I didn't mean anything about Jill. It's more like a Freudian thing between Bella and MС. But that doesn't mean Jill can't be dominant in their relationship, she just does it indirectly, by showing off her position and how superior she is to MС. I don't think it's intentional on DrPinkCake"s part, but it sure seems like it. She takes him around in her fancy car, pays for everything when they go out, invites him to her place for expensive dinner with all her rich friends. And here's the kicker. When she finds out her boyfriend is seeing someone else, she dumps him like he's a bad investment. She had this whole idea in her head about him and when he didn't live up to her expectations, she just broke up with him. And he didn't even try to argue or convince her he was different. To her, he was just some sweet poor guy she'd made up in her mind. I guess you could say Jill's story is about unmet expectations.