It's not ironic. Maya was only really drunk in EP5. What does Josy say to Maya in EP6 when Maya told Josy to make her feel less comfortable with the MC? Josy says so Maya could drink some alcohol beforehand so she could loosen up a bit. Looser, not drunk, there's a difference.
EP01: Maya makes out with the MC without having had anything to drink.
EP02: Maya makes out with the MC and has only had half a beer beforehand.
EP03: Maya and the MC make out (sex) without Maya having had anything to drink.
EP05: Maya is drunk. But here the MC's player has to decide whether he wants to fuck Josy or the drunk Maya.
EP06: In the first threesome, Maya is not drunk, but Josy is.
EP07: Maya only drinks a Popsi soda.
EP08: You don't get drunk from a beer and 2-3 shots of whisky, just loose. Besides, it was a party.
EP09: It's a party again. Josy and Maya have a drink. But Maya is not drunk at the end of the second Freeroam event, where she has had sex with the MC for the first time in EP9.
EP10: What does Maya drink with the MC beforehand? A beer. You don't get drunk from that. At the BBQ all 3 didn't drink much.
But let's do the same for Josy.
EP01: Josy has brought vodka to the first date and is even tipsy. She even says that to the MC.
EP02: Josy drinks wine on her date with the MC.
EP05: Josy also drinks champagne, just not from the bottle and less.
EP06: Josy isn't drunk, just like Maya isn't either. But Josy has a drink at the end of EP6.
EP07: So Josy drank alcohol before the first sex in EP7. During the second sex in EP7, Josy didn't drink any alcohol and neither did Maya. During Josy's third sex in EP7, the MC mixed Josy the alcohol himself.
EP08: Josy didn't drink before the gym and had sex. During the dorm party, Josy had a drink, at least 1 beer, but didn't have sex with the MC. But she made out with the MC in public.
EP09: Josy drinks the punch and not Maya.
EP10: Josy and the MC have sex without drinking alcohol. But so did Maya and the MC in EP1, EP3, EP6 and EP7.
Do you know what I see with Josy and Maya? Just normal teenage behavior. They drink alcohol on a date and a bit more alcohol at a party. But neither Josy nor Maya need alcohol to have sex with the MC.
You're just echoing what you've written and forgetting the previous context.