I was a fan boy of Acting Lessons, still is, i played it 8 times up to now, but Badik is a disappointment to me, because of thoses filler episodes and the lack of progress of the main story and that hybride thing between a VN and a SandBox.Feedback has to be raw and constructive criticism should be taken by DPC.I know this is his full time project but u can't give a mediocre product and expect everyone to fanboy blindly.Of course I am one of the fanboys but I call a spade a spade.Fix your writing cut down on the fillers yes filler episodes and move the story forward instead of wasting months and months on these side quests which don't mean anything to the players.Waiting for a whole year and no tangible progress with regards to the minimum basic expectations of the players is atrocious.I am not asking you to do fan service but please don't be D&D of game of thrones where they screwed a world class product and made a mediocre product in the end.Dont be that guy please.Cheers
I was so hype about this in the beginning, now, it's deleted from my computer cause the update are taking to long, compared to acting lessons and a main story that seem like it's not to the half way point despite having started in early 2019, even the pandemic didn't last that long.
Just sad that Badik isn't as good as Acting Lessons.