she has broken MCs heart? Well, yeah, but on the others path the door is still very much open. At least in my others-playthrough. So it felt off, instead i was pretty sure we will get more "bonding" time with her. Not that iam very interested in that, i dont like Zoey that much, but i want to see everything from the game. I was afraid Zoey will force drama on the relationship of the MC, but its not the case, thanks for that.

Than there were some questions answered or reopend i would say... i always thaught that not the tri-alphas thrashed the mansion. But it guess its pretty clear that hey did it, or better said... dawe send Caleb to do it. Kinda a cheap solution... but well. Iam okay with that.

Nothing new on the camera front, but i was a little surprised that there was only that one camera in dereks closet, of course it was there way before MC and Derek got to the diks (see the picture from jacob and arieth)... but yeah its weird. Dont know what to think of that anymore. Maybe it was forgotten? Maybe there were more cameras in the house and who ever installed them forgot the one in the closet? Otherwise i dont know why you would install on camera in that closet only... its weird.

Nick fucked Heather, no surprise here. Well besides... why did Heather choose nick? Lets face it... he is a snitch and not very interesting character, dear Heather... why nick if you could have been with funny Leon? Well maybe... cause Nick is the only one who would betray a DIK-brother like that, Leon wouldnt do it i guess. I dont trust him one bit, never did, never will... he was or is friends with Vinny, no way a good "brother" would be friend with someone like him. Not even Tommy is. I really hope someday Nick will be thrown out from the DIKs, he doesnt add anything of value to the frat, is only tagging along and yeah... he cant be trusted.

Than DPC decided to add the "DIK Poster-Plot" i dont know why though... didnt felt like it is need. And in the very same episode where this plot started, it is revealed that Beth put those posters up... first i was kinda stuck "hä? Who is that" and than i looked in the bios and saw... its the cafeteria girl. Ah... come on DPC... not every character in the game needs a plot. That wasnt necessary. My guess, she tried desperatly to bang a DIK and didnt made it... she was pretty much at every party from the start of the game, but never really mentioned. So i guess her thinking is "well, you dont notice and fuck me? So i fuck with you DIKs" *shrugs* doesnt make her any more interesting. She is just the cafetria girl and could have very well be that until the game is complete.

Cathy showed up. Kinda sudden... and yeah... dont know, that scene felt really odd. I mean... "Hey Cathy" *hug* "wanna come with home?" "sure" "youre still tempting" *fuck* "bye" ........ Whatever. The fuck was nice, but for the first time between MC and cathy it was really weird and sudden. *shrug*

And there were many other things i cant think off right now, but two final things... after waking up spooning Nicole... the kisses, and the Date later in the episode, really sweet, its gonna be love :D and i love it.

And the last one .... RIOOOOOOOO.... ahhhh, i love that girl. What a nice episode if you are a Rio fan, well... besides the endig of course. I always had the feeling that Rio will get a darker path in the game, and now it became really dark. She already was that damaged girl that didnt know that you can be with a guy without to fuck, MC is the first guy to show her that, and that is sweet and sad together. And now she is in the hands of Vinny (and buddy?) which of course will not lead to anything good for her. Many scenarios come to mind here but it has to be seen... Maybe Vinny will try to force her to turn her back on Quinn, it was hard enough to see that she get together with Quinn again in this episode, i hoped she would try to get away from her. Now Vinny might force her. Quinn played a stupid game all along without knowing how to play it... the whole drug thing is way above her head, sad to see that Rio has to pay the price for now. I admit, it made my heart skip a beat a little to see that scene in the end. But again... DPC made it very clear that being a dik will not turn out to be that dark as Acting Lesson was. So, yeah... she will be shaken, but fine in the end... but non the less, i cant shake the feeling of that Rio will not get a happy ending at the end of game.

Thats it for now...

I loved the episode overall, i would rate with 4,5/5.... BUT BUT BUT. I cant, cause 12 months waiting, to see such a ridiculous amount of unnecessary things (first of all the animations) was just too much. He could have released the episode in 9 months too, if not the whole brawler game would be animated and other shit too. It makes me mad.

Its near my favorite episodes yes, but the waiting time, especially additional 2 or 3 months only for the animations... yeah that alone pulls down everything a lot.

I really hope DPC decides to let most of the things like they are. The brawler game is done... just let it be, add more stats and thats it. No need for additional animations here. The fish game too, they are moving... just transfer it into episode 11 and be good about it. But yeah, we all know... it will not be the case. So, everything else than 12 months wating time for episode 11 would be a huge surprise, and its not ok. Yeah contenwise DPC easily beat every other DEV here, but he could deliver the same amo8unt of content in way shorter time, cause animations dont add anything to the playtime. Stick with lewd animations, and add some nice ones here and there... but he went so much overboard... ugh. Even way more than in ep 9.

final words? Screw phones for communication, Dildo-vibrator is the communication future!


Aug 27, 2019
Yep. A lot of the whining really does feel entirely "my fave girl didn't get a sex scene". Frankly I see anyone complaining about the Madame stuff when they're playing the DIK playthrough as hilariously lacking in self-awareness in how that character's disposability is exactly the sort of thing the "DIK" arc is geared towards in many respect.


Aug 27, 2019
Nick fucked Heather, no surprise here. Well besides... why did Heather choose nick? Lets face it... he is a snitch and not very interesting character, dear Heather... why nick if you could have been with funny Leon? Well maybe... cause Nick is the only one who would betray a DIK-brother like that, Leon wouldnt do it i guess. I dont trust him one bit, never did, never will... he was or is friends with Vinny, no way a good "brother" would be friend with someone like him. Not even Tommy is. I really hope someday Nick will be thrown out from the DIKs, he doesnt add anything of value to the frat, is only tagging along and yeah... he cant be trusted.
I actually have the complete opposite view of Nick, he feels like someone who is trustworthy but it's taken advantage of (it sounds like Heather knew Nick was heavily into her and played him for revenge). If anything he highlights the hypocrisy and duplicity of Tommy and Vinny respectively.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2020
Damn it, 1 year of waiting and so little content.
The game is no longer worth the wait. This episode was alright, not bad but nothing special either. It was better than the last episode.

This episode felt super super short. Instead of attempting to make animations where you don't even notice them and mini games, he can create more renders to make branches longer. The only meaningful branch I felt was Jill and Sage. The Bella and Maya & and Josy were lackluster, with the M&J path feeling the shortest. There's almost no difference in dialogues between the branches. The Thanksgiving dinner scene was exactly the same on all branches, even if you are Maya's boyfriend.
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Crusader of Romance

Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2019
I'm playing the new episode and one thing bothering me is how Maya is dressing. I just don't see her as someone who dress in see-through tops. She didn't dree like that during the summer, why is she suddenly doing it in the late fall? Sure, DPC created her so I guess he knows her best, it's just not the picture of her I got during the first two seasons. It might make more sense if she dates the MC and becomes more confident, I don't know.
Not that there's anything wrong with how she dresses, see-through tops are in right now, I have seen plenty of examples both IRL and online. In fact, someone I follow on Instagram had one very similar to the one Maya has when she visits the MC and she's not the type who dresses very revealing otherwise so maybe I'm wrong about it? Maybe I read too much into it? Maybe I should just get with the times? :ROFLMAO:

Also, why do the MC keep imagining his mom naked? That's just weird.:LOL:


Active Member
Nov 13, 2023
Honestly im getting tired of DPC's anime level twists.
Are we suppose to even feel any sympathy for Stephen?
The 'bad' guy who's bordering on some grey area of morality type shit.
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So he clearly had this issue with Jade and their relationship a whole decade prior to the current timeline and for some reason as a grown ass man who's a millionaire, his next course of action was the be the dean of a college and solicitate with girls as young as his daughter as well as his wife's colleagues.

Bruh I don't get this he tells his therapist, his wife (Jade) doesn't make him feel wanted due to being barren. Which is first off, completely dumb writing, like DPC just skewered this whole dynamic when stephen was the one who started cheating blatantly which in turn made Jade feel unwanted and eventually became her sole reason of sleeping with MC.

Like wtf is this paradoxical shit.

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Blud she had every right to when you're incessantly trying to sleep with Bella and already did something with Cathy your wife's best friend. What is DPC smoking here.

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Dec 31, 2022

My respect for Patrick shot through the roof. Never judge a character without knowing them and their motives. I can't believe that a fictional character made me this emotional. He became a personal inspiration. i hope he gets a happy ending... Please let him have one :HideThePain:. I'm not the biggest maya fan but i'll dedicate a playthrough for her just so that i can follow patricks story.
Jim Collins — 'Bad decisions made with good intentions, are still bad decisions.'

Backstory only tells you why he acts like he does, that does not justify all his actions.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2020
I understand that, the thing is that people around the forums said the last release was a disapointment, while others said it was good, there's no middle in between.

I've played this for like 3 years ago probably, so maybe if I buy time I give this another chance. Anyway ty for answer.
Has there ever been a release in any game that everyone thought was good? Even some of the "best" updates from the games in your sig have people on both sides (i recall the heist update being kind of split). Personally the game has not really "changed" too much since you last played (other than forcing you to pick an LI) which can make it feel more sparse (even more so if just 1 route) if i were you i would keep it "in my back pocket" so you can play (or fap) to bits of it if you are bored waiting for other updates


Engaged Member
May 25, 2017
Probably because BaDIK is a brand itself and expectations are enormous. As in every game, there are good and bad things in each update but you will never find everyone happy in game with so many branches and updates once a year.

You can like a story and mini-games or not but undeniable fact is that DPC is pushing RenPy to the limits or at least far ahead of any other dev does. New cut-scenes animations are like you never seen before in RenPy AVN, he really pushed it forward with 3D animations (look like Brawler looks like) this time. Every update I see him trying to improve and polish already implemented stuff and tries to add something new even if major cut of players don't like/want that (fish minigame is my personal top).
Animations aren't a RenPy thing. The models are from engines like Daz, Honey Select, etc. If we take that into account for example, Caribdis improved immensely since his last game when it comes to explore RenPy. But many aren't aware of that because they don't like Honey Select graphics. Which is completly understandable, many don't like it, it's a matter of taste. But I'm just giving this example because animation isn't a RenPy's engine thing. You still need to be able to explore it's limitations though, in that regard I agree. And probably the multi pathing zianski mentioned is as versitable as some of you imply then yes, he's using the engine to the limit.
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4.70 star(s) 1,612 Votes