I took my run with all the LIs to the eighth chapter.
the seventh chapter is a good chapter, it has one flaw however unlike those in the sixth are less annoying. of course i am referring to the rebound guy, which for when absurd has two merits: it only affects those who are in Sage's path and also they pretty much all forget about it after it happened, like Mc sleeping under the bed drunk, weird episode, better not to talk about it.
in the end the whole rebound guy thing could have been solved with MC asking Sage that he wanted their relationship to stop being clandestine and Sage taking his time, no running away and long silences, but DPC likes people running away.
indeed in the end the seventh chapter has the flaw, not its own but in retrospect, of having good cues completely wasted afterwards.
the eighth chapter is an average chapter that is saved for having the first two times of Jill and Bella, otherwise it would be davveor little thing.
but I wanted to make a point about the run in general: carrying on all the LIs until the last moment makes the story make more sense, MC actually has guilt and it is comprnesible that seeing all of them except Sage at the recital makes him want to make a decision.
the only jarring, but that one still remains even without carrying through all the LIs is Bella's behavior toward Jill: if we are both courting Bella knows it, and yet she pretends not to until the last moment by being caught in a sudden hypocritical morality.
any other double-cross is pretty much MC's sole responsibility, but in the case of Jill and Bella, the librarian carries a good deal of responsibility
icing on the cake, if we choose Bella is the only situation in which no one warns Mc about Jill's last date, which, if not related to her, Mc decides not to attend, but if he chooses Bella he does not make that decision either.
In my opinion it pretty much ruins the run, and it's a shame because Bella was the LI who had benefited most from the second season