I wonder how his majesty DPC plans to fit everything in 14-16 episodes. With all the branching and new characters introduced and their stories unfolding it's becoming too much in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I love the content for Lily's story, Nikita looks amazing and I'd love to see how DPC will handle her character, Tara and Tiffani are interesting too, Nora's and Nicole's stories are also kinda exciting and also especially difficult seeing that one wants a kid and another already has one and both want something serious in a relationship, but it's just too much. I feel like he'll either have to choose whom to sideline or on whom to focus in the upcoming episodes. Or he'll have to make a giant fucking episode weighing a fucking terabyte worth of memory including all possible branching and routes without sidelining anyone. In any case this will force him to rush the story if he plans to fit it in 14-16 episodes and I don't really like it. In 3 episodes from 9-11 we've gone from october, to halloween to christmas, while in the span of first 8 episodes we've covered only like august-october midterms. Maybe it's my perception of timeline in the game that's fucked up, but I definitely don't think everything's going to fit in 14-16 episodes, if he plans ro progress the main plot, resolve the main conflicts and unfold the side stories/runs at the same time.
Edit: I'm not even talking about the fucking minigames and freeroams that are soooooooo loved by us fans. the puzzle and the math classes are definitely the most memorable parts of this episode