Am I late for the party? Eh, here's my two cents. Just so you know, I'm gonna be defending Tommy here
can't believe I've found myself agreeing with Dav
1. Here I was supposed to be on Tommy's side, but this one is where I mostly agree with you, Geralt. Shooting up hard drugs never leads to a good outcome, m'kay? Although I still wanna point out that it is ultimately Tommy's choice/right to put whatever he wants into his body.
2. Perhaps, but the thing is, he's MC's frat brother. And who is Heather to Fuckface? A nobody. So why would anyone hold against Tommy something, that is a part of his private/personal life? Ain't my business what's going on in that relationship.
3. Ah, here's the juicy part. What is this "secret code" at its core? A seemingly convinient and more than a little arbitrary method to sweep the dirt under a rug that a bunch of dumb college kids came up with in order to protect themselves whenever they fuck somebody they shouldn't have fucked in the first place (or when they do some other dumb shit). Like with Josy, MC knew all too well how Tommy's gonna react to that revelation, and he still didn't end things with Josy (and Maya). He was careless and, if you ask me, inconsiderate of Tommy's feelings. And I'm not even gonna cover the Derek bit, that shit was for laughs and shouldn't even be considered a "violation" of the code.
How did Lily put this? Something like, "aren't codes more like a bunch of guidelines that everyone cherry-picks from?" Hear, hear.
4. He could've handled it better, true. Maybe he could talk to Trem after he calmed down and clearly let him know that Vinny is one crazy son of a bitch. But right after Trem's altercation with Vinny, our Snowflake McFuckface was shaken up so dad he was ready to call the cops. I believe I don't need to remind you of the consequences of that for the whole frat, not just for Tommy.
5. Personally, I'm in the "Tommy cares about Josy more than he lets on" camp, so I would attribute that to his overprotectiveness. I might eat my words later, who knows? But for now, I'll keep being optimistic.
6. Who isn't and wouldn't be jealous of that guy? In a couple of months, he became the most popular guy on campus. That kind of success breeds jealousy even in the most unenvious people. And frankly, MC needs someone to be skeptical of him. We don't want Trem's success to get to his head, do we?
I guess I can relate to him somewhat. He's the guy whose temper and bad habits tend to get the better of him, despite him not being a bad person, really. Let's look at his record so far: did a shitty job as a father? Came around, apologized, and made an effort to make things up with MC. Threw a fit after the mansion was trashed? He calmed down, started doing his part, and found a gig for the DIKs to make some more money. Yelled at Quinn for ruining the evaluation party? He admitted his part of the blame, apologized, and gave Quinn a chance to do the same. And so on, and so forth.
This is a personal thing, but I tend to prefer this particular character trope Tommy embodies so well: Jerk with a heart of gold
don't shoot me for being cheesy, that's just how they named the trope on TVTropes!. Cripples, bastards and broken things tend to be the most amusing people for me, both in fiction and IRL.