Looking at the size of her, is it me or has she shrunk. judging by her shoulders to booty distance ? or has she always been this small ?
in ep9, mc just picked her up, and we can see, she hasnt panties, you can check back about her size. but she was always small girl with big mouth
He will give something, maybe Sally, maybe don't. I more hopeful for Elena.
both are better
But I can see a scenario where Fuckface decides he can't fuck Sally unless she breaks up with Magnar first.
dont give ideas to dpc. not this kind of ideas. it is bad
But it's still a bit strange. Sally has a smart laptop, like Josy. The MC also has a laptop. It's assumed that it's the DIK laptop. That raises a question for me?
What if the MC comes up with the idea of having Sally look for a virus on the laptop?
but... wait... what about vinny? as i remember, he stole the laptop from the safe in ep9 and full ep10 totally ignore it, what is so strange, but not a suprise from badik
As for me it should be optional case with choice.
Plus there must be conditions for open a scene based on previous choices. For example, MC should have done more DIK options when interacting with Sally and helped her in Ep.9. Why DIK? Sally having problems with "nerdy good boy" Magnar and want to try something opposite.
We'll see, maybe she stop being a cunt after a good dicking.
Dear FBI, if you read this, she's not underage
nah, Sally is a dik girl, Jill is a chick girl, first DnG showed it.
and probably yes, as Rio, Lily, Quinn, Maya etc have to "like" you. probably Sally too
Would you kiss Sally after Magnar nuts in her mouth?
please, dont ruin Sally. better scenario, Magnar kiss after mc nuts in her mouth
She can brush her teeth. She can brush her teeth. She can brush her teeth. She can brush her teeth.