Oh yeah... That's real cruelty.
What did he do to deserve it? Stole her underwear?
Okay, I agree, not the best thing for a gentleman to do...
But is it worth sending him to the hospital and possibly making him disabled?
The question is rhetorical. I'm sure most people here will say it was worth it.
I won't argue with that. But...
Many of those who are ready to turn a blind eye to this display of violence, persistently continue to accuse Divine Quinn of something. And they do it completely groundlessly.
Yes, I know that Divine Quinn herself calls herself guilty. But she's wrong. Even she can be wrong.
She's not guilty of anything !
She didn't kill anyone or even cause serious harm to anyone.
Manipulation? But it's impossible to manipulate someone against their will.
If someone manipulates a person, it mean that they themselves are not against it.
Quinn didn't force Riona to buy from her, Riona did it willingly.
Quinn didn't force Riona to work for her, Riona did it of her own free will.
Therefore, it can't be said that what happened to Riona, all these terrible things, happened because of Quinn.
No. Riona herself wanted to lead such a lifestyle.
Every person in this world, in this life, is responsible for their actions.
For their own, and not for someone else's.
No one can say - I was deceived, I was manipulated. No, it doesn't work.
But Divine Quinn, by virtue of her impeccable Holiness, is ready to take responsibility for other people's sins...
Truly the greatest Holiness.

Praise to Divine Quinn.